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Topics - relcelestia

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For Sale - For Auction / Argies on eBay!
« on: July 02, 2020, 09:44:37 AM »
Argies On eBay! Confetti, Moondancer, and Baby Posey
10% of sale donated to Black Girls Rock!

Please note: if you are outside of the US/Canada this link will not work since I am not shipping outside of US and Canada 😞 But you can still view by searching Argentina on the US eBay site

Yes these are my photos 😘

MLP Nirvana / Delete please:)
« on: July 02, 2020, 09:43:50 AM »
Sorry guys meant to post this in the Nirvana sales forum!

MLP Nirvana / WHAT is going on with these crazy Argie prices?!
« on: November 19, 2018, 11:45:50 AM »
Hi All! Long time no see :-)
so on a whim I decided to look up Argentina ponies sold auctions on eBay… Totally shocked!! So many of them are $300 $400 $500 and even over $600!  :shocked: :shocked: :blink:
Needless to say I haven’t been on the pony scene in a minute… Can y’all update me as to how this trend happened?
EDIT for examples:
$135 for baby CC (pink with white hair)
$120 for baby CC (pink with green/white hair)
$400 for glory with red hair
$300 for green helados
$400 for felicidades
$90 for CC
$500 for LS pink with purple hair CP
$110 for baby MD white with green hair
$500 & $310 for novia
$350 for minty
$670 for hearthhrob (pink with white hair )
$181 for purple disco
$125 baby gusty

none of these are in great condition either!!! Whats up with this?!
 Just as a comparison you can click on the link in my signature to see what prices were about five years ago

COMPLETED MY ARGIE COLLECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for yelling…..
but not really … lol!
can i please invent a new smiley face for this occasion?!!?!?!? cause none of them quite express how I'm feeling?!!?!?!?!?!?!?
here she is!!!!
the last Argie i needed! Unbelievable!!!!!!! Hugenormous hug and thank you to Marian for selling her to me! and to everyone who has ever sold me an argie or PMed me when they spotted one or set a pony aside just for me,
you have all been a wonderful part of me achieving my argie goal!!!!
*wipes tears* *waves to fans*
omg i just can't believe its actually HERE!!!!!!
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aaaand look at all these incredible goodies Marian sent me ^_^
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it just so happens i am hell bent on learning spanish and have been looking for something simple to start reading. What could be better than an MLP comic from Argentina!?!?!?
and totally love the G1 Care bear stickers from argentina too! the artwork is so heartwarming :)

I had planned to take more pics of all my surprises but my camera pooped out :/

you can see the rest of my collection by clicking my sig ;)

don't worry, I'm not done buying ponies, i still need several upgrades hahahah!!!

i really can't think of anything else to say…
I'm just… ya… in shock  :shocked:

PS I am not counting ooak argie variants … cause that would be impossible to complete hah!

Off Topic / Phreaking Photobucket!!!
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:04:51 AM »
it changed again??!!
i want it back!!
what is going on? anyone know?
so phrustrated with them ever since the big change several months back....

MLP Nirvana / tried to warn you.... i wasnt kidding hah!
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:27:19 AM »
i will post a brag for every new variant i buy from here on out since there are only a couple left that i need....
and the girl im adding today
















 :taco:  :chili:  :cheese:  :rasp:  :banana:  :apple:  :pineapple:  :orange:  :choc:  :broc:  :cuke:  :carrot:  :bacon:

blue haired pinwheel!!!!!!!
another argie set complete ^_^

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and heres my other girls!
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Post Merge: September 18, 2013, 12:29:12 AM

all 3 im still hoping to upgrade at some point in life (red hair is rehaired)

but man its a great feeling to have all 3!! so pretty together!

Trader & Shipping Support / How do i do this??? Q about ebay
« on: July 26, 2013, 09:03:12 AM »
you know how you can see other peoples bidding history ..
i.e. they bid 1 time 2 days before auction end

how do i see my own??

I got her!!! and she so perfect!
glad this all worked out
*sigh of relief*
thanks all for the good pony vibes ^_^

UPDATE #1 6/11/13
she just sent me the tracking number so i guess the pony is now on its way. it usually takes about 2 weeks for argie ponies to arrive. i will keep you guys posted!


i bought an argie glory from Otono and paid on April 15th
she was in touch quite a bit with me the first couple weeks as she was going to see if she could find more argies for me from the same seller in argentina.
and now ive asked her to send the pony rather than wait for more.

she hasnt sent the pony. I havent heard anything from her in a while. she's  read my PMs and not responded.

i had a problem with a purchase in the past from her. A peru LS with green hair that never showed up. she would not refund my money and claimed that it was lost in the mail and wasnt her fault. Once i posted here she gave in and sent me a pony to make up for the lost one. I did leave "newutral" feedback but it was on the old arena and it didnt go thru all the way and only a portion of the feedback was brought over. It was in 2009 and i was hoping since no one else has written anything negative about her on her feedback, that it was just a fluke/mistake.

