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Messages - LadyAmalthea

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: Wowza, did this really happen?
« on: August 11, 2024, 04:06:17 PM »
Wow, what an incredible haul!! I'm curious as to where you had to go to pick this up...since I know you are in Wisconsin like me! :)

Off Topic / Re: Summer vibes, is it summer where you are?
« on: August 11, 2024, 03:56:58 PM »
@BC, I hope you can make that beach trip! We've only been once this year but we are going again in two weeks. We are about an hour away from Yarmouth.

@Lady Amalthea Hello! Haven't seen you for a while, glad you're having so much summer fun with the little ones. The remote control car does sound hilarious! We need something like that. Mainly the cat follows us for a while and my toddler likes to tease him a bit.

Hi! Yes, it has been a hot minute...especially since I see that your little one is now a toddler! Last I checked in, you were newly expecting. Congratulations!! Do you have a girl or a boy? I'm so happy for you. :happy: :frolic: I got locked out of my account for a while, and only recently managed to hack my password to get back in. :P That's funny about the cat following you. I used to try to take my cat for walks. She wasn't as enthused about it as I was. :lol:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: August 07, 2024, 07:12:19 PM »
I use to love playing with Lego, but I gave mine to a family member when I moved. They ended up in a thrift store- I hope it went to some kids or maybe a collector. I think if I ever got back into it, I would really only buy vintage. I love the aesthetics of Fabuland, and 80s Lego. Maybe sacrilegious, I find mega bloks Monster High or Halo much more appealing than most minifigures :lol:

It's cool to see people enjoying Lego here  :awake:

I love Megablox sets! I find that they carry some themes, like Pokémon and American Girl, which my kids and I (respectively) are into. I don't know how compatible they are between sets, but I *think* they are.

Off Topic / Re: Any Bluey fans here?
« on: August 07, 2024, 06:58:26 PM »
We love Bluey in my house!! I remember thinking it was going to be stupid the first time my kids wanted to watch it a couple of years ago, as most modern kid shows are, but found myself unexpectedly amused...okay, even a little it. :lookround:

Off Topic / Re: Bozo the Clown
« on: August 07, 2024, 06:44:15 PM »
Oh yes!! I thought it was a 'baby show' in the 80's, but would watch it out of the corner of my eye as my little siblings watched it, secretly enthralled at watching those kids toss the ball in those numbered buckets. :lol:

Off Topic / Re: Summer vibes, is it summer where you are?
« on: August 07, 2024, 06:41:02 PM »
That river trip sounds lovely! I kinda miss the river we lived on, the last time I was active here. :( It's definitely summer here. We've been walking up to the pool a couple of times a week, and a bunch of other summer activities. Today my kids and I went to a movie with their cousins...the theaters near us show dirt-cheap second-run kid movies on Wednesday mornings. Gardening, and eating outside, taking 'night walks' with my '3 Locos', as I call my lil' ones. The night walks consist of us taking my American Girl remote control car out around the has headlights and turn signals and is SO fun!! I get away with using it in public because I have children with me. But it's really mine.:haha:

Pony Corral / Re: Disintegrating Hair Syndrome
« on: August 03, 2024, 08:53:04 AM »
This is especially disheartening to hear about the HQG1C ponies. I only have a couple of them (Marina and one of the rearing babies that smells like candy, not sure of her name, but we call her Baby Cupcake because she has the same color scheme as the SS pony by the same name), and their hair does feel different, if I remember correctly. But even more concerning to me...I have purchased some hanks of HQG1C hair that I have used for customs. Does anyone know if this hair disintegrates as well? Or only certain colors? I would hate to have to pull apart my customs to fix them after all this time. :rant: :cry:

Pony Corral / Re: Flocking: Yay or Nay?
« on: August 03, 2024, 08:23:50 AM »
I used to hate flocked ponies, probably because 2 of the 3 my sister and I owned as kids were ugly with thin patches and missing spots...I think they must have come that way because I never remember their flocking being thick and lush. Then SS Sundance, the 3rd one, just got manky and dirty right away. But once I started collecting as an adult and seeing pictures of perfect ones, I became a little enamored of them! I don't really go out of my way to buy them, but if I see a really nice one for cheap, or a really disgusting one for even cheaper that I don't feel bad about deflocking (since some of them have really stunning colors under there!), I'll grab them! Ultimately, I'd love one version of each, but I don't see myself ever being passionate about some of them to collect them all.

