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Messages - Harmonie

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Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: December 25, 2024, 10:42:07 AM »
A nice, festive consistently chilly stretch dominated December and brought us a few waves of (minor) snow events. This morning we have an inch or so on the ground leftover from some of these snow events, matching the criteria for a White Christmas.  :frolic:

It's my first Christmas in Connecticut and also my first White Christmas in fifteen years. Very fitting.  :party:

Off Topic / Re: So... how has your 2024 been?
« on: December 22, 2024, 09:54:48 AM »
It's exciting because I moved to New England - my most desired region of the US to live in since I was very young. That's a major positive life event and has made me a lot happier in many ways. The climate being one way, I feel much more at peace with the climate here versus my last location. That sounds silly, but the heat and lack of seasons in the south was doing a number on me mentally. But even more importantly - politics. My former state is a mess. They don't much care for freedoms for women and LGBT people down there. Up here, things are much better. So yes. Everything's better up here.

However, beyond that major positive life-changing event, it's been a year colored by a lot of rough patches.

The first being in the Spring a disturbing family revelation. Not my immediate family, but family I am close to regardless. It was awful. Still is, really.

Then in the early summer, after moving, a medical emergency landed me in the hospital for several days and I had to have a surgery. D: I wasn't on any insurances in my new state yet and my insurance from my former state wasn't meant to cover out-of-state care. Good news, though, is that I was able to get on Medicaid and they retroactively started coverage at the beginning of July, covering all of this for me. What a relief.

But while getting all of that sorted out (before I even got on Medicaid), surprise! Another medical emergency.  :stressed: Unlike the first medical emergency, this one was far more concerning. I'd rather have posted about this in the more private section, but I'll just say it was of a female nature and could have been a symptom of a potentially life-threatening condition. Thankfully, all tests came out that everything is perfectly fine. Thank goodness. I was an inconsolable mess until the good news came.

Um... So yeah. My first few months after moving were quite something.  :drunk:

Otherwise, the move hasn't gone perfectly as I still haven't been able to find a job after months. This is very frustrating as I know I am a good worker and I know that my resume of former jobs should show that very well, but few companies have even given me an interview and then don't go further with me. Getting a job to make essential money shouldn't be this darn hard!! What is going on? With that, my parents have unfortunately been bearing the brunt of the expenses and I hate this so much. I hate how much money they already had spent on me before even moving here. I understood I might need some help, but this is very excessive. I don't want to take their money, I want them to have money to do what they want and I want to have money to give to them to thank them for helping me through rough patches. *sigh*

We're now struggling financially. But thankfully I have government assistance, now.

No presents under the tree or for my birthday this year, but also no presents I can give others. It's sad, I like giving and I have no money to spend to get anything to give.  :sad:

Also, one other rough part: That darn election. It's devastating. I have no faith left in my country's populace at all anymore. I'm afraid our country is just unbelievably depraved and ignorant. But also I'm very scared for the future. One reason I moved to the Northeast was to escape the nonsense that this administration is bringing. I want the government to stay out of my body autonomy, doctor's office, bedroom, etc. I just want to be left alone from these authoritarians, but the Big Brother theocracy is now upon us and that's very scary. I only hope that my state will hold strong and independent against this nonsense. I need it to.

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: November 22, 2024, 08:17:14 AM »
Rained all day yesterday. Sometime in the night we must have had a band of snow because there was a light dusting when I woke up. It all melted quickly, though. The temperature never got below freezing.

Off Topic / Re: Hurricane Milton
« on: October 09, 2024, 03:07:26 PM »
I wish you the best for you and your kitty!

Off Topic / Re: Fast Food
« on: September 09, 2024, 07:36:11 PM »
I have always frequently ate fast food. Although a lot of eating out in any manner has clamped down after I moved and haven't gotten an income for myself yet. D:

Arby's - I have a love-hate relationship with. When they do their roast beef sandwich "right" (very thin!) then I adore it, but otherwise... well, I have some major sensory issues, and I can't even eat it otherwise. D: With their fries, it took me forever to try and enjoy their curly fries. I do now (although only when they're fresh), but my top favorite fries from them will always be their Homestyle fries which they got rid of abruptly in 2007. It breaks my heart, because those fries had such a unique taste. The current Sonic fries are kinda similar, but still different.

There is only one Arby's I know of in my area now and I haven't had them yet. I hope they're good!

Braum's - I miss Braum's. They don't have them up here in the Northeast. I knew that before moving, but that doesn't make it sting any less. Their crinkle cut fries are excellent, their country breakfast is excellent, their twist in a cup yogurt is excellent. I miss it all. (not enough to go back south, though. Absolutely not!)

McDonalds - Their fries are pretty good, but not my top favorite or anything. I also like their biscuits okay. I don't eat anything else from them, though.

Wendy's - Only can speak on their fries! Pretty good. Haven't had them in a while.

