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I have owned guinea pigs for the last 7 years. Here's a little +/- list. +Wonderful, social and loving pets.+They hardly never bites. If they do they usually have been treated very bad.+Fun to watch them interacting with each other.+They make lots of different sounds. (Squeek squeek etc. ) Both to other pigs and to us humans.-They poop and pee a lot, which means you have to clean the cage frequently.-It's very important to give them the right food for them to stay healthy. Lots of vitamin C, lots of hay, not too much of this, not too little of that, etcetera..-They get sick quite easily.
Had a Guinea when I was little and he lived till the ripe old age of 10. One thing that Guineas need is vitamin C so they need to be given oranges. Also, if you want to give your Guinea a friend don't keep them with a rabbit as rabbits bully them. I'm not sure if you could litter train one but I guess it's possible. I can't think of much else right now if you have anything specific I'm sure I can ask at college about it.
I had guineas once. I can't remember the details of what they can and can't have, so I'd ask the pet store or google it. But I will say this: I got my two boy guineas from a breeder. She was VERY adamant about not mixing the sexes because of irresponsible breeding and what not. Gave us the speech multiple times. So we got Russle and Roger and they had a happy home and then I come home from school a few months later and find baby guineas in the cage. O.O So just be super careful about that, I guess. Trust your breeder. And have fun. They are cute and snuggly and make the most awesome little sounds.