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Topics - Skandalous

Pages: [1]
Pony Corral / Price Check on loose gifts from UK G2 magazines!!
« on: June 23, 2020, 01:37:59 PM »
I've scoured the price check archives, but couldn't find anything on the loose gifts alone.

These don't come with the magazines and are all opened:
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Does anyone have any idea how much they're worth?

Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / If you could tweak the color scheme...
« on: May 09, 2020, 11:40:27 AM »
I wanted to start a fun topic  ^.^ Sometimes there's a pony, and you feel like they would look so much better if you just slightly altered their color scheme.

For example, I've always thought it would be cool for Miss Painter from G2 to have the 3 primary colors as her color scheme, given she's a painter:
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So if you could alter a color scheme for a pony from any gen, what would you do and why?

(Last Updated: 05/30/20)

Hello all! Recently I posted some questions about sunfading G2, and I appreciate all the responses I got  ^.^

I've decided to go on ahead with my little experiment and to document the progress here for all to see and comment on (for instance if you notice I'm making a HUGE mistake, please let me know  :blush: )

-I'm absolutely new to this and inexperienced so I accept all kind constructive criticism and advice :) I hope this little endeavor can also be helpful to other newbies who are debating whether to try sunfading G2s  :biggrin:

Alright so for this adventure, I'm going to try a variety of techniques of sunfading I've seen done by others on the following ponies:

- Teddy(sunfading since 04/29/20)- sunfading away a specific nasty brownish spot (most of his body is covered)
I forgot to take a before photo ^^; sorry.

But here he is all bundled with 2 layers of aluminum foil sheets like a baked potato:
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You can see that icky brown smudge that wouldn't come off with my magic erasers.

UPDATE: (05/20/20) I decided to have Teddy join the outdoor squad so he started the hydrogen peroxide cream treatment.

- Miss Gadget/Hip Holly (sunfading since 04/30/20)- sunfading full body with eyes/symbols covered. UPDATE: (05/14/20) Since I wasn't seeing any change and I finally realized sunfading a translucent pony might not work since the beams go through her... I've decided to apply some hydrogen peroxide cream and sunfade her outside with Dainty Dove.

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All prepped to sunfade:
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(I covered her hair, eyes, and symbols in plastic wrap, then covered her mane and tail in foil, and then painted over the eyes/symbols with at least 2 layers of acrylic paint.)

In her new digs with her layer of hydrogen peroxide cream:
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UPDATE: (05/30/20) I haven't seen any evidence of progress even after switching her to the cream method, so for now Hip Holly is going to take a break from sunfading.

- Dainty Dove
(sunfading since 05/01/20)- UPDATED sunfading full body with eyes/symbols covered with the addition of hydrogen peroxide cream.
Before (she's to the left, with the others there as comparison. If she's a success, then I'm going to fade the Lady Satin Slipper next to her)
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Prepped with hydrogen peroxide cream and ready for the outdoors:
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oh, boy. There's my first mistake. ^^; I didn't cover her eyes and symbols yet. I'll update this later with a new picture. EDIT Got her all prepped for real now. You can see her picture below under Day 1

-Miss Painter (sunfading since 05/12/20)-
She arrived with all her accessories and wearing her scarf and I was so excited until I untied the scarf from around her neck and found this:
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UGH  :shocked: The scarf bled into her plastic and she has these icky red splotches almost everywhere on her head and neck  :( even UNDER HER CHIN  >_<
For her treatment, I've decided I'm going to repeat the same technique that I used for Dainty Dove (That is, I'm wrapping her mane and tail (and in Miss Painter's case, 90% of her body) in plastic wrap and foil, and then I'm painting on hydrogen peroxide cream onto those blotches). I'm worried the green between blotches might fade as well, so I'm debating on whether to use acrylic paint (comes off with rubbing alcohol) to cover those nooks and crannies.

