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Messages - stacyrenee
Pages: [1]
« on: June 01, 2023, 07:47:10 AM »
I've needed to organize my "to sell" list for a very long time. I have many of what you're looking for, and all of my Ponies are in good condition at a minimum. Let me compile a list and I'll DM you by the end of the weekend with a list of what I have that matches yours.
« on: May 30, 2023, 06:19:24 PM »
Amazon UK has new ones for around £35. It looks like they're sold out, but a few third-party vendors have them. Used seem more expensive, but I'm not sure if they took my (US) shipping address into consideration. You may want to check it out, if you can't find any for a better price!  Direct link to book:
« on: May 05, 2022, 03:37:21 PM »
Sent you a message.  Also, feel free to let me know in that message, or a later one, what you have that you may be willing to part with.
« on: April 21, 2022, 11:19:48 AM »
Worth noting; thank you, both!
« on: April 20, 2022, 09:19:46 PM »
As a super-picky MLP g1 collector, what is a reasonable price range (including shipping) for Jazzie?
🔹First, it is relative, and relatively important to note that I described some details of the absolute ridiculous extreme aspects of my life that my OCD effects near the bottom of this post. It's difficult to admit... but if anyone will understand this aspect of it, I know I can find support within the Arena.
That said, unfortunately, I kind of "expect" my Ponies to essentially NM (within reason) because, quite frankly, I forget that they're 40 years old. So my stipulations include: no tail trust no missing plugs no MAJOR trims (cuts) no visible marks that cannot be removed -- definitely not age spots the mane and tail also need to be prettttty soft...  basically, I'm a pain in the butt. So, the girl I found (whom is NOT pictured below -- this is from the wiki, just for reference) looks fab! I have a message in to the seller inquiring-doubling checking-about any possible trims, as well as hair and mane texture, but she looks great. Also crucial to me, is that this Jazzie has all original skates and wheels, in great condition, with the exception of two front wheels being a green-brown tinge. In terms of accessories, she has her headphone, walkman and the little ribbon (the two things I really care about) that connects it to her belly. Sunglasses, brush, card, packing, etc, (actually -- haha) don't matter to me. I appreciate any and all suggestions! Thank you so much in advance.  (Stock picture for reference) visitors can't see pics , please register or login 🔹 So, the OCD: I can trace it back to at least age six, when I had to line my Barbies up in a row before I could walk away from them. My parents still speak on how there was never an age I was rough with any of my toys; I always kept them looking as new as possible. At age 8, I had a major spat with a friend because I refused to let her take my Safari Garfield and his jeep into the pool, because I didn't want the axels to rust (they eventually did, so I still have him in a memory box. And we continue to be friends some 30 years later, haha!). Though I had five years of highly-focused education on psychology, specializing in mood and anxiety disorders and how to treat them, it was after that I experienced the peak of of my OCD. As ridiculous as I KNEW that it was, one of the most extreme/relative examples was perhaps that I very much expected my 2004 Honda Civic to look like it had just been driven off the lot -- from the day it was driven off the lot, even until 13 years later. Every single thing: paint, scrape, wax, etc. Fix it all, stat please... and why are you parking next to me??! (I kept most of this to myself, close friends excluded, but it drove me absolutely crazy.) My things are to stay pristine. Always.
« on: October 02, 2019, 10:19:12 PM »
I was your US buyer on etsy (hi! :wink: ) , that nabbed five of those gorgeous ponies!  Clearly I was a little too overzealous, because I completely missed the part about having ponies available outside of etsy, and the fact that you had a near-mint "Love Letter." Ooops! Oh well, I know she's still going to be stunning (because, hello, it's Love Letter) and I'm hoping I can get her few minor marks cleaned up!). You have some absolutely lovely ponies, though, and I was (clearly) very excited to see your sale. UK sellers always have the best ponies, but shipping is so brutal - though worth it - for us stateside. I can't wait to get these beauts -- and to buy some more.  Thanks for hosting such a killer sale!
« on: September 10, 2019, 07:07:55 AM »
I'm ridiculously bummed I missed the swap.  I only joined MLParena last week, and found out about the swap the day beforehand. I'm on the edge of my seat to go to one, but I'm so new to everything -- but the addiction (and how quickly the collection is growing) is absolutely absurd -- and my resources are close to zero. Are there many of us around the southwestern PA area that you know of? I feel so alone. Haha.
