Pony Talk > Introductions

It's me, sillymoosey at the new Arena!

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I see that some old members are making new Introductions threads so I will join in since I haven't introduced myself since 2005  :blush:
I spend a lot of time at the Arena, I like all generations but my main focus right now is G1s (mostly Nirvanas) and G2s (after I bought the Collector's Guide, I fell in love with these silly girls!). For the G3s, I only try to get the exclusives (ex. Comic Con, Fair ponies, etc.) and I can't resist picking up a few G4s at the store, for me or my kids. I started collecting in 2005 when I found out about ebay and my first goal was to rebuild my beloved childhood collection. Needless to say I went way beyond that when I found out about all of the cool ponies that I didn't know existed as a kid  :biggrin:
Besides spending time at the Arena, I'm also a wife and mother of three (boy age 6, girl age 4 and girl age 1) who works as a college biology teacher.
Well, that's it for me! See you around the forums. I spend most of my time in the Nirvana, Brags and Customs forums and I drop by the What's Your Problem forum to try and give advice to those who want it...

Welcome to the new Arena, Moosey!  :hug:

Welcome back!!

:welcome: to the New Arena! Glad you made it over here. :frolic:

Welcome to our new home!


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