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Author Topic: What is the best way to buy from EU to ship to US?  (Read 3256 times)

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What is the best way to buy from EU to ship to US?
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:25:33 AM »
Non-pony, mods please remove if not allowed.

I have decided that I NEED these two dragons from this site in Czech Republic. I was able to order the green and red ones from Uni-Toy in Germany that did ship to US, but I just found out that the blue and brown ones exist. Now my red and green ones are lonely and I need to complete their family  :biggrin:

I confirmed with Rappa that they do not ship to the US at all, nor do they know of any affiliates that carry the products that do ship here. I signed up for a German mailing address at forward2me, but I'm not sure how that will work if I try to use it as my billing address (US isn't even an option in the dropdown), and I don't want to get stuck with a huge surprise bill after I've already purchased the items. I have never used a third party shipping address service before.

Is there a better way?
Formerly known as ponyRN.


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