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Messages - MJNSEIFER
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:13:00 PM »
As long as the content is PG-13 it's fine 
I can't watch the whole thing now, but from what I saw it looks cute and funny 
Got it. Yes, my videos are intended to be suitable for everybody. Thank you.
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:57:25 PM »
I don't know if I'm allowed to post YouTube links or not (if not, I'm sorry), but I felt like showing you all a video I did on YouTube where I did a (silly, typical YouTube) review on the premiere episode of G4's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. context: I have an Animation Review Show on YouTube that I need to get back to, and I also plan uploading a spin-off show where I review every FiM episode, though, of course, I plan on reviewing other generations too, as well as obviously non- MLP stuff.
« on: September 04, 2024, 10:04:47 AM »
And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.
80's kids really did NOT have much access to computers. I would have been severely punished if I ever went into an office space of one of the adults I knew ; I can't imagine how much trouble I would have gotten into if I touched their computer! we had TV (sometimes, when the adults would allow us access), we had cassette tape players and record players, and we had radios. Other than that, personal electronics were NOT a thing until the '90's
I meant that today's kids still do things that we did as kids (go outside, play with toys, watch TV, etc.) as well as go on phones - that is what I meant by how we are not that different. No offense. In my opinion, kids having phones just gives them an extra thing than what we had.
« on: September 03, 2024, 01:37:37 PM »
Haven't read "Generations" yet, but I heard it wasn't the best due to making the G1s need need the G4s to save them, or something... I dunno... I am trying to avoid that with my project.
And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.
Also, imagination will always matter, and every age will always have imagination, which is something I will always be 100% on, again no offense.
G4 won't affect MLP in bad way, as it is another generation of an awesome franchise. I agree they should focus on the target audience, though and hope they are doing so with G5 (not saying bronies should be excluded as we (myself and other bronies) are an audience, but they should focus on the target audience)
« on: August 29, 2024, 06:31:46 AM »
In my view, it likely isn't connected to G4 in canon - it just reboots it, and this is coming from somebody who does view G5 as the future of G4 in fanon/headcanon. It would make more sense given that G5 at face value really does seem like it's own generation (at least to me it does) - new locations, new rules, new species... so I am actually leaning towards the fact that, in canon at least, it is a new world, just a new world that reuses "Equestria" as its name, just like how there's been at least four towns named "Ponyville". It could even be seen as a new reboot version of the G4 Mane Six too, albeit lesser than it has been, as what little we've seen of them, they do seem to be similar to the G4 version, but it feels more like a reference to them, than outright saying "this is what they did next" or whatever. Again, I don't mind G5 being connected to G4, as it still stands on its own either way for me, and feels like it's own generation for me (and again, in my headcanon they are connected), but it doesn't feel like they are as much in the show, outside rebooting, and nostalgic references to them, but if it is, I personally don't feel it affects anything. Those who were angry are likely G4 purists anyway - not saying all of them were, but they at the very least seem to be people who don't get how MLP works, or even how rebooting works; even if the new version follows an older version/takes an older version as main inspiration, it is going to change things, that's how reboots work. There are some bronies (not all of us.  ) who don't get, or don't want to get that MLP does not revolve around G4, and not everything that is also used in that generation has to be the same as it - I feel I have seen bronies acting like Pony Life gets the G4 characters wrong too, but it doesn't for the simple reason that it is not G4, it is G4.5 - a new generation with new ponies. I have also seen bronies act like, for example, that G3 Rainbow Dash ruins G4 Rainbow Dash, despite the obvious fact that G3 existed first (so, this is probably the people we're dealing with when looking at the anger directed towards G5s changes - not everybody, I'm sure, but I have seen a lot of praise towards G5, including from bronies.) "Perfect Evolution to G4" is also a bad way for them to look at it, even if they have G4 as their favorite, which they allowed to do, obviously (it is my second favorite generation, so praise where praise is due) - ignoring that no generation can be perfect (I'll probably even find something wrong with G3 if I look