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Messages - Nilenna

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Updated!  :happy:


Updated :bumping:

Price Check Archives / Re: Price check, Ponytail Petites? g3?
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:47:48 AM »
Okay. No names it is. :P But what about price? anyone? :)

Added ponies :cheer:

Pony Corral / Re: Fakie - General Discussion Thread
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:54:10 AM »
What are the crumpet fakies worth? :) I kinda like them!  :P

What does MO stands for? *newbie*  :lookround: found it... mail order.  :P

Price Check Archives / Price check, Ponytail Petites? g3?
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:28:39 AM »
What are these worth? Also what's their names?  :lol:

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And price on these g3's? :)

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Thank you! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Is this a UK variant?
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:52:14 AM »
Thank you!  ^.^  I think I'll keep her then! :)

MLP Nirvana / Re: Price check, Italy and Macau
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:10:41 AM »
I had a look at the Italian pony... her eyes. I think they look like most ponies eyes. Hmm..

..nevermind... I think they're stamped.  :P

 Updated :bubble:

Off Topic / Re: Collectors, country poll?
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:50:19 AM »
It's so fun to see where you're all from!  :biggrin:

Post Merge: April 13, 2015, 04:51:16 AM

I've noticed that you can add a poll to the posts. Someone should do this over countries.. how many pony collectors are from US, England, Germany, Norway and so on!! Would be fun to see..  :biggrin:

Post Merge: March 30, 2015, 11:39:54 AM

Or I can just ask you. Where are you from?   :iconclap:
I'm from Norway.  :brr:  :P

Hello, friend! I was in Norway in 2010 visiting and meeting distant cousins.  :biggrin: I'm in the US, in Minnesota, along with many other folks with Scandinavian (and German) roots.
I'm in the US, too, but I also have some cousins in Norway! I didn't grow up in Minnesota but my whole family did. :D My grandparents are Norwegian. Actually, there's this whole sad story about how the family farm (from which we got our last name, of course) was recently sold out of the family because, I guess, most of the Norwegian relatives didn't care about it. My grandfather went to Norway to try to purchase it, but learned that non-Norwegian citizens can't purchase land. :( So I have this whole elaborate plan to move to Norway, stay long enough to become a citizen, then buy back the farm! My life's goal is to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, anyway, so why not in Norway, where the government is more secure?

Oh, really. That's cool!   :lol: Do you know where in Norway this farm is? :)

Post Merge: April 13, 2015, 04:52:25 AM

I live in Hungary.

and I'd love to visit your country someday... we have planned to go to Norway for our honeymoons with my husband, but in the end we haven't yet had the money for it :blush: :P

Aww! I Hope you get to visit some day! It's a lovely country, with beautiful nature and landscape!  :biggrin:

Post Merge: April 13, 2015, 04:53:56 AM

I'm from the east part Norway  :glitter:

Hihi! :D Hallo igjen til deg!  :lol:

Pony Corral / Is this a UK variant?
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:09:59 AM »
Is this Princess Serena a UK variant? Also what does 'variant' mean?  :)
Someone wrote to me on my pony-instagram that I could sell her for more, because she was a variant... So I'm just checking..  :P

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