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Messages - Destiny

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Final giftart for LadyFizzy
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:40:54 AM »
Sorry, didn't work for me either, though I don't understand why. It should be working now ^^

Arts & Crafts Corral / Final giftart for LadyFizzy
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:56:45 AM »
So I finally finished the last giftart I offered some time ago *coughyearscough*.

This one's for LadyFizzy who requested her OC along with G1 Angel, Mimic and Barnacle being piratsy. I intended to use the background image as reference and make my own bg, but I just thought the image was too cool and I could never get anywhere near something as pretty as that, so I hope you won't mind me being lazy ^^'
And like I've stated in the description on dA, if you know the owner of the image please let me know.

Off Topic / Re: The Hobbit
« on: December 20, 2012, 03:23:43 AM »
I've already seen the Hobbit a couple of times and I'm seeing it again this saturday. Needless to say I love it I guess ^^
I might add that I'm a fan of Peter Jackson and a huge huge fan of Tolkien, so it would take a lot to disappoint me. I've read some of the comments in this thread and though I can totally see the things some of you are bothered with, I don't see them as that bad. I thought PJ handled the changes well, the movie was long yes, but I was still bothered when it ended, some of the dwarves might look too silly and are underdeveloped, but I still LOVE every single dwarf. I don't mind the three movies bit either. My only concern is that Peter might have lost focus on the dwarves in his attempt to fill in background stuff for other less important characters (completely madeup female elf who was only created to add some female power to the movie anyone), but he still has two movies to change that.
So yeah.. there wasn't really anything that bothered me enough to bring me down from my middle earth cloud.

Unfortunately, I watched this before the movie, so I couldn't help but giggle everytime there was a shot of them walking/hiking/strolling XD I would've been hypnotized by the landscape if I hadn't watched that honest trailer.

Actually one thing DID bother me. Thorin's song was way too short!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Pony persona
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:45:09 AM »
I think it looks good and I always admire people who can't paint. Her (your) symbol is really cute and I love the colors. She almost looks chocolate-y.

If I wasn't loaded with art to do for others I would have loved to try and make you a profile picture of her. I hope someone else agrees to make you one.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Giftart part 2
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:04:29 AM »
I was going to wait with showing these untill the last drawing was done as well, but I can't wait. So here's four more gifts I offered years ago.

For SquarePeg, her oc as her superhero alterego Square-Ra.

For shinigami, her oc Ares.

For Deep_Purple_Pirate, her oc Melody as an anthro sporting Link's outfit.

And for banditpony, her oc Bandit Wannabe. She requested that I didn't change the design of the wings in the ref image she provided me, so I hope I did ok?

Only one more gift to go.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Queen Chrysalis
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:51:46 AM »
It looks really cool! Reminds me a bit of a scene from Van Helsing with all the vampire hatchlings.
I love how you colored her hair. Looks like it shines like metal ^^

Off Topic / Re: Whattheheckisthis? OMG....Oh..wait...yeah...
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:30:34 AM »
Haha, I like how it actually looks like some kind of mythological being in your photo.

I remember when they first started making dvds. I hated them! It made me furious that people who had hundreds and hundreds of videotapes were forced to buy a new device to play dvds and had to replace all their videotapes with expensive dvds. I even told my mom NOT to buy them EVER! It actually took me quite a lot of years to accept them and I finally allowed my parents to buy us dvds. I admit dvds are better quality, they don't get worn out as fast and they have a lot of cool futures (well some times). I also really like the idea of minimizing the amount of waste that ends up destroying the earth, but I'm just so bad at changes (and it still irks me that we have to spend money on getting all the movies, we already paid for once, again).

Now the market is trying to make us switch to blue-ray and once again I'm acting like a stubborn old woman, refusing to buy them even though I know they usually have a lot of cool extra materiel (the improved images is wasted on me, I can't see the difference) XD

Pony Corral / Re: New ponies prototypes! Now with video!^_^
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:55:17 PM »
Keep in mind that these are prototypes. It doesn't really make sense to use high quality materials on them at this stage of production. This is the same reason they didn't bother to paint the cutie marks and jewelry ;) Everything about them is subject to change at a later design stage, but getting the motion to work is clearly the first goal. And since it's also the most complicated feature, everything else needs to be able to change to accommodate it.

I know I know and I do expect them to look more.. finished when they're actually released, but knowing Hasbro I won't be surprised if these aren't far from the final look. If you like them, cool! If kids will like them (and I don't doubt they will), also cool! I just find them too.. gimmicky (like Pinkamena said) ^^ Not trying to be rude or anything.

Pony Corral / Re: New ponies prototypes! Now with video!^_^
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:51:00 PM »
Ahahahaha!!! Okay, I'm really sorry if anyone likes them, but I have to say I really really think they look cheap. My thought when I watched it was "Hasbroken sure is broken!"
I think the idea is cute enough, but the execution is... Maybe I should buy them to secure a good laugh every now and then.

Pony Corral / Re: Zipbags. Yes or no?
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:40:28 PM »
Thanks everyone for the fast answers! You've confirmed my concerns of using zipbags for storage, so now I'm definitely going to use tissue paper (Don't know why I didn't just think of that since all my "for trade/sale"-ponies are actually wrapped in that). I actually have wondered if keeping them in a plastic container wasn't a bit like asking for trouble as well. Even though the air is dry. I've always kept an eye on them though to be sure, but I'm definitely gonna throw in some of those silica gel bags. Finally they can be put to some good use. I've never known what they were for and have always been kinda annoyed by them XD I just love how you learn something new almost every day. Especially when it can help you with your hobbies ^^ Thanks again.

Pony Corral / Zipbags. Yes or no?
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:44:01 AM »
Okay, my ponies are currently stored in large boxes (plastic) and they're going to be for quite some time still. I'm not really scared of mold or pony cancer since the conditions in Denmark are rather pony-friendly (that's my oppinion anyway and I believe cancer to be a problem with the plastic and not the conditions), but I am beginning to think what if the ponies rub off of each other? I'm not really bothered by it as I am faaaaar from being a picky collector, but I'd like to avoid it if possible so I was thinking maybe I should put each pony in their own zipbag. That however made me think if that might raise the possibility for mold. Again not something that would bother me thaaat much, but I'd really like to avoid it.

So what is everyones experience with zipbags? Is it okay to store ponies in zipbags or is it a big nono?

Any alternate ways to store ponies?

Pony Brag Arena / Re: MUST SEE ...FINALLY ITS MINE!!!
« on: July 21, 2012, 08:19:19 AM »
Well I'd say this thread belongs in the brag forum because it's definitely brag-worthy ^^ Congrats!

Pony Corral / Re: Taobao mlp question
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:43:30 AM »
I know that some of them will be or have been official releases and therefor available in stores(at least in some countries). However there are some of the Taobao ponies that seem to be just prototypes so far. Take Minty for instance. She is one of the earlier Taobao finds (to my knowledge), but it's still unknown whether she will be released or not or whether she was just a really well done custom.

But I only know what I've read here from time to time ^^'

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Giftart part 1
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:17:32 AM »
Thanks everyone ^^

MLPlyte I'm so happy you like it! It was fun to make 'cause it gave me an opportunity to look more into horses anatomy ^^

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