Sorry for the delay in sending out the prizes; one of the winners has not been online and I was hoping to get an answer before I allocate the prizes, but it has been long enough so I am going to start packaging up everything ready!

Finally, here are pics of all the fakie ponies and toy horses in the bag! Sorry about the state they are in - I was hoping to tidy them all up somewhat before I took the pictures, but that fakie hair seems impossible to brush without it all coming out, lol!
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loginBig ballerina fakie! (Made in China) I have not seen any other fakies like this, but I am assuming she is vintage?
Misc. baby ponies are all marked Made in China accept for the carousel baby which is unmarked.
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loginScary sunshine/donkey fakie! (unmarked) I am quite sure this and the baby fakie were from the early 90's as they were with some early 90's G1s. I am also assuming they must have been sold together. The baby pony (Made in China) has no mane or holes for a mane, just a row of dots marking it.
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loginFakie breezers (awful quality! xD) and a Bratz pony (TM & © 2005 MGA. Made in China).
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loginThe three hard plastic pegasus are unmarked.
The little plastic horse is marked © VI 07
The four squidgy plastic horses on the right are marked © 1996 M.I.G. Made in China
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loginCrumpet pose fakie marked "Made in China".
The other three fakies are all in the same mould and are not marked. I think they are cute!
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loginLanards and Lanard fakies. Can you spot the real from the fake?
The white one at the back is a real Lanard (© 1994 LANARD CHINA).
The light aqua pony with aqua hair to the right in the same mould is just marked Made in China. It is well made for a fakie fakie.
The pony on the far left in the pic is a vintage Larnard (© 1984 LANARD TOYS, MADE IN CHINA).
The light aqua pony at the front with the manky hair is also a Lanard (LANARD ®, © 1997 LANARD TOYS LTD. MADE IN CHINA)
The little white one is really cheaply made (it is really awful!) and is unmarked.
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loginThe four large ponies with glass eyes are marked "Made in China".
The two little unipegs are unmarked.
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loginThe two ponies at the back are marked © LONG KEY CHINA
Totsy fakie fakies in the middle row (unmarked).
Lady babies on the bottom row marked "Made in China".
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loginThese are quite cute! They are marked "China".