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The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3

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We had signs up around here for a while a year or two back just because some cases in birds were found somewhere in the country but I'm not sure they're still there. We have a lot of birds here, the garden ones plus the waterbirds, but touch wood have had no incidents in this area in those populations. I'm not really worried about it, honestly.

More concerned about our government's ableist crusade, and the lies they keep telling about PIP.

Bus broke down yesterday. It wasn't the one I was on, but it caused a delay in the one service (our bus runs in 2 directions clockwise and anticlockwise, and to get to a place and back sometimes means using the same bus and sometimes means using the other one. I needed to get the clockwise bus back from the local town after coming back from the county town. I ended up having to scramble to catch it at a different stop because it was out of its usual sequence.

I am still not amused that the Council defunded all the original subsidised routes to pay for bus routes nobody asked for, most of which now run empty. The only ones that don't are mine and another one, but mine is compensating for three or four removed routes on one bus (at a reduced frequency.) One of the buses they have been subsidising for a year has no stops for the first 30 mins of its route and then apes another existing commercial route, so picks up no passengers. Most of them also serve areas that already have commercial bus routes, leaving large areas with no bus route at all.

Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

I had to go to every website that has my payment info and update it for my new card. The amount of codes sent to my phone so I could verify who I was is ridiculous. For my phone, which is AT&T, they sent me four sperate codes! One for each step of 1 - getting into my account, 2 - adding my new card, 3 - deleting my old card, 4 - verify my information. OMG. I know protecting your info online is important but is that really necessary? I've got like 30 codes in my texts!


--- Quote from: Taffeta on May 02, 2024, 08:41:45 AM ---Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

--- End quote ---

we have similar issues here too. unfortunately :( i'm curious about the political parties in Britain. I know there is a parliament instead of the 3 branches we have in the US. But i only ever hear about 2 political parties, the Tories and Labour. are there other smaller parties that don't make in into the US coverage? I wish we had more viable parties here. but i'm not sure more parties is leading to voters having more input in places with more than 2 parties.

anyway my complaint today is my back and head hurt. i really crash towards the end of the day. i woke up at 4am so i guess it makes sense given i've been up for 14+ hours already. but still it's annoying. i still have stuff to do.

I slept for a long time but it wasn't good sleep. I have a headache, eyeache and there's a very painful pimple in my ear -_-

My gripe today is that there are too many options for college. If art isn't viable in the future I will become an attorney, but there's just so much out there I might not like it.


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