Domino's - I actually had them a few days ago. I ate them all of the time for a year or two and then got really sick of them. But the other day I was just craving that garlic crust on their hand-tossed pizza and gave them a try again.

Pizza Hut - Again, love-hate relationship. Sometimes their pizza is good, sometimes it's nasty. I like it... how can I describe? Dry. There was a Pizza Hut in my previous university town that was consistently good and so I ate good Pizza Hut for a couple of years.

Little Caesars - They range from great to mediocre (but not inedible like some others lol), so usually it's a pretty good purchase. I haven't had any (or Pizza Hut either) since I moved. I hope they're good up here.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Unicorn Academy
« on: August 27, 2024, 08:16:26 PM »
I've been to several Walmarts and Targets in my region and haven't spotted the baby unicorn blind boxes pictured several posts above. I'm curious whether they are new and just haven't reached shelves yet or if they have been out for a while and are gone. I'm hoping it's not the latter.  :cry:

Pony Corral / Re: MD Pony Meet 2024: Highlights and more!
« on: August 22, 2024, 08:07:08 AM »
Looks like this is about 5 hours down from where I'm at. I'll be interested in coming down to an event someday. Maybe next year's meetup. =)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Unicorn Academy
« on: August 21, 2024, 03:58:51 PM »
Yeah, went to Target today. I saw Unicorn Academy toys, but no sign of these. They are so adorable! But I can't even seem to find them online...

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: August 18, 2024, 08:10:52 PM »
It stayed in the 60s and lower 70s all day. Cloudy with rain in the evening. I'm simply amazed with how regularly it's cool up here in the summer! I love it!

I swear, I'm starting to see yellow leaves. I can't tell whether those are trees fooled by the cool weather (kinda like how in the south, trees can bloom in the winter when it's mild) or if there's just something wrong with the trees.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Unicorn Academy
« on: August 17, 2024, 08:13:32 AM »
OH WOW! Yep, definitely getting these!! Thanks for sharing :D

Leaf is my favorite so far.

The eyes are so much like the G1 mlp IMO.

How cute:

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This brand completely fell off the radar for me. I hope the show is good.

Those are adorable!! I must have them all! lol

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: August 06, 2024, 07:52:56 PM »
It's been rainy this evening. Before the rain it was in the lower 70s and overcast and felt very good!

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: August 03, 2024, 07:22:40 PM »
There's a tropical storm headed this way.

That same tropical storm might make it up where I live. D: Hopefully it'll just be rain by the time it gets up here. I'm not read for my first tropical storm.  :yikes: If it's going to track up here I hope it stays on land and weakens so nothing severe happens.

That last hurricane (Beryl I think it was?) brought tornado warnings all of the way up to upstate NY. I don't want any of that!

Off Topic / Re: Any Bluey fans here?
« on: July 27, 2024, 07:44:18 PM »
I have watched a number of episodes. I find it fun and cute for the most part, but I could do without the toilet humor that pops up every once in a while. lol

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: July 21, 2024, 01:39:43 PM »
Thank you both. Hey Harmonie, I just read back and seen that you're moving states. Hopefully you will check in and say hi when you're all settled. I'm impressed that you're making such a big move. I've moved around wuite a lot over the years. I find that only after 3 or 4 years do I start to feel at home somewhere, maybe because to begin with I'm usually preoccupied with stuff inside the house and only get to know the area later on. I'm also quite shy. So anyway, if you do feel a bit flat to begin with I'm sure it will all work out. Anyway, hope everyone is well. I took the baby to Mum and Dad's hoping for a break but it wasn't very relaxing. I am thinking of going back to work for a rest.

Hi! Thanks for thinking of me!

I arrived in Connecticut in mid-June. The feelings of grief seemed to evaporate pretty quickly for me. I don't know how, because they were pretty deep. I suppose it's because I have wanted to live in the Northeast since my teens and now I finally do! I love Connecticut! I have felt content since I got up here.

The fact that my former state has made news for bad politics numerous times since I moved up here also helps. Lol (that blasted Ryan Walters. What a monumental fool he is!)

With that said, a lot of things are still not set in place. I still haven't found my job unfortunately, which means that I'm still in temporary housing. And but a few weeks ago I got pancreatitis and had to have my gallbladder removed. Nothing says welcome to a new state like spending several days in a hospital there, I suppose.  :ack:

The number of nice weather days and evenings up here has been a pleasant surprise. Also lots of hot days and storms, but the nice days in summer you just don't get where I came from.

This last week I finally found some time to go to the coast. I got to spend some time in Mystic and Stonington (both very neat places!) and the next day I got to spend the day at the beach. I'm not used to beaches, nor am I an outdoor person by any stretch of the imagination but there is still something neat about living near the beach! =)

Pony Corral / Re: Potential bad news about Basic Fun!
« on: June 29, 2024, 08:59:54 AM »
I knowww! The celestial ponies set was ambitious and I hoped that was going to pay off for them! This is so sad.  :sad:

There's so much else sad in the world. Please, I need BF to be okay.  :cry:

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