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What did you do for Halloween?

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Sorry I dropped the ball on this topic :yikes:

I didn't do anything. Kids don't even trick or treat in the complex. The office has games and gives out candy instead.

Did you do anything? Dress up? Show off your costumes/pumpkins/decorations :D

Took my child out for trick or treating... dealt with social drama... met other parents.  it was -7 so very cold.  Thankfully no snow! 

Rainlove The Pegasus:
I went out trick or treating with my friend. She is only a year older than me. She was Edna Mode from the incredibles and I was Rainbow Dash. I carried my Build A Bear as an accessory. I didn't get a ton of candy only because it was cold and raining at my area.

Heart Of Midnight:
I just enjoy movies and good food. :)
Fortunately, we didn't have anyone ring the doorbell because we had already eaten the candies.  :lmao:

Nothing on the day, but Bakana has been wearing her costume (see What Are You Working On for pics) all week while peeps have been guessing what she was dressed as. And though I haven't got any sweets, I have managed to enjoy plenty fruit, cakes, & biscuits with sometimes no charge so heehee!!!


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