« on: September 08, 2019, 05:32:36 AM »
oops! sent as PM
« on: September 05, 2019, 11:58:30 PM »
(I have no idea what, or how much people typically like to know and/or read. I'm absolutely into networking in general (Pony friends that I don't feel silly with! I also think it would be incredible to see some familiar faces at conventions.), along with similar non-Pony related interests, some of which listed -- much, much -- later in the post. (I'm kind of a shut-in.)Clearly, before I begin, you can see I'm very long-winded.  (I think it's the social isolation.) J.K. Rowling and I often compete to see whom can write the least-lengthy short story. (ha) So while based on everything I said above I'm going to include most of what was included in the suggested/recommended example post, I'll post what -- understandably -- is of most interest first.  _____ Hi. I'm Stacy, and I have a problem spending too much time searching for, and collecting, G1 My Little Ponies.The Details of My Collection- I've been (officially) collecting G1 Ponies for exactly 3 weeks -- since August 17.
- As a child of the 80s, whom allowed (wanted) my parents (that gave, or granted most requests, of their child -- this was beyond damaging -- until said child moved across the country at 19) to begin selling off any and all unwanted items as soon as I outgrew, or no longer wanted them. Therefore, by the time I hit my 20s I was left with some Barbies, board games, Cricket, Teddy Ruskin and friends, American Girls, Beanie Babies, Muffy Vanderbilt, and some Magic Nursery Dolls. Ok... 98%, I couldn't care less, and 98% of what I wish I had? Gone.
So, I set out on a mission to slowly collect one of some of the things I cared about the most: a Pound Kitty, my favorite Popple, Bear, etc. Of course this lead me down an incredible rabbit hole where I only found more and more: Purr-Tender! Keypers! You get the idea....
I'm a big fan of Blind Boxes (aside from being fun, I'm longtime Hello Kitty collector -- especially vintage), so when they released the Blind Boxes of the G1 Ponies, obviously I had to get one. I thought this would satiate my need for an "original" Pony. And it did... for awhile.
In August I found my holy grail, childhood Popple (Puffball) in amazing condition -- an earlier find of the small one left me thinking this would satisfy me (trying to conserve space)... nope!) -- and for an unbeatable price. Perusing her auctions (bad habit), I almost fell out of her chair at the sight of the most incredible sight*: Tex. A little searching between consignment shops told me this was meant to be based on condition, price, having all accessories, and most importantly being the single most perfect Pony for me as Texas became such an unexpectedly huge, unexplainably-magical piece of my heart four years ago. Mission complete!(?)
*Of note, my recollection from childhood consists of Bouquet, Sea Horsies, Flutter Ponies, and a plush. - But then. But then. Though it was a hard pill to swallow, I say the following not seeking sympathy -- it was the last of several events that made me feel as thought maybe we weren't meant to go -- but because it's relevant falling down this dark hole. Three weeks ago, only five hours before jetting off on a long-overdue (and much, much needed) vacation we were forced to cancel (for the second, and final, time). Obviously it was beyond disappointing, but we were just thankful it wasn't for a family emergency.
pout. pout. pout. (i'm sorry, this has become absolutely ridiculous) I needed out. of. this. house., and suddenly remembered a huge flea market a friend had taken me to several years ago; as it's only open Fridays and about an hour away, I thought it a perfect time to take my husband; we could look for some records, Hello Kitty, 80s toys, etc. I walked away with a record. One record. We Googled, found a "vintage collectibles" story 30 minutes away, and... so began the addiction.
Buzzer! Sea Shimmer with floatie! ....Um, only the two types I wanted most. Addicted. Two more stops that day nabbed me 8 more Ponies. - One day, 8 Ponies.
Exactly three weeks later... 26.
HALP. (I learned of this forum a week ago. I swore I wasn't going to join. Whoops.)
_____ Whew. *tap* *tap* Cliffnotes (for real.) - 36, for a few more months
- I'm displaced in southwestern PA
- I’m a full-time bird momma to five feathered toddlers. My parents signed me up for life 22 years when I was 14; thankfully for everyone, exotic birds became my passion.
 - I am extremely passionate about parrot rescue and promoting advocacy.
- I was in an accelerated BA/MS program for Counseling Psychology (3 years BA, 2 years MS)
- With one semester left of graduate school left, I discovered that despite LOVING psychology and my clients, I had just accidentally stumbled upon my second-ever passion: wedding photography. Thus, 12 years ago I became a self-taught photographer.**
**however, that is (and is in an) incredibly messy, and confusing (state). It's a very, very long story that I don't mind talking about, but if you think this is long... well, that's a topic for a J.K. Rowling competition.  ______  If you stuck in there... holy cow. WOW! How?! I commend you. Also, apparently you are my long-lost twin, and I'm happy to feel a little less ridiculous.[/list]
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