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Anime? Thread #2
« on: December 28, 2023, 02:09:06 PM »
Here's the older thread!

99 pages and it was started in 2016!!
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2023, 03:28:49 PM »
I was thinking it was getting close to a time for a new anime thread. :D

Here's my last post from the old thread:

Small Sailor Moon rant ahead.

Sailor Moon Cosmos part 1 and 2 just came out on Blu Ray/DVD in Japan last week.  Since then the SM group I'm in on Facebook has had a lot of Cosmos posts.  I don't mind that in itself so much as I do the content.   If someone says they bought the movie, their post is flooded with requests to upload the movie somewhere so more people can watch or post screenshots.  What really annoys me the most though is people posting spoiler screenshots and clips without warning or assuming that everyone's read all of the manga so there's no reason to not show major plot points involving the characters.  For example, someone posted a screenshot from the movie along with the corresponding page of the manga and said "why was it done this way."  I saw another post that said "that didn't happen in the 90's anime."  I've read up the Stars arc of the manga so I know the basics, but not the specifics (I do know about the major change to the Starlights from manga to anime though)  I don't want to see major plot points spoiled on Facebook.

The US has a release date for Suzume and Spy Family Season 1 part 2.  :D

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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2023, 07:54:35 AM »
I wondered when the old thread would be retired!

Ponyfan, that's the problem with Facebook groups, there seems to be no way to keep them spoiler-free :( I know some communities make seperate "spoilers-only" groups but I guess it depends on how much the mods care about that stuff. I know Sailor Moon's an old series by now and all but if they're still making new content for it, surely it should be assumed that stuff that's yet to be adapted still counts as a spoiler...!!! *shakes head* Sorry to hear you have to deal with that stuff. -_-

also I hate!!!! it when people demand that others upload things so they can watch it for free! just buy the dang thing yourself or wait patiently for a pirated copy, geez x) I think I've said this before, but I upload a lot of Ojamajo Doremi music/other audio bits to YouTube, every so often I'll get someone asking me where I got it from. When I explain I bought the CD from Japan, they're always shocked!, like the thought that I actually *bought* the thing (instead of, I dunno, finding some secret cache of bootlegs in an obscure section of the net? or something? o.O) just never occurred to them :P I mean I find it kind of amusing, but still.
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2023, 07:58:19 AM »
Replying here so I don't miss out on all the fun conversations!

I started Hanayamata last night.  So far it's cute.  It's about a bunch of middle school (I think) aged girls trying to put together a yosakoi dancing club.  Slice of life, low drama so far.

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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2024, 02:00:50 PM »
Carrehz, I had people asking stuff like that a while back too. I translated a bunch of the Daiya no Ace drama cds on Tumblr, and I had people msging me asking where I downloaded the sound track/for the link. And I told them no, I have the CDs, and they were like, well, upload it then.

Like, no.

I sometimes get people asking me about SotsuM/EMU CDs as well (which are admittedly harder to get hold of now, but not impossible). I point them towards yahoo auctions and that's the last I ever hear of them.

I can't stand people who want everyything for free and yet still call themselves 'fans'. I always read the Daiya chapters as they came out online but I still bought all the volumes when they went into print.

...Onto anime.

I am annoyed there was no ep of Apothecary Diaries last week. Not acceptable.

I caught up with Kenshin to the break last night. It's interesting seeing how they've done it, but also I've just been rewatching Moriarty, so having the same guy voicing William and Kenshin is a bit unnerving...

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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2024, 03:31:20 PM »
I watched the first season of Restaurant to Another World.  I liked it.  When the dragons become human they are nude and a little bit of violence during certain characters' backstories, but overall it's a pretty chill watch if you want something fluffy.

In one episode they talk about half-elves choosing whether or not to serve the gods and it shows "the house of the gods"

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This is a real building about 2 hours away from where I live.  Yes, it is a religious building.

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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2024, 04:04:15 PM »
Taffeta - Fans who want everything for free annoy me, too. I've been lucky that people haven't really bugged me to upload more from the CDs or anything, I guess cause I've shared everything I've got - which I share because they're all 20+ years old, out of print, and were only released once (do NOT even get me started on the multiple oddities surrounding Ojamajo Doremi music releases, I swear, I can rant about that for hours :P). I figure if it's been out of print for over a decade w/ no sign of a rerelease, it's pretty much fair game.

(though once or twice I've had people asking me to upload stuff that literally doesn't exist :P)

Although that said, I held off on sharing a newer CD for well over a year because I wanted to encourage people to buy it themselves and not hurt the official sales, and I remember when I mentioned that someone was like "Oh that's so wholesome!" and I was like.... thanks I guess? but that's kind of an odd reaction.. xP

But yeah, on the subreddit I moderate (for an American cartoon, but still), we strictly don't allow any links to pirate sites or downloads, etc, and we get SO MANY people moaning and complaining because omg how DARE we not allow them to spam pirate links?? It drives me nuts.

