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Topics - CuddlyParrot

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For Sale - For Auction / Bay area- San Jose, CA garage sale this weekend
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:04:20 PM »
Hi all,

I am going to be putting up what I have left of my G3 collection along with a few G1s this weekend in San Jose, CA area. Please pm me if you want my address to come check them out. I have hundreds for sale and some more rare but no time to photograph and price on her at the moment. Just a FYI that if you want to pick up some with no shipping and are local this is a good chance.


I have a whole bunch of ponies I"m trying to find new homes for and have no idea how to price them so I've been asking for offers but not getting any. So I'm trying here to find out if anyone knows the current going rates so I can price them fairly.

Dazzle Surprise
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Licensing Show Rarity
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I forget these ones:

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Okay enough for now but I have so many unpriced ones right now.

Price Check Archives / Price Check - 2005 Bay Breeze NIP
« on: April 21, 2015, 11:14:12 PM »
only 300 were given out at the first MLp fair in 2oo5. Can't figure out what the going rate for ger is. Any help is appreciated

I have this pony I"m trying to sell but have no clue how much she is worth currently. So as not to embarrass myself I'm going to ask here :)

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I've never opened the box but I think it is the UK exclusive?

Thank you for any help.

Pony Corral / Babscon in Bay area this wekeend
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:53:51 PM »
Anyone visiting and going to Bay Area Brony Spectacular-  Babscon this year? It is happening THIS weekend in my backyard and just figured it out :( I should have gone and been a vendor. Maybe next year :)

Pony Corral / "Darging Do" plush on ebay
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:13:27 PM »
There are a bunch of people in China and Hong Kong seeling Daring Do plushies. Have you guys heard of these? Some say they are handmade but it seems like a larger production run. Are these Hasbro or some other company?  They have :muffin: Pony too.

Pony Corral / Black brony Baseball caps at Toysrus- DJ
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:24:32 PM »
I did a search and found nothing  on here about the baseball caps at Toysrus.

Am I going crazy and never noticed them before? They had a few different ones, two black (one with DJ and the other with a few different ponies and one purplish.  I took pictures but can't find my phone to upload.

Off Topic / Friends in a competition - underwater photos
« on: September 18, 2012, 02:34:02 PM »
My best friend asked me to do this Vampire competition with her but I bailed. I figured I could at least mention it here so people could go look at her awesome photos. They were all taken underwater.

If you have a chance go vote for her. She is pretty awesome :)

Pony Corral / White FS Celestia pictured in Crystal Empire flyer
« on: July 24, 2012, 09:07:53 AM »
I couldn't find a topic on this so it might be old news. I knew they were doing a white Celestia but I hadn't seen the Fashion style sized one before! Sorry if I'm so late to the party.

Nevermind, I found a post that someone was selling them back in Feb, so I'm very late to the party :)

Customs / Link to 2012 My little Pony Project ponies
« on: May 07, 2012, 01:04:33 PM »

Wish I had been around and known about this! Oh well.  I haven't been around so I ran down the current topics and didn't notice this so I'm sorry if it is totally a repeat.

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