hard enough) - My Little Pony was already "perfect" before G4 happened, and I feel that what really helped G4 succeed (outside of the internet being what it was to boost fandoms easier) was that it followed the format of previous generations - when it moved away from that, it felt more like a de-evolution to me, despite the fact that I never stopped loving G4, and it could still be "My Little Pony when it knew how to be - I actually feel like G5 (mostly Make Your Mark) is saving My Little Pony by returning it to its roots, both early G4 and the generations before G4 - either way, it feels more like My Little Pony than G4 eventually did for me (it felt like it at first, IMO.) I honestly feel that the only thing wrong with G5 is that Hasbro don't see the awesome generation they have on their hands, and have no idea how to promote it - a big mistake was to largely limit it to Netflix, which, while I love using it, doesn't promote its products very well - Make Your Mark alone looks built to be a TV show, and like all animated generations is just screaming for a physical media release, because it's My Little Pony, and of course, they need to promote the toys more. P.S. To NightChaser: I just noticed your post, and I ultimately agree with what you say about a Chapter Based show on Netflix making it an awkward show to fanbase over. Also I was part of the brony fandom since 2011, and from what I can see the gaps between seasons/episodes was relatively normal, though I can't give an exact timeline. I disagree that Make Your Mark replaced fantasy and adventure though, as I feel it had adventure (though could have had more if it had better "pacing", i.e. it wasn't a Chapter Based show - it's something that the two conflicting complaints I've seen about Make Your Mark is that it focuses too much on the ponies goofing than doing story-related things, and that it focuses too much on the story so that the ponies don't get a chance to just hang out and be friends - I feel better pacing would have helped both sides, as much as I love Make Your Mark for what it is) and I definitely feel that it has a lot of fantasy, and would do so even if I didn't feel that social media fitted in to a fantasy setting perfectly (which I do) the whole atmosphere just has a very fantasy like vibe to it for me. No offense. In regards to how you view the G5 Mane Ponies - I respect your opinion, but I certainly wouldn't view Pipp as anything like (early) Diamond Tiara or Trixie by a long shot - if she's like any G4 pony (and ultimately, she's like herself, in my opinion) I'd say she's Rarity - not only is she that perfect blend of adorable and beautiful, she's also the creator/artist of the Mane Cast (yes, I know Izzy can be seen as an artist too), where as with Rarity it was fashion design, with Pipp it's performing and (essentially) YouTube videos, as well as being a stylist or whatever. I also don't feel Zipp is very much like G4 Rainbow Dash, other than being an athletic pegasus (I even feel their personalities contrast each other in places), again no offense.
« on: August 25, 2024, 02:29:48 PM »
I love Bluey - in my opinion it captures the idea of being a kid perfectly to the point that it may do things that you won't even remember being relatable as a kid until you watch it (I mean how they make games out of things that adults would find mundane, like shopping or staying in a hotel, or whatever.) There's also something strangely emotional about it - I've cried while watching it, and I don't even understand why at times, there's just something about some episodes...  I have watched a number of episodes. I find it fun and cute for the most part, but I could do without the toilet humor that pops up every once in a while. lol
I hate toilet humor (too?), but at least it's done innocently in Bluey and thankfully doesn't seem to be that prevalent compared to all the things I like about the show. This may not be the case, based on other views I hear, but I've always felt toilet humor to be something you do when you're desperate to get older viewers interested in your show, like "Hey, we're not just a kids show - we do teenager things like toilet humor!"), but I don't get that with Bluey. I still don't like it, but it's more tolerable here, in my opinion. We all really like it in our house. We save it to watch at weekends when we are all together because the adults like it too.
I hope you don't mind me saying, but... that's kind of cute. ^_^ We love Bluey in my house!! I remember thinking it was going to be stupid the first time my kids wanted to watch it a couple of years ago, as most modern kid shows are, but found myself unexpectedly amused...okay, even a little it. 
The bolded parts are something that I will never, ever, agree with, but I'm pleased you like it (though, I'd respect if you didn't.) Side Note: Although I always admit that what I am watching is a kid's show, and will never feel shame in doing so, I playfully feel that Bluey has three target audiences; 1. Kids. 2. Adults who used to be kids. 3. Adults who have kids.
