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Messages - Zapper
« on: February 09, 2025, 07:33:12 AM »
I miss the fact her blue hair is unique to her with Cleo currently sporting that look
Her hair is green now, so I fear Cleo will never stop being blue. I wish they'd make Cleo a brunette with occasional blue and golden streaks again. But despite all the new racial diversity, they seem to hate brown hair in G3. Only Clawdeen has it sometimes because it's her fur color. Very weird. Speaking of leaks... we're gtting so many right now. The new Elvira prototype: can clearly see that her eyes are painted and her box has a mock-up of the new eye make-up. I'd love to know where these leaks come from. I am really in love with this new Elvira and now I am wondering how I am going to budget for the summer... urgh. Need her and the new Nefera.
« on: February 08, 2025, 03:11:27 AM »
G3 Nefera leaked! She looks so much better than cartoon Nefera and looks tall+curvy. Pet got a name change but hey, it's not a cat or a dog! I am a bit shocked she still has her poop-beetle but Venus had to get a crazy mutant instead of a plant  Edit for reference. Here is how she looked in the cartoon show. Big golden eyes, random patterns on a boring dress and blonde streaks. All topped off with mismatched red jewelry. If G3 Sig Cleo was a downgrade of her cartoon version then Nefera is the upgrade. I'm just so glad my girl got her eye color back.
« on: February 03, 2025, 04:35:43 AM »
Derry Girls I'm not even Irish but the time period was my childhood and the humor is right up my alley. Too bad it doesn't have that many episodes but I'd rather have a good show that tells its story and ends than neverending garbage. I just love rewatching it. A show from my actual childhood is Jem. My American relatives had it on tape and I always thought it was so scandalous for a cartoon. I love rewatching Jem when I need something light and nostalgic. The music has also aged really well. Other shows from that time period are damn near unwatchable to me. Jem was baby's first soap opera. I only grew up with a couple eps, so as an adult I sought it out and binged the whole show and was hooked
« on: February 02, 2025, 05:36:44 AM »
Aww, I don't think these look bad. Sure, they have a severe lack of muzzle but we've been cursed with this fact ever since G3.5 and G4 gave the final death knell and turned them into cats. Then G5 turned them into dogs. It's where we're at and quite frankly I adore the fact they brought back the G2 hooves for G5 and seem to be continuing the trend. Of course I am biased and think Breyer is currently making the cutest MLP-inspired ponies with their line "Lil Beauties". They even branched out to seaponies. If Hasbro was smart they'd look at what makes these ponies so cute and copy it in a more cartoony, less detailed manner. Lil Beauties' faces are perfectly equine yet cutesy and expressive with cartoony eyes that are not front-facing: wish I was still a troll like in my early 20s, because I would love to create my own G6 designs based on Lil Beauties and just throw them onto the internet, pretending it's legit, just to see the reactions  Like I'd throw them onto the site with the cloverleaf, hahah...
« on: February 01, 2025, 04:33:44 AM »
Nitpick but why are her buttons black? It's the only thing they changed and I hope it's a mistake that's gonna get corrected on the final statue. Not that I am going to get it, I am just a stickler for details.
In general I find these figures questionable. The bodies are always so detailed and realistic with skin and cloth folds but the faces remain flat and anime-esque. It makes the characters look like they are wearing masks.
Draculaura's pose is cute and I also want to see more but their MLP figs had some weird poses, I am so afraid they are going to give Clawdeen a pantyshot or the underside of her butt exposed or something similar. Miniskirt and stockings are a bad combo in animeland.
« on: January 27, 2025, 11:13:24 AM »
More and more Corpse Bride photos are cropping up and it's a tad strange for a doll slated to come out in August. Rumor has it Mattel employees were tasked to leak her. I'm not sure what that would accomplish, given the doll seems to be a finished product and fans online are hating pretty badly on her already. I think her details are super cute, one of her heels is the skeledog  People really treat these MH versions as bad adaptions of the source material. Lots of complaints about how she shouldn't have that belt and bla bla bla... she's a MH character not an Emily puppet replica. I know I've been annoyed at these people for a while now and complaining about complaints does nothing. But I gotta vent, lol. Same with the new Skullector Beetlejuice being the old Big Sis doll and not a new manster version. If the old doll sold so well why should they change the formula? It's almost like Mattel is a company interested in capitalism and not some poor seller on Etsy who creates custom dolls. PS: I think constructive criticism is always good but when people have to apologize for liking something you know the MH fandom is done.