Here she is baked-potato-ified:
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*UPDATE* (05/30/20)
Finally added alternate Royal Lady Satin Slipper to the Sunfading squad!  :P

-Alt. Royal Lady Satin Slipper (sunfading since 05/23/20)- sunfading using the hydrogen peroxide cream. This time I painted over her symbols directly with alcohol-soluble acrylics. I've heard this won't remove the paint unless I rub too hard.

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next to my regular white Lady Satin Slipper:
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Prepped with her mane + tail wrapped in plastic wrap, then 2 layers of foil. Her eyes have a layer of plastic wrap, which I then painted acrylics on top. I don't trust painting directly over G2 eyes with their gems. Her symbols, on the other hand, are directly painted over with acrylics:
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Satin Slipper's body (left) compared to the head of my currently-sunfading Dainty Dove (to the right):
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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Before prepping them, I washed them thoroughly inside and out with soap and warm water, removed what I could with magic erasers, and then shampooed and conditioned them:
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Rub-a-dub-dub pony in the tub!

Here's Dainty Dove drying next to my white Lady Satin Slipper:
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(You can see that even after my magic eraser, she's still yellowed)

And here's a close-up of some pen marks I especially want to try to fade away:
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For the tail rust on Dainty Dove, I heard using arm & hammer toothpaste works wonders, but unfortunately I don't have any. So i used Crest as a substitute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't think it worked.

Here's a picture of the gothic horror that is my re-purposed jewelry stand-turned drying rack:
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Someone give me a good caption for this lol

And here is the pony tree filled to capacity:
(I let a few other ponies take part in the spa day)
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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Day 1 (05/01/20):
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(I'll add photos of Dainty Dove once I get her symbols/eyes covered.)

Day 3: (05/03/20) weather has been rainy/sunny since the start.
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hmm as you can see, there hasn't been much fading on Teddy's mark... keep in mind it's only been 2 days and I expect it to take a while for that mark to start fading >_<

Miss Gadget/Hip Holly:
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No noticeable change for Miss Gadget/ Hip Holly... but at least she hasn't burned ^^;

Dainty Dove:
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WOW in only 2 days I can already tell Dainty Dove is whiter!

Here are comparisons with Dainty Dove after 2 days of treatment with both my white Lady Satin Slipper and
my yellowed Lady Satin Slipper again:

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with Yellowed Satin Slipper--What a difference already!  :biggrin:

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with white Satin Slipper-- They're almost the same shade!  :lol:

My goal is to get those pen-marks gone!

Day 14: (05/14/20) we got a LOT of sun and rain these past weeks
The outdoor squad:
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The gang's all here! Jk, Teddy is still by my window in my room.

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hmm I really can't tell if anything has happened?  :huh:

Miss Gadget/Hip Holly:
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I put her next to my normal Hip Holly... my eyes are starting to hurt from staring at them ^^; can anyone notice a change? I sure don't.

Dainty Dove: (re-applied the hydrogen peroxide cream every other day)
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I've almost got the shade of white I want!  :lol:

A close-up on the pen-marks' fading progress (bad photo, it's hard to see them but believe me they are still there):
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Comparison with my white Lady Satin Slipper after 14 days:

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TFW Dainty Dove is now whiter than Satin Slipper!  :biggrin:

My goal now is to erase those pen-marks!

Miss Painter: (after a day of hydrogen peroxide cream and sun)
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The cream foamed up a lot, but the marks haven't really faded...  no progress yet

Day 20: (05/20/20) only an update on Miss Painter!

Miss Painter: (after 8 days of hydrogen peroxide cream (refreshed every morning) and sun). I also went ahead and painted over her green splotches with acrylic paint so as to protect her normal color from fading.
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I might be crazy, but I think the red is starting to fade!

Day 30: (05/30/20) Summer decided to BURST through our door! It's been super hot and humid.
An earlier photo of the new outdoor squad including Teddy and Lady Satin Slipper (sans Hip Holly):
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Teddy: (10 days after joining the cream treatment)
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Success? I have no idea.  :blink: Does anyone see a difference?