« on: July 20, 2024, 05:25:49 PM »
It shouldn't based on what I see with the quality of the show, but if it happens because of the toyline (i.e. what MLP actually it)... or even because of the show, which in my opinion, it shouldn't, then I will never see it as G5 failing, but rather Hasbro failing G5. They don't seem to be doing much with the toyline, from what little I've seen - but there's a chance that Hasbro haven't known what to do with an MLP toyline since G3.5. Cartoonwise, G5 is beautifully done, in my opinion (talking specifically about Make Your Mark here) - I love G4, and all of G4 means a lot to me, but in my opinion it lost something in the later seasons, however much I have nostalgia for those seasons. G5 basically restores MLP to not only early G4, but basically the earlier generations - it really does look like something I would have watched as a kid, just as G1 to at least early G4 also does. I think it would work better if marketed more - G5 has fans among the people watching it. I know some bronies (who aren't the entirety of the fandom, I know) don't like it, but at least some of them are probably the kind of bronies that only like G4 and won't even give a chance to the other generations? I don't know who's a brony and who isn't in the MLP fandom unless they specify, but I have seen a lot of G4 fans who love G5, or at least like it, so it has a following - it just needs to be pushed more for the actual target audience (though at this rate, pushing it towards any audience would be a start, it seems.) I love G4, I always will, and it does deserve the praise it received, in my opinion, but also in my opinion, a lot of it was down to timing - it was the right moment for a show to be noticed this way. It is indeed a beautifully written, nostalgic, and mostly audience respecting (i.e. it doesn't talk down to them... not always, anyway) show, but the same things can be said about the generations preceding, and succeeding G4 - and in some cases, I'd even say they do it better. G4 MLP was awesome, because it behaved like MLP (and this is coming from somebody who mostly started with G4) and in my opinion, started to go downhill when it moved away from that, but G5 does feel like MLP to me, so it should be helping the franchise, and should be given a chance to do so. I only saw the first G5 movie once, so I might be wrong, but if irc, G5 is set in a distant future from G4. At the beginning of the movie, Sunny and her friends are playing with Mane 6 G4 toys and one of them says something about the different ponies all living separately from each other instead of together like they did in the Mane 6's time. Also I never quite figured out how the new elements in Sunny's time, fit in with the G4-G5 timeline.
Maybe they're planning to explain it, at some point (if they haven't already) - I mainly follow Make Your Mark and they haven't really explained it. To be honest, the more I look at it, the more it feels like G5 really is a new generation, with a new world, and everything else - it just happens to use the idea of being a sequel to G4 as a starting point, and its own idea of G4 at that (it's a 100% coincidence, but G5 actually makes more sense as a sequel to my own fanon of G4 than the canon G4.) I don't know if Hasbro felt they needed to at least vaguely connect it with G4 due to that generation having such a fanbase or not - even as early as A New Generation, I personally feel that G5 already stands as its own generation, and has flown its own skies, as it were. I think that some bronies need to get that you can love a new generation for itself without letting go of the older generation, and maybe Hasbro needs to get that they don't have to let go of the older (money making) generation, either - but promote the newer generations, and let that do what a previous (G4 isn't even the last generation before G5) did - it has a following, it is a good generation. Use it!
« on: June 24, 2024, 04:11:41 PM »
I was thinking more that the box colours Hasbro are using overwhelm or are too heavy to go along with Sunny's own colour scheme. Though the blending in is an issue as well. I'm pulling up G1 just as an example here but a lot of early pony packaging is blue sky/clouds/sometimes grass at the bottom. That's more lowkey, allows the pony's own colours to stand out. I'm imagining if Masquerade was sold on a card the same colouring as Sunny's packaging. I don't think she would stand out as much to a kid because she'd be competing for attention with the box.
I don't like the last line of packaging in G1 with its garish pink. I feel it swallows up ponies, especially those who have a more neon pink or dark pink colouring (Melody, Baby Billie, etc). Sunny is orange, true, but her hair is dark is the box. I think this doesn't help in catching a kid's eye.
I also think orange/pink was a bad choice for the MC's colour scheme. Orange blue, orange green, even orange-red would've worked better. But orange pink...doesn't really stand out.
