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Messages - NiniaPastelillo

Pages: [1]
Pony Corral / Info of this xl g3 pillow plushie Rainbow Dash
« on: April 27, 2023, 04:47:11 PM »
Hi! I'm looking for data of this Rainbow Dash floppy pillow plush. I know there is a similar one from 2004, but this one is from 2008 Made in China. :blink:
The most obvious is the purple eye, and the fabric that is not as soft as the original.
I am from Argentina, I would like to know where else it has been sold, if it reached the US.
I found another plushies post on arena, but nothing about her :wonder:
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Introductions / Re: Hello! Hola!
« on: February 20, 2022, 03:50:44 AM »
Thank you!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Introductions / Hello! Hola!
« on: February 19, 2022, 03:33:45 AM »
Hi! I'm Yesica from Argentina. I'm 42 years old ^.^ I'm illustrator and mom of two kids and two dogs :)
I love G1 and G3 ponies. It's so hard buy ponies in good conditions in my city  (and country too):huh:  They are very expensive and hard to find.
Recently bought a fakie pony to practice restoring it. I would also like to rescue and restore several ponies from the flea market in my city and share my results with you. ;)
Sorry for my wording, I'm using a translator because I speak in Spanish  :good:

Pages: [1]

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