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Messages - TimeDance

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Customs / Re: Sugar Moonlight: Flutter Pony Custom
« on: February 13, 2025, 06:55:47 PM »
She looks good! I love the color scheme of this character.

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: February 12, 2025, 07:04:14 AM »
I transformed my Zooey into a winter princess. I also dyed her hair slightly darker than her skin. It looks better to me.

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For Sale - For Auction / Slimming down my personal collection
« on: February 11, 2025, 07:38:32 PM »
I'm getting rid of some ponies to make room. I'm giving you lovely pony people first dibs before it all goes on Ebay.

I take paypal only. I am open to trade for fairy tail birds.

Feel free to ask any questions.

These two babies are alternate rehairs. They had nice bodies, but damaged or missing hair. $10 each OBO
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These G3 blue ponies are all in excellent condition with no major flaws of note. $7 each
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These are $10 Each
Starshine's body is super white with some rubs and discoloration on the cutie marks.
Heartthrob has minimal scuffing on one cutie mark. - SOLD
Fizzy Pop is nearly flawless
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Wish I might - $20 - She's in excellent condition
Bright Eyes - $30 OBO - She has some flaws and stains on her body, but her hair is pretty nice.
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Plum Sweet - $40
Hair is a bit rough at the at the tips.
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Pony Corral / Re: So Who are the NEW 2025 Basic Fun Workout 80s Ponies?
« on: February 11, 2025, 04:18:19 PM »
I'm excited to get a better look! I'm glad we still have new G1 style ponies that come out from places like Basic Fun and and HQG1C.

I honestly wouldn't mind new G3 ponies either.

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: February 11, 2025, 03:51:07 PM »
I haven't posted for a while, but I still play with my dolls. Here's some new looks.

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The Dollhouse / Re: anyone else like the magic mixies pixlings?
« on: February 11, 2025, 03:29:00 PM »
I think they are SO adorable. I haven't bought one yet. I'm already collecting so many other things. I can't afford yet another toy line to start collecting. (Unless I see one I just HAVE to have.) But I love looking at all the reviews when people get them. There's a horse one that's called Pippa, I believe, and she is DARLING. I'm tempted to get her.

Also, they don't seem to stay on the shelves here in my area. I don't know if we just don't get a lot here or if they immediately get bought up. I don't see them in the wild very often.

The Dollhouse / Re: Jem and the Holograms from The Loyal Subjects
« on: February 11, 2025, 03:26:01 PM »
I just found her at Walmart the other day. She is huge. The tallest doll I own. But really great doll for the price.

I also hope they do more. I want Aja and Stormer.

Off Topic / Re: Letting go of collections
« on: May 25, 2023, 03:47:55 PM »
I've moved a lot much of my adult life, so it's forced me to keep my collections lean. Everything I buy I always think "I'm going to have to pack this up one day." So being able to get boxes of stuff OUT of my place makes me feel like I'm giving less work to myself in the long run. I also have people who are low key hoarders in my life, which have also caused me to be mindful of what I bring in.

I don't want to ever be that person who hoards things, but doesn't enjoy them. If they're packed in a box somewhere and I haven't looked at them for years, why have them? I try to go through my collections and do the "Does this still spark joy" thing at least every two years, if not every year. This also includes cleaning out old art and sketchbooks and getting rid of books I don't plan on reading again.

There is a lightness that comes with spring cleaning. And selling off nerd stuff gives me extra money to buy other nerd stuff. We are always changing. As we grow older, we love new things and maybe lose love for old things we used to love. It's okay to change and alter your collections to change with you. Granted, I do feel like my way of curating my collections is a little intense for some people who are also taking stock of their collections in a healthy way.

I have sometimes gotten too hasty about getting rid of things and regretted it. So what I do now when I'm cleaning out stuff is I set aside the things I'm considering getting rid of, whether donating or selling. And then I let it sit for a bit while I marinate in that decision. Sometimes I've fished a few things back out and sometimes I've added other things in. And ultimately I do feel better about my decision when I finally let it go.

Ultimately, you should only be letting go of the things you don't love anymore. If you still love it, if you would be sad to part with it, keep it. If you are sad to see ponies go to new homes, maybe it's not time yet.

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: May 23, 2023, 01:16:45 PM »
I curled my Sabrina's hair and I am loving how it turned out!

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Shoo-be-doo! MerMay Art Challenge
« on: May 22, 2023, 07:00:38 AM »
Everyone is doing such amazing work! Loving it.

I'm way too slow.   >_<   Here is my grown up Dipper:

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I had no idea Baby Dipper has such nice colors.  Now I want her.

She is so SO pretty! I love her!

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: May 16, 2023, 05:11:25 PM »
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Here's a few of my dolls. I currently have 13 with one on the way. Some have had their hair washed, and some haven't. Some have had their hair styled and some are still waiting. I have a few naked dolls on my office desk waiting for glow ups.

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: May 11, 2023, 06:08:23 PM »
You have a Phaedra! I want her so much!

I really like seeing the doll collections of the people who don't get every doll, but only the ones that speak to them. I also like hearing about dolls purchased they thought they would like and then ended up not liking as much and visa versa.

That happened to me recently. I bought Karla and Olivia at the same time. I really wanted Karla, her outfit is so amazing and I decided I would just grab Olivia because I've seen her around. But taking them out of the box, I LOVE Olivia and I'm kinda cooling down on Karla. But I haven't done the hair of either doll yet, so that can change.

The Dollhouse / Re: COSMIC COUTURE - A Rainbow High Fan-Project
« on: May 06, 2023, 07:54:47 AM »
These are so cool! I think Jupiter is my fave. Would def buy if I saw that doll on the shell. I also really like Shabana.

I love how Rainbow high pulls fashion aesthetics from real looks. They're like hidden Easter eggs. I couldn't believe there were even some 90's references like from Clueless or Brittany Spears.

The Dollhouse / Re: Rainbow High?
« on: May 05, 2023, 07:16:39 AM »
Congrats on your new dolls, TimeDance! I've also tried thrifting for them but no luck.  I don't think kids are ready to give theirs up yet.

It's been a bit boring lately waiting to see news of new releases.  Obviously, there are plenty of dolls out there but it kind made my day to see upcoming ones.

Yes! LOL I completely agree I want to see what new stuff is coming out. My wallet doesn't want to see it, but I do. Even though there are plenty of dolls still on the shelf I want. I am making myself slow down because I have been buying so many in such a short amount of time. Maybe one doll a paycheck, unless there's a clearance or something.

I really like to see what the collections look like of collectors who only get the dolls they like and aren't completionists. I like seeing which dolls "spoke to them" and made them want to get them.

Customs / Re: Customs of 2023
« on: May 02, 2023, 08:26:59 PM »
I love that top one! So shiny! And the antlers are so heavy duty and look amazing!

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