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Author Topic: Airbrush questions  (Read 784 times)

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Offline Alatariel-Silimaure

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Airbrush questions
« on: July 22, 2012, 06:17:01 PM »
I've been wanting to get an air brush, hoping it would help smooth out my full body repaints and let me do some neat effects like I see other people do... but I'm not sure what would be a good set to get...

This is one I found... anyone know anything about this one or know if it works for acrylic paints and if it's any good? I can get the set for around $72 online...

I won't be able to afford a whole lot on one and I need it to be small and compact since I live in a small apartment and don't have a while lot of storage space.

anyone know of good airbrush/compressors or would have one to recommend that is fairly compact and not horrible high priced?
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Offline BarbedDragon

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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2012, 06:29:40 PM »
I'm not familiar with that particular brush. I have 2 badgers I work with. Still saving up for a compressor right now so I'm on propel (since I don't use it too much).

I can tell you that the key to using acrylic is diluting it with something other than water. Some people swear by clear windex, I don't like it. I use witch hazel. You have to do really really light coats and be patient (or have a heat gun :) or you will have runs. You also need to make sure you CLEAN the pony really good with acetone before spraying---EVERY BIT or you will have issues with paint not sticking.

I really like airbrush paint, but I use that on canvas---I haven't tested it on ponies. it's not as colorfast as acrylic in canvas so you can have better blendability (which can made bleed through an issue).

I know of a few cheaper compressors that are small and quiet. They market them for airbrushing nails. Take a look on ebay and you might find a great deal for a whole set!
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Offline Alatariel-Silimaure

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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 06:33:56 PM »
thanks for the tips :3 I have some acrylic paint thinner... wonder if that works
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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 09:46:16 PM »
I've never used a Testors brand airbrush but I had a friend who would refer to hers as "old trusty." You don't need a top of line airbrush for full body repaints and simple gradients but if you think you'll want to get into more detailed or complex painting you're better off investing in a more professional set up. $117 seems kind of pricey considering... I think you can get a better brush for the price.

I use a Paasche VL double action airbrush. It's lasted me for 15 years and I've only had to replace one or two minor parts - the good news is that new parts are fairly cheap and easy to find.
I'm sure you could find a better price if you shop around but sells my complete kit for just under $85:
As far as compressors go they can be pricey but my husband picked mine up second hand for only $40. I suggest you check craigs list and other local listings.

I admit that I'm one of those people who thin paint using water. :P Although to be fair I rarely use acrylic paint not made for my airbrush. I highly recommend Createx airbrush colors - paints are made to run through an airbrush so no need to thin - it adheres to pony vinyl without any type of primer - most colors will give you full coverage with just one coat. Every once in a while I'll use regular acrylics for accents/simple gradients but I wouldn't use them for a FBR. I know some people would probably consider me a paint snob but it's so worth it not to have to worry about the paint cracking, peeling or flaking even during the rehiring process. ;)
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Offline BarbedDragon

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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2012, 10:02:39 PM »
I have never tried the paint thinner!! I guess I'm all about trying what I have one hand. Pop--I am glad to see those airbrush paints work on ponies!!! I'll have to use them next time.

I had trouble using cheaper acrylics in my older airbrush I got a lot of splatter so I tried water and it never helped. Of course that was before I started using good paints and a regulator so that MAY be the reason LOL!!

Being a paint snob is a good thing. Srsly. You have the smoothest FBR and gradients I have ever seen.
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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2012, 10:41:53 PM »
I have that exact air brush set. It works pretty well. As others have said thin layers and let them dry 100% before the next layer. I've found with that one you have to get the consistency of the paint just right. I use Windex Multisurface with Vinegar to thin my paint (I imagine BarbedDragon's witch hazel smealls a ton better!). I've found two normal squirts of windex per four or five drops of paint gives me the right consistency.
You have to keep it very very clean too. I have to rinse my nozzle after every coat because the paint inside it dries and that's not pretty.

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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2012, 11:46:26 PM »
I bought the airbrush Pop mentioned at her recommendation. I found it for $50-$60 I think at but it did not come with a hose. I bought the small needle size. .05mm I think?

Anyway. I love it so far. I bought some small plastic squeeze bottles to mix my paint in, and I have been diluting with water. I have some acrylics that are around 15 years old that I found this year and started using again. These, thinned with water, still went through the gun fine with no splatter and no clogging. The paint did not crack and peel either.

I have found that my Testors brand acrylics seem to dry on the pony about as fast as I can spray them. Wow! Createx airbrush paints seem to me that they need a full day to set up. They dry and you can touch them, but they are soft. Reading the bottle, I see reference to setting them with heat in some situations so I think I may buy a blow dryer to use.

Other than that, I like to sometimes let the air blow through the gun without pulling the trigger to release the paint, and use that as a means to blow on the paint and dry it faster.

I clean my brush after each color, thoroughly. I take the needle out and the cap off and wipe it all down. I tried just using water but changed to the createx brand cleaner that came with my brush as a freebie.

For a compressor, I bought one that Pop also recommended. I'll have to edit my post later with a link. I'm on my phone and can't manage it.

Offline Alatariel-Silimaure

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Re: Airbrush questions
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2012, 12:16:26 AM »
thanks so much for the advice I'll keep looking around, it will be a while before I can afford one, I'm probably gonna do a custom sale to try and make money for it :3
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