Oh, I see - I hadn't thought of that. I had a look at the G5 and G1 packaging, and while I admit I noticed the G5 ponies against the background, I think I get what you mean about the G1 packaging - the pony does stand out more, and would likely do so for a child looking for a new toy (whereas I am a childish adult, who already knows he likes My Little Pony, so I likely see the ponies automatically.) Yeah, as much as I love the idea of going all out with the colorful packaging, I can actually see G1's method working better with its "less is more" approach, as like you say the first thing you notice is more likely to be the pony. Good point.  In some ways it succeeded in ostracizing the FIM fanbase, in a way reclaiming what MLP is for children. I consider that a win.
For what it's worth- I actually, genuinely love G5's media, and aesthetic. I don't think this should be a hot take, I just find it nice. There's plenty of places where there it can be improved, and it's very noticeable- but, my favourite pony shows have these problems. I mentioned early I picked up some 3 inch dolls/figures, whatever, I love them for what they are. I'm interested in playing the games, reading the comics, heck I even listen to the music.
I feel I am a very mild fan of G5 enjoying it how I have enjoyed G1-3. I personally find it's flaws on the production and executive end. The things that bother me most, are pretty harmless for me. "Ew, why does X character look weird in this art/media!" or "Wow that line read from X character was pretty bad." ehhh. I agree with some of the other takes here- G5 has been really, middle of the road on a lot of things. I don't mean to be haughty or ambivalent- I do care! I suppose I'm not taking it serious? G5 isn't taking itself serious, so G5 is doing what it's been doing. I like that for you G5. Yay ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ PLEASE MAKE OTHER PONIES I LOVE DIFFERENT PONIES
I don't feel G5 ostracized FiM's fanbase in anyway, and nor should it need to - it has been very welcoming to fans of that show, I find. There are bronies (unfortunately, likely some to this day - I saw a possible example recently) that need to reminded that MLP is a children's franchise, and that there is no reason to pretend that isn't, but that is what made all of it so beautifully written, and very likely what allowed the brony fandom to happen (the fact that it was G4 specifically was likely timing, yes) - the show was written as a children's show, so it felt like a children's show we grew up with (I'm speaking purely for myself here, but I think G4 being written as kids show, which it was, really helped it's initial impact.) So yeah, I don't think they need to be ostracized, but some need to be reminded what My Little Pony is (a children's franchise), that it being so is okay (which it is), and why it's such a beautifully created/written franchise (because it's ultimately for children.) I get your quoted criticisms of G5 - they are the kind of criticisms that a fan could, and does have (e.g. I have often found the delivery of a line, or the dialogue itself bad, in a show I like, or even love.) I'll admit I haven't found much of them on G5 personally (though they tend to be more obvious when clips are shown in isolation, for me - I think I just love G5 so much, that it covers up the flaws, or I have nostalgia goggles for it.  ) I do personally think G5 does take itself seriously though (at least in the cartoons), but I respect if your don't.
« on: June 22, 2024, 04:25:00 PM »
Maybe a rainbow colored box? I mean, it fits My Little Pony, and would probably stand out as it's multiple colors, as well as looking beautiful. Or would that still blend in with other toys?
« on: June 22, 2024, 11:09:19 AM »
MJNSEIFER - I'm glad MYM still resonates with you! I gave it as much of a shot as I could before writing it off, it's a shame it just didn't seem to meet any of my expectations. If I were to rewrite it, I would have gone a completely different direction (I also think Sprout and Misty would have had an amazing dynamic had Sprout been allowed to be redeemed or interact with Misty at all, as a pony who's done evil knowingly and a pony who's been coerced into doing so.)
