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Author Topic: Coronavirus info, facts & updates  (Read 24587 times)

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #135 on: March 16, 2020, 08:35:59 PM »
I live in South Florida and am doing fine. It's a little crazy here. There have been several coronavirus cases in my city and several in the surrounding areas, and on Friday all schools were closed. That puts my boyfriend, a substitute teacher, out of work with no pay :/ He does have a second job, thankfully.

I'm a nanny and my boss called me this morning to say not to come to the house because she had respiratory symptoms; we're pretty sure she's not sick with COVID-19, but we're all being extra careful. As is happening everywhere, large gatherings have been cancelled, and people are panic-buying like a hurricane is coming.

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #136 on: March 16, 2020, 09:27:52 PM »
Well, I officially got layed off today, I work in food industry, so I can't say I'm surprised (honestly I was surprised at the number of customers we would still get even yesterday before it was ordered by or governor that bars/restaurants are to be closed and on "take out/delivery only"

My sons school is also closed for 3 weeks

I'm going from working almost 60-70 hrs a week to a big fat zero x.x I don't do well with idle time, but maybe ill be able to get some crafting in?
I decided to make some new cloth pads since.. why not? (i have an adhesive allergy so disposable period pads are ouchie down there for me, but also environmental reasons encoraged me to switch years ago) but Now I did that, I'm not sure what to do with myself.
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #137 on: March 17, 2020, 01:16:20 AM »
Dollar General just announced starting tomorrow, the first hour of each shopping day will be for seniors only so they can get their stuff outside of the busiest times (plus they will start closing an hour early).
That's a nice idea, actually. I could also see them assign employees as runners to get seniors stuff they need if its just one or two things throughout the day also.
Apparently we got 63 cases now? I'm off work until Saturday so it's time to be blind to how shoppers are reacting again.

Iceland store here is doing the same thing.
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #138 on: March 17, 2020, 01:45:34 AM »
The government seem to have changed a lot of our advice based on yesterday's report from the COVID-19 response team at Imperial college London. I have to say it's now more in line with what I told my parents to do last Wednesday. Also they finally mentioned pregnant women and it turns out that yes i was correct to prep and self isolate. Hmm.
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #139 on: March 17, 2020, 05:14:41 AM »
Meanwhile, over here - all foreigners will be sent to government quarantine centers and they must pay for it themselves (about $100/day). Where you go, depends on where you came from. Can't really lie either because they use the GPS on your phone to check where you have been the past 14 days.
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #140 on: March 17, 2020, 05:57:00 AM »
1. Where do you live?
Northeast Wisconsin, USA, close to Green Bay. 

2. What is the current climate like where you're at?
Panic has not set in yet. However, I hear that Colonvirus19 has hit because we are out of toilet paper everywhere!

I live in a heavy paper production area, I do not forsee an issue with the restocking of paper products. There's a county down south that packages sanitizing wipes, so the hope is we see stocks re-replenished more regularly.

Schools are mandated to close by 3/18/2020. We're limited to gatherings of 10 or less now. Over the weekend it was hit or miss from store to store, for paper products/sanitizing but most still had some food stocks remaining. In my county there's word of 1 case that's being tested. Counties to the south have more tests pending and confirmed cases. We all know that it is here, it would only be a matter of time.
I still have work for my full time job (hopefully I'll find out today if I have to work from home or if I'll man the fort), but my two part time in home respite care jobs for special needs adults are on hold for awhile, which makes me a sad panda.

Wal-Mart will not be open 24/7 anymore  :rolleyes:

3. Are news reports coming from your area accurate or no? What is going on?
Lacking global reports. Pretty much a daily statement that our healthcare system is unable to handle a pandemics worth of ill people.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 05:59:23 AM by mlp4me »

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #141 on: March 17, 2020, 06:33:23 AM »
1. Where do you live?
Germany, Lower Saxony

2. What is the current climate like where you're at?
Slowly the people are more and more oanicking it seems. Ive been grocery "hunting" a few hours ago and people were like crazy! No toilet paper, no milk, waaay less cat food than normal (bad thing is, my cat hates what was left... well shes got to learn to still eat it). I think it is starting to get heated here.

3. Are news reports coming from your area accurate or no? What is going on?
No local news yet, it seems like no one here has gotten sick yet.
All schools and Kindergartens are closed. Stores that dont carry daily supplies like food, meds, hygiene stuff and such are closed. Cinemas, Gyms, swimming halls and so on are closed.

