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Why is everything at Target? but this is neat news. Did you see any pictures? I only have a couple of PP from my childhood.
Aw, they're cute! All of mine from childhood are long haired. I hope they'll remake those too. It would be neat to have a grown-up version of the white long hair puppy I have
I got one at Target! It's so cute and I was surprised to see them already! I thought my Target would be slower putting them out. I wish the name tags were like the old ones where you can get a personalized heart shaped tag. It's just a tag you can write the name on. I really want a newborn one--I've always loved those. I still have a few of my old Pound Puppies. Here's a link to the large ones on Amazon--they have a couple I did not see at Target.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PM8TMXQ/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1I saw online the "World's Smallest Pound Puppies," but I felt like the ones I had in the 90's seemed smaller than those. Not sure though since I haven't seen them in person.