Thank you.  I respect that you gave it a chance before deciding it wasn't for you, which I also respect, as well as the idea that you would have written it differently - that's pretty much my view on My Little Pony; the "story" is what you want it to be (not an original view, I know - MLP is a toyline, of course, so there are many ways to tell the story, be it playing with toys, or writing about the cartoons, or thinking about how you would.) I like your point on how Sprout and Misty's dynamic as two different ex-"villains" could have been - if it's okay, I'll try to consider that when I write my Sprout storyline (if Misty's involved - I'm not really sure where in Make Your Mark it takes place in, if it connects to canon at all.) Generation 5 failed because of the My Little Pony community and Hasbro. Hasbro didn't do decent marketing I live in Brazil and I've never seen a G5 commercial on television I remember the G3 and G4 commercials the distribution of ponies to other countries takes a long time they only focus on the United States and here in Latin America it takes a long time almost a year to launch new ponies, G5 started with a film on Netflix, a fatal error should have been in theaters, the dolls are of poor quality and the story doesn't attract children's attention and Hasbro focuses a lot on nostalgia. Now the fan base are the G4 fans who can't get over the fact that the G4 is over and keep boycotting the G5 and saying that it's a bad generation and so people lose interest because if the fans of the franchise themselves don't like the G5, why who If you're a fan, you'll like it, not to mention that the G5 didn't please G1 collectors. I LOVE THE G5 I LOVE THE DESIGN OF THE G5 I LOVE THE EPISODES THE MOVIE THE SERIES I LOVE THE G5 IT'S PERFECT!! I wish there were more G5 products in Brazil so it would be easier to follow, but Hasbro doesn't care about Latin America. Remembering that this is my opinion, forgive me if I offended anyone!
Agree on some of this, mostly the stuff about Hasbro not really doing any thing to promote G5 - I'm in England, but I haven't seen Hasbro do anything to promote G5 either, and I agree that limiting it to Netflix doesn't help either - corporations in general need to be reminded that, even if streaming is the most popular method of watching media, not everybody does so (or are even able to, as not everybody had Netflix, or even stream at all) and those that do don't necessarily use it as their only method to watch media; i.e. people still watch TV, buy physical media, and yes, go to the cinema - releasing A New Generation as a cinema movie probably would have helped, as you say. Are children really not drawn in by the shows? I can't speak for other people, but I personally feel that if I was a child, I'd love G5 (which is a reason I love it, as it feels like something I would have watched as a child, like most, if not all generations, in my opinion.) I'm touch and go with how much of it is down to the fandoms though - I've seen of bronies (or at least G4 fans) who like G5, so I'm hoping that the bronies/G4 fans who don't are just a vocal minority. I will also agree that bronies focusing too much on "G4 being over" that it affects their view on G5 isn't helping them, but for a different reason; G4 (like all generations) isn't really over, as it hasn't gone anywhere (the show and toyline ended, but nobody has to stop being a fan of it, and nobody has to "let go of it" to enjoy G5.) Also (and this is more of a personal thing) I do disagree with the "focuses too much on nostalgia" criticism, because in addition to not really feeling that's a problem with G5 myself (while I do feel that the G4 connection and G1 and G4 shout outs are intended to be, and in my opinion are, nostalgic, most of the nostalgia I get from G5, is my nostalgia for G5 itself), I've never felt that this was a bad thing, or even really a thing (maybe I just haven't seen enough of examples of it done badly?) as I ultimately look at it the way I'd write things, from my own perspective of nostalgia; maybe the writers themselves are nostalgic for G4 and G1? That would be my motivation for including previous generation stuff if I was writing for G5 or any other generation - I'd still write the generation as it's own thing (which G5, in my opinion, is), but I'd nostalgically involve previous generations, and invite my viewers on the journey, if they want to join me. That's ultimately my view on "new versions" (reboots, remakes, etc.) they can, should, and do be their own their own things, but should also acknowledge that they are "new versions" of things, and provide some nostalgia for the "old versions", or at least show awareness that they ultimately exist because of them. I will admit, the main reason I'm unsure of the whole "focuses too much on nostalgia" thing, is because that is likely what my projects will be seen as doing (my My Little Pony fanseries especially, if people think G5 focuses too much on nostalgia). Nostalgia is something very important to me, and is basically a driving force of my inspiration, so it ends up being a thing in my projects - even projects which aren't versions of existing things are/will be written with the intention of being "nostalgic", both nostalgia for itself, and other things. Sorry about turning the focus to myself there. I respect your opinion. Not offended, at all.
« on: June 17, 2024, 01:43:21 PM »
I'll push back lightly on this and even posit the idea that it urges kids to check out MLP FIM at all with their vague inclusion of Twilight Sparkle. She's not introduced as anything, she's a hologram, and then her appearance is referred to at multiple points. We also have the inclusion of Celestia and Luna, Spike.... The FIM show just kind of offers kids way more to chew on (and it's readily available on Youtube!), even if they got started with G5. If you give a kid a phone, and they're looking up Twilight Sparkle because they're curious about this pony who was introduced (or even just looking up any G5 stuff at all) they're going to find all of the crossover stuff with FIM, the FIM episodes themselves, and hours and hours of content. And ads for toys! And merch!
