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Messages - plushroo

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Well the items I wanted are no longer up so I guess they either sold or seller took them down. Thanks anyway.

This is a stretch, but there are a few non mlp figures on ebay at the moment I tried to get, but due to this stupid virus they are unable to ship to US. Seller is in Germany so my idea was if someone in UK or another European country that does not have restrictions at the moment could help me by purchasing them and then shipping to me? I'd pay for the trouble. Thanks.

Sigs & Site Support / Re: Signed out?
« on: April 11, 2020, 01:34:15 PM »
Good to know. Happened to me as well.

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 17, 2020, 10:31:38 AM »
I'm in NC and governor has ordered all bars and dine in restaurants to take out only, effective today starting at 5. No one in my town confirmed sick yet. I don't mind staying home for how ever long this lasts since I'm not a social person anyway. I went out and stocked up on all essentials for me and my brother this past week so prepared best as I can even though I'm not currently working and have to depend on my brothers income to buy the things we need.

For Sale - For Auction / Re: 3/7 UPDATE! Ponies and more on ebay!
« on: March 07, 2020, 12:24:34 AM »

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Creepy eBay message
« on: March 03, 2020, 03:05:54 PM »
That's disgusting! I'd report him too!

For Sale - For Auction / Re: 2/19 UPDATE! Ponies and more on ebay!
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:53:05 AM »
Bumping as I've listed more stuff on ebay including fashion star fillies, g1 littlest pet shops and ponies.

Off Topic / Re: I need to get oranginzed
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:48:48 AM »
YES! I'm in the process of organizing, not just my room, but the whole house which has been put off for many years. I just recently got around into sorting through all the totes in my home and organizing papers, documents and random things and putting them where they belong and getting rid/destroying what is no longer needed. It has been a long overdue process that has been put off due to various reasons through the years and now that I'm on a anti depressant that seems to work for me and am currently out of work, I'm making use of the time of doing what needs to get done. When I finally move out, I hope to be able to move my things and not lose track of them again.

Off Topic / Re: Spring cleaning time again... O_O
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:08:24 PM »
i love to Spring clean! I'm currently going through stuff in my house now that has been cluttering rooms and sorting everything into totes and labeling them, tossing what needs to be tossed.  Apparently, my mom liked to keep everything! My room is still a mess because it's a make shift sorting area for all the stuff I find. I would love to reorganize my pony shelf and give some much needed spa time to my nirvanas.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Found 5 Dream Beauties at the thrift store!
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:00:52 PM »
Oh what luck! I'd die if I found that many in the wild! Love the hair style you gave them.

MLP Nirvana / Re: What is it the appeals to you about Nirvana ponies?
« on: January 22, 2020, 06:04:40 PM »
What appeals to me is the fact MLP was global and not just enjoyed by children in America and Canada. I love the fact these little guys have been around the world and were once a little girls friend before growing out of them. Seeing them all together on my nirvana shelf gives me joy in knowing the possible adventures they've had.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Nirvana collecting goals for 2020
« on: December 30, 2019, 02:24:50 AM »
Finish my nirvana collection and get the last two alternate birthflowers I need to have the full set. I didn't even intend on finding as much as I did this year, but I did so hopefully I'll achieve my goal!

Pony Corral / Re: How many more do you have left?
« on: December 30, 2019, 02:22:14 AM »
G1's: 28 (All non US/Euro release)
G2's: 5
G3's: 7
G4's: 25

I will consider my collection complete by that point :D

I got Ladybird earlier this year so Brazil sitting bowtie :D

Bumping for updated wants.

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