Miss Gadget/Hip Holly:
currently taking a break

Dainty Dove: (re-applied the hydrogen peroxide cream every other day)
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looking good!  ^.^

A close-up on the pen-marks' fading progress:
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You can barely see them! I think I'll give her maybe one more week :biggrin: However, Dainty Dove seems to be getting dust/specs of stuff on her... it will come off when I give her the big rinse at the end

Miss Painter: (after 10 days of hydrogen peroxide cream and sun)
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Still a ways to go, but finally some PROGRESS! :thumb:

Alt. Royal Lady Satin Slipper: (after 7 days of hydrogen peroxide cream and sun)
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I used white acrylic on her symbols as a way to judge her faded shade. She's not quite there, but she's whitening faster than Dainty Dove!

(from left to right) Dainty Dove, yellowed Light Heart, Alt. Royal Lady Satin Slipper:
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Here is everyone ready for another week of treatment:
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btw, I live in PA, USA and the weather has recently been sunny-overcast.

I hope to update this daily or weekly-- depending on how long it takes to see progress :)

Pony Corral / Questions about Sun fading G2s
« on: April 28, 2020, 02:58:16 PM »
Question for pony folks experienced in pony restoration-- I always see helpful posts, videos, and tutorials about sun fading G1 ponies but I've never seen one about doing it for a G2. Does anyone know if sun fading works on G2, too?

I'm planning on trying sun fading for the first time on my G2 variant Lady Satin Slipper:
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(she's way more yellowed than she appears)

Any advice?

Here’s a better picture:
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(from left to right): dainty dove with glued on rhinestones that I want to use first to test sunfading out, my yellowed variant Lady Satin Slipper, my regular white Lady Satin Slipper for comparison.

And follow-up question, is it safe to sun fade translucent ponies? I have a baity Miss Gadget/Hip Holly and I want to conduct an experiment to see if I can get her to more closely resemble her magazine counterpart:
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Would trying to sun fade her be a bad idea?

Wanted! / [JUNE UPDATE] Skandy's Quest for G2s (G2 ISO List)
« on: April 25, 2020, 01:21:33 PM »
Last Updated: 6/6/23

Hello! I'm trying to complete my childhood G2 pony collection :)

If you're curious about why I've decided to complete my G2s, you can read my introduction:,398452.0.html

I prefer to purchase the ponies, but I have done trades in the past. Please message me your list if you think we might be able to make a trade.
Shipping location: PA, USA (Primary) but I have hubs in EU countries and in the UK

Conditions I'll accept for Loose Ponies:
  • Haircuts--> Mostly no, but barely noticeable ones are alright. I'd have to see a picture.
  • Marks--> would have to see a photo
  • Tinsel--> Prefer the tinsel to be in good condition. Wild tinsel could be fine, but I would have to see a photo
  • Paint-rub--> Some rub on their cutie-marks is fine
  • Yellowing--> would have to see a photo
  • Tail rust--> would have to see a photo
  • Eye gems--> I prefer they have the original, but a seamless replacement is fine by me

CLICK HERE for a LIVE version of my wishlist complete with photos and even more detail!

:worshippy:Grail Ponies:worshippy:
Straight from my childhood wish-lists!

 :inlove:2002 Fantasy Hair "Blondie" aka White Pearl variant (has blond instead of orange hair)~
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:inlove:2002 Fantasy Hair "Blue-haired Ivy" aka Blue Pearl variant (has blue and unfaded pink hair)~
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  :ohyeah:2001 Royal Lady Elegant~ MOC/MIB and following loose accessories: COMPLETE! :thumb:
  • Wand with star
  • Treasure chest
  • Crown-shaped box
  • Grass base
  • Blue socks (2x)(PENDING $ PLAN)
  • Blue skirt
  • Pink flower-shaped hat

:ohyeah:2002 Magic Star Swirl~ MOC/MIB, and loose pony with all accessories:COMPLETE! :thumb:
  • Yellow ring
  • Blue wingsUPGRADE
  • Red bag
  • Magician/Princess hat
  • White crown
  • Yellow wand
  • Yellow magical amulet
  • Green star comb