Personally with all things like this, my opinion is - I don't care if you watch/read/etc stuff via "alternative" methods - heck with some things you really don't have any other option. (like for the cartoon I just mentioned, there's always a long delay between the US release + most international releases, but also it was censored in a lot of countries including the UK, and we only ever got the first half released uncut on home video - pretty much the only way we can legitimately watch it uncut is to import DVDs from the US or Australia, which is pricey to begin with even before you factor in that you need a way to watch DVDs from a different region!) A lot of anime/manga I like never got licensed, or only got a crappy incomplete 4Kids hackjob of a dub, etc etc. I'm never gonna judge someone for pirating, but I think if possible it should be as a "sample" (try before you buy :P) or if that isn't an option, find some other way to support the series. Plus there's always ways to pick up old stuff second-hand. I just hate the entitlement some people have, you know? the attitude that they NEED to have a download and etc etc. Like... if you don't have any intention of paying for it, that's your business, whatever. I'm not going to bug you about it. But don't bug people to upload stuff when they've explained their reasons for not doing so! :P
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2024, 07:29:42 AM »
Carrehz, I basically agree with everything you said.

The SotsuM/EMU CDs I mentioned are like that. It was a manga/novel/drama cd series from around the late 1990s-2000, and it centred around five characters represented by five voice artists who also performed and recorded songs in and out of character during that period.

None of this ever got to the west. The only thing that exists around it that's known about in a more general sense is the Graduation M OVA which is at least partly subbed on Youtube. It's mostly crack (Iirc it involves the main characters dressing up as characters from Little Women for some kind of cultural festival?) and not a great indicator of the overall story/ies. It's not widely known and you'd think that would mean people wouldn't be after the music from this project so long after it didn't make it overseas.

...But they are. Partly because five or six of the songs appear in the OVA on YT, partly because people are interested in the work of the specific voice artists and their random musical things. Such as this:

So...yeah. I still from time to time get asked to upload the material from the CDs. And I won't. It took time and effort to assemble all of them into my collection. I have thought about translating some of the dramas but it seems pointless given the complete lack of overall western fandom *lol*. It's always the music people want.

(Though the above isn't on the CDs, it was a special for the lives...some of the other live clips on YT are on the CDs).

But yes. Entitlement.

There's a difference between when stuff isn't available and when stuff is but people won't invest in it because they think they deserve content for free.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 07:31:14 AM by Taffeta »
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2024, 07:31:54 PM »
I clicked on the link because I like going down the voice actor trail but didn't recognize anyone in it.

I think most of the Daiya albums are on US iTunes, but they're missing the dramas.  The only have the song with the voice actor for the character singing and an instrumental version of the song.  They're listed on iTunes as partial albums, so I know something is missing. They're listed under "TV anime Daiya no A" whereas the other official albums come up if you search "Ace of Diamond."

I found these on Youtube about the Daiya stage show.

People continue to spoil Sailor Moon Cosmos on Facebook. I just saw a post that I thought was talking about something that happened in the Dark Kingdom arc but found out it's something that happens in the Stars arc instead.


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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2024, 03:49:41 PM »
I started rewatching 90's Sailor Moon.


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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2024, 07:42:20 AM »
I'm thinking of finishing '99 Hunter x Hunter. I have no idea why they scrapped a whole phase of the hunter exam in the 2012 version, its so interesting.
Also thinking of rewatching Black Butler Book of Circus and Book of Atlantic.
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2024, 10:26:56 AM »
I tried watching The Red Turtle, but it was hard for me to follow.   I don't usually have a problem with understanding plotlines.  Just having moans, groans, breathing etc... instead of talking was also a bit distracting.   I might give it another try later.

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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2024, 01:43:32 PM »
I watched the Raven of the Inner Palace. It ends in such a way that you know there's another arc, but I don't know if one will be animated. I'm not motivated enough to chase up the manga, though.

Still watching Apothecary Diaries. Still hating waiting week on week for new episodes.

Finished watching Kamonohashi Ron's forbidden detective whatever. That one looks like it will have a second season.

Been watching some fun asian dramas this week, too. Shame we don't have a thread for them. :)
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2024, 07:26:38 PM »
I watched the first episode of A Sign of Affection.  I love it already :heart:
 I was really impressed with how the anime is able to show Yuki's perspective so easily.  Yuki is deaf and when it's what she's thinking or feeling there's little to no background noise showing how she can't hear the sounds around her. 

I recognized Eijun's va from Daiya almost immediately as Itsuomi's cousin, Kyoya. It took a few seconds since we don't hear Eijun's more serious tone in Daiya that often.

One thing though, there are people in the first episode visiting Japan that speak English.  When Itsuomi spoke English it sounded natural, but when the others showed up, it was very slow.  The subs said "It's humid" but the character speaking English clearly said "It's wet" instead.


« Last Edit: February 19, 2024, 07:34:50 PM by Ponyfan »
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Re: Anime? Thread #2
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2024, 07:59:46 AM »
I hate it when the subs don't match what's being said in plain English >_< Even if the English dialogue is a little off/Engrishy, it's just distracting when you can clearly hear that's not what they're saying!

That's what bugged me about the official subs for Tokyo Mew Mew New, they kept changing "Red Data Animal" to "endangered animal" (or something like that). Yeah, RDA isn't a term used in English-speaking countries very often, but it's used a LOT in TMM and it's clear from context what it means - just leave it as is! -_-
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