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #142 on: March 17, 2020, 06:57:44 AM »
1. Central Ohio
2. Store shelves are empty. Restaurants/bars are carry-out or drive-thru only. Police can't respond with EMS or Fire calls. They are being asked not to respond to calls unless there is violence, an accident or a major event/major traffic problem.
3. So far no confirmed cases in my county as of yesterday. We have heard from the governor several times so I'd say they are accurate. Schools and church activities are closed until further notice. My husband is a police officer, so he has to go to work. I am a work at home mom with a 4-year-old. I also have an autoimmune disease. And I just caught a cold. I don't think I will be going anywhere for a while.

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #143 on: March 17, 2020, 07:34:15 AM »
Schools and church activities are closed until further notice.
Ohio schools technically closed for 3 weeks, with a consideration of 6 extra weeks. (This is obviously going to happen). I think within the 2 weeks excluding spring break they are going to finalize remote instruction, and then carry it out for the rest of the school year.

I know my music teacher friend has already made lessons. And my preschool teacher said there should be something from her (that conversation was held on Friday. She said there meetings about it, and more specifics today).

Religious gatherings (as of right now) are exempt from the 100 gathering ban placed March 12... So it's up to churches to cancel things on an individual basis. Although I see you saw activities.. I just figured I'd point it because I believe other areas religious places are not exempt.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 07:37:04 AM by banditpony »
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #144 on: March 17, 2020, 08:04:03 AM »
They at first said 3 weeks but are now talking possibly the remainder of the year. That's why I said until further notice.

I said church activities because although we didn't have services this week all church gatherings were put on hold until further notice. And that's where I live. In this city. Not necessarily in the entire state.

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #145 on: March 17, 2020, 08:15:50 AM »
They at first said 3 weeks but are now talking possibly the remainder of the year. That's why I said until further notice.
:/ That's sort of what I said... I just like stating things as they stand now.

That's why I pointed out the two weeks off is really for teachers to learn how to remote teach, and get their lessons all together and the remainder will be online. And that's why is fragmented from 3 weeks off, and then an additional 6 weeks. ETA: Confirmed my district is remote learning by the end of the month.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 01:46:51 PM by banditpony »
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #146 on: March 17, 2020, 08:55:01 AM »
The governor was on again, there's been another death overnight and more confirmed cases bringing the total to 192. Bars and night clubs will close tonight at 5. Some beaches have been closed. Restaurants are to operate at only 50% capacity and keep groups of people at least 6 feet apart. No groups of more than 10 are allowed anywhere. He's still saying that most decisions are up to each mayor though. I think as time goes on, that'll change. He needs to do things statewide.
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #147 on: March 17, 2020, 09:28:01 AM »
The speech of the prime minister yesterday was just like he is the king. Nothing news but being serious and supportive. He described that there are 3 possibilities with this situation
1. People can get "controlled sick" so they can get immune, combined with the current situation.
2. Do nothing at all and then there is a chance a lot of people will die.
3. Total lockdown, but he also mentioned that this could take months.

So option 1 is probably our best bet and we have to see what the coming weeks will bring.

Meanwhile the restaurants are allowed to do take off and deliveries. Even the pot smokers can get their stash through a window.
Today me and my collegues started to work at home so we can stay healthy. During my lunchbreak I went to the grocery store and it was luckily not packed like Friday. But you were able to see the cleaning and toiletpaper isle wasn't filled. 
Kings day is cancelled in the south of the country because the king & queen were supposed to visit that area and there wouldn't be enough time for preparations. Same is for the Easter play The Passion in that area.

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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #148 on: March 17, 2020, 10:00:00 AM »
Option 1 is where we started off, option 3 is where we are teetering now, option 2 has never been on the table.

UK numbers of cases up today but also number of tests up so I don't know what can be read into that at the moment. Mathematically about 4% of people being tested are positive, they are currently only testing people in medical care and not regionally but are going to increase that going forward and probably return to regionally. So I'm expecting numbers to go up.

Chief Health people saying we'll know more in 2-3 weeks about whether the isolation models being rolled out right now are going to work but that if observed stringently they could make a big difference.

We'll see.

For all last 3 years BBC had a separate special brexit tag on the news bar which dominated our news for ages. Now it is replaced by one saying Coronavirus. :/
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 10:12:17 AM by Taffeta »
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Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« Reply #149 on: March 17, 2020, 10:17:37 AM »
No cases confirmed in my area yet.

Some stores are hiring police/guards and stationing them in the toilet paper/paper towels section to make sure that people don't try to buy more than the limit.

People are starting to buy massive amounts of food including meat. I overhead someone asking an employee how long a loaf of bread would last

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