:ohyeah:2003 Musical Pony Rocky~ loose pony UPGRADE (Will accept duplicate if she still plays music!) with all accessories: COMPLETE! :thumb:
  • Instrument: Castanets
  • Orange magnet brush
  • Orange star comb

ISO Ponies & Accessories:
Visual Aid:
Items outlined in gold= HIGH PRIORITY
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click image for full view

* = higher priority

Magic Motion Dizzy Lizzy~ loose pony, with all accessories: Wishing Well, Rainbow arch, Roof piece, Purple flower comb, Staff with flower, and Necklace with bottle (rose motif) COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Magic Motion Bright Bramley~1 accessory: the white backpackCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Castle Friends Masquerade Ball with Sky Skimmer and Sweet Berry~ 1 accessory: the Orange flower comb with 2 flowers [PENDING]🔜

Royal Lady Moonshine~ just the instructions (in English or French) to her dragon magic trick!COMPLETE! :thumb:

Magic Motion Petal Blossom~ 1 accessory: the pink bracelet PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

Princess Silver Swirl~MOC/MIB, *Bonus if Dragon has blue eyes!

* = higher priority

Secret Surprise Wing Song II~ loose pony and following accessories with noted alternate colors: White medical case, Blue nurse hat, Blue(alt. white) spoon, blue jar, Sheet with stickers, Pink flower comb.

Royal Twins Jewel and Sparkle~loose, and with all accessories:Crown with pink gem, Crown with blue gem, Collar with pink gem, Collar with blue gem, Orange teddy bear, Crown-shaped charm, Light purple castle comb.COMPLETE! :thumb:

Magic Motion Romantica/ Dainty Dove~  the following loose accessories: 2 pink doves (with wings) and the necklace with bottle locket COMPLETE! :thumb:

Princess Silver Rain~ the following loose accessories: variant pink watering can, variant purple umbrella, and blue/purple crown combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Prince Firefly~ the following accessories: firefly friend #1 PENDING, firefly friend #2 PENDING and purple flower clips (x2)ALL PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

Light Up Family Ivy and Baby Fern~ 1 accessory: the purple comb with flowersCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Light Up Family Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly~ all accessories: the orange clip-on horn, the orange spin-top, and the turquoise crown comb PENDING

Twins Moondust and Stardust~ all loose accessories: Lavender skirts (2x), Flower crown with blue ribbons, Flower crown with green ribbons, Rose charm, and Green flower combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Holiday Baby Pony Sweet Snowflake~ all loose accessories: Christmas tree, Teddy bear,Angel, and Red ribbon-shaped combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

* = higher priority

*Secret Surprise Tender Nuzzles~ her hair accessories:
  • yellow teddybear clip
  • red teddybear clip

Magic Motion family Floral and Baby Petal~loose baby Petal with all accessories: Green swing, Pink flower-shaped seat, 2 Green leaf-shaped hair ornaments, and Blue comb COMPLETE! :thumb:

Royal Lady Waterfall~ MIB/MOC or loose pony and all accessories: Pink rings (non identical)(2x), Pink earrings (2x), Waterfall base, Rainbow arch with fish, and Pink flower comb ALL PENDING IN DENMARK BOXCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Princess Sapphire~loose pony (upgrade) with the following accessories: silver hair clip and blue star comb PENDING COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Royal Lady Dragonfly~ loose pony (upgrade) with the following accessories:
  • Large green dragonfly clip
  • medium colorless dragonfly clip
  • small green dragonfly velcros (x2)
  • small red dragonfly velcros (x2)
  • small purple dragonfly velcros (x2)
  • small green flower velcro
  • small red flower velcro
  • small purple flower velcro

Romantic Couple Golden Dream and Blue Dream~ Loose Golden Dream (upgrade)- only if she still functions (heart lights up and she says "I love you!")