« on: January 24, 2025, 11:28:23 AM »
New Corpse Bride collector doll leaked:
« on: January 21, 2025, 07:40:12 AM »
Next Creeproductions confirmed to be Toralei, Nefera and Operetta. Next G3 character release confirmed to be Nefera. Nefera's text refers to her as "a mummy with a heart of gold"  I still don't like nice Nefera, sorry. So glad you got her Zapper, I would love to see pictures of her.
Thanks!  I always have to wait weeks on these MC dolls to arrive but I'll document the unboxing. I simply can't keep them in box.
« on: January 19, 2025, 04:34:10 AM »
More Venus discussions from my favorite place: This topic is full of people saying the new Venus doll is greenwashing, something that is ironic because she was always an eco activist character because she is a PLANT. It's storytelling. Absolutely nothing about fashion dolls is sustainable, plastic is made from oils. There is a chance every single poster there is still a teenager. That's why I am not pointing my fingers at a single user. I simply wanted to bring the discussion over here. I personally love the fans who cheered on the RuPaul doll, a man who supports fracking on his own land, but hate on the silly Eco Punk branding of Venus' fantasy fashion. G1 Venus has always had that characterization and she is a fake person, a fictional character who won't do any more damage to the world than all the other fashion dolls out there. If they really wanted change they'd stop buying dolls and only ever thrift them to keep them away from landfills and in collector's hands. Like the MLP fandom does with the past generations. Also instead of complaining about poly hair they should love it since it bio-degrades much faster than nylon. Also stop buying any form of fast fashion and get their jeans from reputable recycling or upcycling companies. But they most likely just want to hate on people who bought this doll. Because she has a jeans bodysuit they don't like - that's just my personal opinion. All these people convinced Mattel is greenwashing a fashion doll should stop buying any doll that is made from plastics or resins. Wood,cloth, porcellain are nice alternatives. But those dolls don't have young fandoms on social media. I'm saying this as an environmentally conscious person who refuses to own a car, lives a vegetarian lifystyle without milk products and only buys used leather shoes because pleather is plastic. But yeah, I bought this Venus and I think the storytelling is really cute and will keep her beautiful box. I like it better than the usual "I am dressing up for a party" stuff. Of course, if they started doing diaries again that would be ideal. Keep the doll's story in the box as a surprise.
« on: January 18, 2025, 02:37:36 PM »
I just found out about these and thought their boxart looked so adorable... and then I see their toys and yep, once again eye placement and headshape too dog-like.
Don't get me wrong, these are a breath of fresh air compared to current MLP. But their art has the eyes correctly and they look so much better. A shame because I think the cart pulling gimmick is cute and their color schemes are very pleasant. If I was still collecting I'd get all the chestnut colored ones.
« on: January 17, 2025, 12:27:38 PM »
I love the new Fang Club Venus and ordered her  I love the fact she has that simple statement piece because everything else about her is loud. The bodysuit being jeans is also something I love because this way it doesn't look like a swimsuit and at the same time it is a nice callback to her jean jacket from her G1 Signature doll. I am sure she'll look amazing in I <3 Fashion outfits since she has deeper pink and green accents. I can post in-hand pics once I get her. Post Merge: January 18, 2025, 06:25:12 AMOk, I had to actually take some time to recover from yesterday because I practically ran home after all my work appointments were done to be able to safely order Venus from my home PC and I had so much FOMO, afraid she'd sell out immediatly just to see she is still in the shop today  The past Skullectors are all still sitting in the shop as well, that's a good thing because this way they go on sale occasionally. It looks like they increased quantities, a good way to combat resellers and scalpers. Frankie has a Make-a-Monster playset coming. It should be a really cool idea, but this is almost a summery of why I don't really like G3; it's too cutesy compared to G1, and the doe eyes/pastel colours on the critters really sell that.
Yeah, I had the same reaction to this. The concept is cool and finally they are giving kids something creative that is tied to the monster aspect. When did we get CAM back in the day? I think it was relatively early in the line. The G3 pets simply look like LPS and these playset pets in particular are so pastelly they could double for another different toyline.
« on: January 11, 2025, 12:09:30 PM »
New Venus McFlytrap collector doll from the Mattel members only forums! Comes out on the 17th, I am going to try and get one! Here are the previews: visitors can't see pics , please register or loginvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
« on: January 10, 2025, 08:27:49 AM »
Hopefully they'll make the full band, plus The Misfits and Stingers! If they make Stormer; Roxy, Minx and Kimber, I'll pick them up.
If they make them all I might have to get them all. I do have two Integrity dolls but they were so limited and expensive I had to stop after I had my two big faves. This new Jem better sell well because having all the bands together would be a dream. Just when I got rid of most of my collections something new pops up