In my mind, it is good for a reboot of anything to draw its fans in the direction of the original, or previous versions - that is how I write my (fictional) reboots - they are their own thing, yes, but they give enough awareness that previous versions exist, not that new viewers would need that much help these days, as it is easier to see there are several version of things - which is a good thing, IMO. They don't have to be reboot sequels like G5 is to G4, but they can call back. I still feel G5 stands on it's own, even with these - not only is it (in my opinion) its own take on the G4 characters used, they are also used pretty sparingly - they include Twilight early in the show as a kind of nostalgic starting point, the Celestia and Luna thing is easily ignored, in my opinion (which, despite my love of G5 I actually do ignore, because it doesn't match my personal headcanon, which I know is my personal headcanon), the Spike stuff I feel works better than what FiM itself did design-wise, but again I feel they are their own take on the characters - by pure coincidence, G5 actually makes more sense as a sequel to my version of G4 than the real G4 (and even some of G5 doesn't fit my version either - which matters even less than fitting the real G4, because it's fanon.) It could have stood on its own if they had developed the rules of the world in-universe, but it kind of feels like they didn't. A lot of required reading expected going in, I felt.
Again, it could be an encouragement to check out older versions, and enjoy them as well as the current version, but I still feel G5 stands on its own even with this. If you don't, I respect that, but even if it wasn't connecting to (possibly its own version of) a previous generation, it makes sense in my opinion to not establish everything about the world before hand - it gives the viewers chance to learn more about the world as things go on. In fairness both examples (explain early or wait to explain) can work, but again, I don't feel this stops G5 standing on its own personally (again, respect if it doesn't for you.) As someone who gave G5 more of a shot than it likely deserved, the main show suffered from amateurish writing (a lot of the episodes of chapter two were written very confusingly and unsatisfying) and a lack of time to develop characters. Misty was a great addition to the cast but I feel the main cast felt underdeveloped as a result. They needed more time, less of a focus on grand, sweeping adventures, and just to take a step back. Sunny is boring as tar in MYM, when she was the main character in ANG, and they should have maybe spent a chapter focusing more solely on her struggles as a new princess or alicorn or whatever that status even means for her. They should have focused on developing those folks before giving us this big baddie they have to face off. The character development was lacking and it makes it hard to care for characters at all. I thought them sidelining Sprout was a mistake and was fully expecting them to develop him more as a redeemed character throughout the season. I think that would have made for a better season one conflict and kept their world fairly limited to the scope of the movie, and THEN open season 2 with Misty & Opaline.
I guess we just had different views on G5, which again I respect, and I do agree with you in some places, but admittedly disagree in other places - you found Sunny a boring character, which is fine, but I personally did not; I found her a character that I enjoyed following, and sympathized with when she wasn't "understood" as herself - I get they could do more with her, but when I saw her and she got the spotlight, I loved how she was used, but if you didn't, I respect that. I agree about G5 needing "more time" - I have seen complaints from both people who think that Make Your Mark took too long to be adventurous/storyline driven and was just the ponies "goofing", and complaints by those who felt that it focused too much on the the main story, and the ponies didn't take the time to have fun and "be friends" like the previous generations did. I think the "Episode Format" didn't help the show, even though have a lot of love and nostalgia for Make Your Mark - it may have helped it to have the same episode format as FiM (and I'm not saying every generation has to be like G4 - all generation cartoons have had their own format, and the closest to FiM's was My Little Pony Tales by the look of things), as that would have given things more time, however you look at it. Again, I love Make Your Mark, but a 26 Episode Season would have allowed side storylines, such as Sprout getting a redemption storyline (which I agree he should have, I even plan on writing said storyline for him), a few extra storylines for the Mane Five, and the actual "Mane Story" storylines we got (i.e. the Misty and Opaline stuff.) I personally don't think the former needed to wait for the second season (but again, respect if you did), but yeah, I can get the idea of there needing to be more focus on other stuff. But I will again admit, that I love Make Your Mark for what it is, and can just "fill in the gaps" with my own stories. There was just something about it that resonated with me, and I felt like I grew up with it (which is often the case with me and MLP), but I respect your view, and I get that some of this is nostalgia talking, and respect that you felt different, but that's my basic view on it. I hope that's okay.