Secret Surprise Jolly~ all accessories: Pink butterfly clip [PENDING]🔜, Pink backpack with 3 ribbons, White/ grey comb PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Royal Lady Rainbow~  hair accessories:
  • pink spiral hair item
  • purple flower hair clip
  • purple hair bead with bow motif

Secret Surprise Spring~  the following loose accessories: the alternate pair of sparkly wings and 3 golden Perfume bottles (non-identical) [PENDING]🔜COMPLETE! :thumb:

Secret Surprise Tenderheart~  the following loose accessories: the golden heart pin hair accessory and the pink combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Secret Surprise Junior~  1 loose accessory: the sturdier alternate rucksack/backpack PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

Unicorn With Magic Wings Golden Glow~  MOC/MIBCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Unicorn With Magic Wings Silver Glow~  MOC/MIB PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOXCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Unicorn With Magic Wings Copper Glow~ MOC/MIB, and loose pair of green wings

* = higher priority

*Musical Pony Muse~ loose pony (upgrade) (bonus if she still plays music)with the following accessories: pink panpipes/ flute and purple translucent star combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Musical Pony Melody~  loose pony (ONLY if she still plays music) and 1 accessory: missing aqua star comb COMPLETE  :thumb:

*Fantasy Hair Pony Blue Pearl variant (blue-haired Ivy)~ loose pony with unfaded pink hair

*Fantasy Hair Pony “Blondie” (white pearl variant with blonde hair)~ loose pony

*Hobby Pony Medecin~ loose pony and accessories including variant colors:Blue (alt white) nurse hat, Blue (alt white) medicine jar, White (alt blue) spoon, White (alt blue) medic case, White stethoscope, Pack with bandages, and White combCOMPLETE!:thumb:

Her Majesty Flower~ loose pony and all accessories: Pink picnic basket, Purple flower clip, Blue flower clip, White flower clip, Yellow flower clip, Cardboard flowers, and Pink star combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Unicorn With Magic Wings Golden Glow II~ MOC/MIB and 1 loose accessory: *translucent yellow star comb PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX loose COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Unicorn With Magic Wings Diamond Glow~ MOC/MIB and all accessories: *silver clip-on wings and sparkly *silver star comb PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX

*Her Majesty Ballerina~ MOC/MIB PENDING SHIPPING and all accessories: Pink and white skirt PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX , Pink star comb, purple crown PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

Hobby Pony Globe Trotter~ the following loose accessories: red bandanna, the yellow camera, and the yellow comb ALL PENDING COMPLETE! :thumb:

Hobby Pony Mimosa~ loose pony with light blue eyes [PENDING]🔜, 1 accessory: the green shovelCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Changing Mane and Tail Apple Pie~ MOC/MIB and 1 loose accessory: the blue comb

*Her Majesty Star~ all accessories: Pink star clip, Purple star clip, Mint star comb and especially the Cape with starsCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Her Majesty Pearl~ loose pony and accessories: Blue shell, Rubberband with pearls, Blue star comb, and especially the Orange scarf ALL PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Purse Pony Glittery Study~ MOC/MIB  and the following loose accessories:
  • red pencil-shaped stamp variants:
    • Mushroom motif
    • Green Bell Pepper motif
    • Red peppers motif
    • lemon & lime motif
    • turnip motif
  • book with ivy on the cover

*Purse Pony Glittery Heart~ all accessories: the heart-shaped purse, Hot pink comb, White towel, Hot pink sunglasses, and especially her Yellow hat COMPLETE! :thumb:

Purse Pony Glittery Skater~ MOC/MIB PENDING IN DENMARK BOX

*Magician Pony Magic Butterfly~ MOC/MIB and missing accessories:
  • white ring PENDING IN UK BOX
  • red star comb
  • flower costume