Post Merge: August 03, 2024, 08:30:46 AM

Another consideration besides the condition of the flocking is whether the pony in deflocked condition is more desirable; if there's a common NSS version, or if the pony plastic underneath the glue is also yellowed (like many SS Sundance ponies, sadly), deflocking may not be worth the trouble or the expense of solvents to remove the glue.

Yeah, what is it about SS Sundance that seems to have that yellowed glue issue? And her flocking just feels different than other SS ponies. My SS Surprise is also white, but doesn't look/feel like her.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: August 02, 2024, 11:52:19 AM »
I can imagine those inside dots would be hard to remove. Especially if you have weak fingernails like me.

I'll have to check at Sam's for the Tranquil Garden set! Thanks for the heads up. We just switched back to Sam's Club from Costco, so I can finally go there again!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: July 29, 2024, 02:31:00 PM »
Oh wow Ponyfan! Was the Mickey one fun to put together, or tedious? I'm not sure how I'd feel about all those little 'pixilated' dots. But it's a cool effect! I saw a new one that's coming out soon with Mario riding Yoshi that may have been similar. I also just love that Tranquil Garden set...I'll have to get that one at some point.  :biggrin:

Thanks everybody! I'm happy to be remembered by a few. :good:
Can't wait to get caught up on everything in the pony world.

Raindrop, I only collect G1 ponies too. But it seemed like 2 to 3 years ago a handful of my grails were out of my reach at $70-80USD (mostly twinkle-eyed ponies), and now I am seeing those same ones around $20-30. I finally treated myself to a Mimic for a fairly reasonable price comparatively...I saw her going in the $400-range a couple of years ago! I feel bad for anyone who ever paid that much.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: July 24, 2024, 03:16:53 PM »
I'm glad this thread is still alive!! I've been really into Legos these past few months. I got the flower bouquet, as well as the Lego Friends Botanical Garden. I also purchased, but haven't yet assembled, some small off-brand flower sets from Walmart that look like they will be kind of cool.

My son likes the Mario Brothers sets, which are kind of cool, but it seems like you don't get much for how expensive they are. Plus, they don't come with instructions; you have to download and print them. Some are hundreds of pages. So annoying!

Introductions / Hi old and new Arena friends! Back after a hiatus.
« on: July 24, 2024, 03:03:51 PM »
Hello all!

I doubt anyone remembers me, but I joined the Arena a few months before the pandemic when I started collecting G1 ponies after I thought my childhood collection had been lost in a flood (it hadn't after all...most things were eventually found, although some in poor condition). I had to take a hiatus during a fight with cancer (so far, me: 1, cancer: 0!), and some other difficult life events that made me have to put my collection on the back burner for a while.

I tried to log in last fall after getting a new phone, but couldn't seem to hack my password. I've been struggling hard with then undiagnosed ADHD and failing at motherhood because of it. The chemo pills and other post-cancer drugs leave me in a fog most days. I finally reached out for help this summer, and am finally on my way to getting a diagnosis and hopefully the right meds to pull me out of this funk so I can enjoy things I once loved again, such as my collections.

I just bought my first pony in almost a year, and was shocked that pony prices seem to have come down quite a bit from when I last looked. Has the market changed? I'm curious! I tried again to hack into my account...was about to contact an admin on how to get back in, when I got in on the 3rd try! So here I am. Can't wait to catch up with all of you soon.

-Mei (LadyA)

Pony Corral / Re: Baby Buggy or Paradise Estate topper?
« on: September 14, 2023, 03:37:13 PM »
I have both sets, but unfortunately they are in storage at my mom's house and I can't check immediately. However, here is what I remember from them: the baby buggy one was lighter pink in color, and had a longer 'stem' than the Paradise Estate umbrella table one had. Probably because the buggy one was supposed to have a ribbon tied on it. But the PE one was definitely more of a darker pink. I'm thinking this is the one you have here. They are interchangeable as far as function; I remember this because my sister and I each had one of the buggies, and she lost her heart topper. I used to lend her the PE one for her buggy when we wanted to play with the 2 buggies together. I will check to confirm and take pics of them together when I can.

You are so very lucky to have found these! It is a hard piece to find if you are looking for one, believe me. I have my sister's buggy in my possession now, and it took me forever to find a new heart topper to complete hers. Nobody ever just sells it separately. I think I ended up paying like $40-ish for a big lot of other pony clothes, accessories and junk that I mostly already had just to get it.  :pout:

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