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My online order from BABW shipped today! I should have a plush Twilight and Spike in about a week.
Quote from: Flanuora on July 31, 2013, 08:50:21 PMI didn't have time to read the whole thread if someone already said this... but my store told me that every store only got 25 Spikes each. So, if you want Spike I'd get him right away. They didn't know if they wild get more or not. They said they have tons of Twilight. Just a friendly heads up.I know the pony stuff is limited edition but that just sounds silly =/ I sure hope that's not true.Edit: The website mentions that Spike is 25cm tall. It could be that someone at your store misheard? I really don't think they would make him that limited without making a fuss over it.
I didn't have time to read the whole thread if someone already said this... but my store told me that every store only got 25 Spikes each. So, if you want Spike I'd get him right away. They didn't know if they wild get more or not. They said they have tons of Twilight. Just a friendly heads up.
The Princess Twilight cometh! Behold! Behold!visitors can't see pics , please register or login