I want to trust people here at the arena so i did not open a paypal case.

Im afraid this is happening again. and this is a larger purchase. I paid $145 plus shipping for this pony

also, i just received a PM from another member saying the same thing happened to them. ill let them come forward if they want.

just want the word to get out that she is unreliable at best

im hoping i do eventually get my pony and that this is just poor communication, nothing more. *prays*

MLP Nirvana / *UPDATE :( * Anyone heard from Otono?
« on: June 09, 2013, 04:39:34 PM »
i bought a pony from her and haven't heard from her in a while....
its been over 45 days since i paid so im getting nervous  :cry:

heres a post i made in TS,

MLP Nirvana / Gonna brag every chance i can get! lol!
« on: May 18, 2013, 06:38:57 PM »
soooooo i dont buy many *new* argies since i only need a couple more to complete the collection and they just arent very common

i do buy upgrades often, BUT new variants... not so much
so i intend to brag about every one i buy from now on lol!!!
prepare thyselves accordingly  :P

my latest addition: green hair ribbon!!!
she is in INCREDIBLE minty condition!!!
shout out to Novavelle for selling her to me!!  :hifive:
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and here she is with my blue hair girl.... some obvious differences. backwards symbols and blue has a gold ribbon (faded) and green has a green ribbon
and seeing the differences in them makes me wanna upgrade my blue girl! :blush:
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blue is also a tad taller and lighter orange, although it may be from fading
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So I had only one childhood pic up until today this one:
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Which I love!! But always wished I could find more
Well today for Mother's Day I was looking through old pics and found these 2 gems

this one is a photo of a friend of mine at my bday party and look at the plate!! its MLP the glory plates!!
what soo funny is that i totally bought those same plates to use at my 30th Bday mlp party
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i didnt actually use the plates ... chickened out in the end, didnt wanna use real vintage G1 plates... but i DID use the table cloth (thats me in the blue dress)
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and then this is my fave pic! thats me and my mom a few days before my brother was born. notice who im holding?!?!? PARASOL!!!!!!!! with her sticker so i must have gotten her that day as a new big sis present.
whats sooooo cool about this is that i have NO memory of owning her BUT i have always LOVED her. and i always thought "i really wanted her when i was young but i never got her" in fact i love her SO much that when i sold my entire MLP collection a couple years back... PARASOL was the ONLY one i kept....... and i even had her on display WITH my childhood ponies  :shocked: :blink:
i have always said that if i ever had an army, it would be parasol...
i cant tell you how happy i was to see this pic!!!
im just pony giddy right now!!
basically i always loved her but never knew I had her as a kid

PS thats bowtie too who i still have ^_^
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Post Merge: May 12, 2013, 05:55:36 PM

OMG AND i just realized i also decorated my 30th bday cake as PARASOL!!!!
omg shes been with me subconsciously  all this time and i didnt even realize it
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Pony Corral / My Little Pony cocktail!!! ^_^
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:15:45 PM »
MLP is officially approved for adult consumption Lol!!
And they are deelish!!

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Off Topic / Fashion Star Fillies Question :)
« on: April 26, 2013, 09:56:21 AM »
so i found a FFF in a thrift store yesterday but didnt buy her... she was in a bag for $5.
 it was either corrinne or serena

was that a mistake?  :blush:

MLP Nirvana / Did you buy my MOC Argie Noddins?
« on: April 15, 2013, 10:05:28 AM »
i sold her within the last year or so to help pay a couple bills...
and now im hoping to get her back  :lookround:

sorry if this is awkward :blush: but i had to try! ^_^
if you dont want to sell her back just ignore this post but if you do please PM me  :flow:
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Post Merge: April 15, 2013, 10:06:22 AM

or just incase anyone else has one they want to sell, im down for that too lol!
loose or moc with peach hair ;)

Off Topic / The best % balance on your credit card??
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:09:14 PM »
without going into detail, im transfering balances to a new CC to save on interest rates....
but i know that at a certain % of your balance it negatively effects your credit score..

for example, you never wanna max out your credit limit... but where is the "line" were it begins to look bad on your credit score?

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