First of all ; I'm really sorry for staying away from the arena for so long ;_;
I'm quite ashamed because I let some people down (I really have to pm quick D:)
So, yeah, I hope you don't mind me coming back x'3
In meantime I drew some things.. (the newest are above, the oldest at the bottom)
These are my last ACEO trades from DA

My traditional art didn't got any better, but that will soon change hopefully. The characters are a lynx/fox hybrid and a marsupial lion
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loginNext was a trade with the talented Stalit on DA/PI
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login... A lovely fox I adopted from someone on DA, with the name Aikume
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loginAnd this drawing was the payment for Aikume x'D
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loginAnd again, I did two ACEO's :I They're addicting
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loginAnd I hooope someone recognizes this boy ?
(He's my hybrid character, Ignis <3 This was supposed to be a scene of the story... And some kind of remake of a horrible picture I did in 2008, lol. he was a MLP with pants back then
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loginAnd SillyHearts was also on the list ! <33 I've neglected her too much..
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loginAnd I promise this is the last one >>
This was a trade for someone on DA, of her (somewhat agressive) wolfie.
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loginI'm sorry again for my dissapearence and for the large dump :c