« on: June 16, 2024, 02:53:35 PM »
I still maintain that G5 does "stand alone" from G4, despite being a "reboot sequel" (IMO) from it. I doubt that Hasbro want to cut the brony fandom, or at least the G4 fandom off, as (regardless of how much G5 connects with G5) it is respectful to G4 - it changes things, yes, but it is allowed to as it is a new generation, and a lot of people (other than G4 purists) seem to like G5 Unfortunately I know of some (led by one person who has been throwing a constant, and vocal fit since G4 ended) who think they can force Hasbro to restart FiM, which definitely doesn't help. .
I think I know who that person is... And yeah, I feel that it being purely on Netflix isn't helping.
« on: June 12, 2024, 12:51:10 PM »
I would be curious to know how well the G5 electronic media are doing. I haven't been paying attention, because I found the toys so off-putting, and it seemed like they were targeting a younger audience with the show(s).
Different people have different views, but I've seen a decent amount of fanart of G5, particularly Tell Your Tale, so G5 definitely has it's fans. I myself feel that Make Your Mark did beautifully. I'm only really focusing on what would likely be the older viewers, though - bronies or not (as I'm in that "circle" so to speak, I don't know how the actual target audience, i.e. kids, are doing with G5.) I don't really get the vibe that the shows are made for a younger audience, though... at least, no younger than MLP already was (it that it basically seems to be the same "target wise" for me). No offense. What I meant was that the toyline is extremely lackluster and basic in design, limited in range and also very overpriced for what you get imo. If these products don't sell, then it's safe to say that the driving marketing force (namely the tv show) lost its purpose. The show may hold the interest of a certain audience, but if that audience doesn't take the next step to shell out money for the related products, it Missed its Mark, pun intended.
EDIT: But maybe we are wrong, because we have a different take on what "G5" constitutes. The people that were around before G4 think of the toyline as the main element of a generation, backed up by a show. I think it is safe to say that G4 started out with that same approach but maybe evolved away from that: IP popularity (through a show) first, then toys. And that mindset may have been carried over into G5, for Hasbro and the G4+ fans at least, while us longterm fans still keep the focus on the toys.
Hasbro's recent self definition as an "IP, games, toys-company in that order" certainly corroborates that. I hope I made my point come across clear enough; english is still my 3rd language 
I think I get what you mean. Thanks. I get what you mean about the "change in focus" too. I'm somebody who ultimately started with G4, but my experience with the entire franchise has shown me that the toyline should be what takes priority from Hasbro and the like, despite the fact that I may think of the shows first (but I respect all of My Little Pony and get that it's a toyline first.) I do feel that (in my limited knowledge of the toylines of the later generations) that Hasbro likely needed to re-think how they do the toylines since 3.5. I mean, I started with G4, but I have more of a memory of the ponies in the G1-G3 toylines, despite never owning any of them, because they look so interesting to me...
« on: June 10, 2024, 06:39:38 AM »
But in the case MYM, there is nothing to sell except for the super basic stuff that collects dust on the shelves.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that the toys aren't "playable" in anyway, like for kids to just play with them as toys? The few G5 toys I have seen in shops are pretty big, so I guess they wouldn't be easy to just play with like the smaller toys, so I get what you mean if that's the case.
« on: June 09, 2024, 02:30:25 PM »
The shows are generating interest - I'm seeing a lot of praise and fanart online (though I assume it is largely the brony fandom, though I hope the target audience are getting their fill - especially Make Your Mark - that show screams "something to grow up with" in my opinion.) The problem is, Hasbro aren't bothering to promote it, as far as I can see.
Maybe it's different outside of the UK, but I haven't seen any promotion for either the toys or the cartoon - I don't know what their problem with the cartoon is (but, I don't think Hasbro have known what to do with the toys since G3.5) but I think with the show, it's because they think everybody is streaming, they don't need to promote it (like "everybody has Netflix" (which isn't the case), so they don't need to advertise it (but they do.)