Magician Pony Magic Dragonfly~ MOC/MIB and the following loose accessories: the Magician/Princess hat, grey wand, grey magical amulet  (if it works or its batteries can be changed), and blue star combLoose COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Magician Pony Magic Butterfly II (green)~ MOC/MIB and the following loose accessories: the Red ring, Flower costume, Magician/Princess hat, Purple wand, Purple magical amulet, and Green star comb Loose COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Magician Pony Magic Diamond Glow~ MOC/MIB and the following accessories:
  • white pearly wings
  • yellow ring

*Hobby Pony Precious~ all accessories: Yellow toothpaste, Yellow hairdryer, Yellow toothbrush, Blue towel bound together with a white ribbon, A white shower cap, Different soap bottles (4x), Soap with a soap holder/ box, and White combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

* = higher priority

*Purse Pony Autumn~ loose pony and all accessories, including variant colors: Yellow (alt. green) umbrella, Green watering can (alt. yellow), Yellow transparent comb) ALL PENDING IN NETHERLANDS BOX

*Purse Pony Snowball~MOC/MIB,  loose pony (upgrade) and all accessories: Pink skis (2x), White coat, and White glittery comb ALL PENDINGCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Wednesday Afternoon Pony Bride~ loose pony (upgrade) and the following accessories: pillow with 2 rings and pink combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Musical Pony Jazzy~loose pony (ONLY if she still plays music) and 1 accessory: pink star combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*New Hair Feature: Bubble~ MOC and missing accessories:
  • translucent sparkly yellow comb

*New Hair Feature: Curly~ accessories:
  • silver heart velcro
  • gold heart velcro
  • blue comb

*New Hair Feature: Buttercup~ hair accessories:
  • green flower velcro

*Dress-up Ball Pony Waterlily~loose pony and all accessories: Frog suit, Yellow shoes (4x), and Yellow comb  PENDINGCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Dress-up Ball Pony Teddy~ MOC/MIB, loose pony (upgrade) and all accessories: Bear Suit, pale Yellow shoes (4x), and pale Yellow comb COMPLETE! :thumb:

*Dress-up Ball Pony Honey~ MOC/MIB and the following loose accessories: the light pink shoes (x4) and pink combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

*Dress-up Ball Pony Puff~ MOC/MIB and loose (upgrade) with the following accessories: the green shoes (x4) and blue combCOMPLETE! :thumb:

Wednesday Afternoon Pony Butterfly Hunter~ the following accessories: Pot with sunflowers, Pot with tulip, Purple (alt. pink) butterfly velcro, Golden (alt. silver) butterfly velcro, and Peach comb

*Wednesday Afternoon Pony Gardener~the following accessories: the Scissors, Watering can, Broom, Rake, Wheelbarrow, Shovel with pink top, and Shovel with blue top COMPLETE!

ISO G2 Magazines & More:
I have a personal attachment to these, so they're all Grails for me. FYI: The ones listed are the ones I already have. I'm looking for all the other issues!
WANTED: any issues pictured without an X/ "pending" or any issues not pictured
(click image for full view)

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Link to spreadsheet

French Magazine Issues:
  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Issue #4
  • Issue #5
  • Issue #6 PENDING
  • Issue #7
  • Issue #8
  • Issue #9
  • Issue #10
  • Issue #11 PENDING
  • Issue #12
  • Issue #13
  • Issue #14
  • Issue #15
  • Issue #16 UPGRADE wanted
  • Issue #17
  • Issue #18
  • Issue #19
  • Issue #20
  • Issues #20+ ???

French Hors-Seriés:
  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2

French Activités:

  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Issue #4
  • Issue #5
  • Issue #6
  • Issue #7
  • Issue #8
  • Issue #9
  • Issue #10
  • Issue #11
  • Issue #12 (x2)
  • Issue #13
  • Issue #14
  • Issue #15 (x2)
  • Issue #16
  • Issues #16+ ????

UK Magazine Issues:

  • Issue #1
  • Issue #2
  • Issue #3
  • Issue #4
  • Issue #5
  • Issue #6
  • Issue #7
  • Issue #8 PENDING in UK box
  • Issue #9
  • Issue #10
  • Issue #11
  • Issue #12
  • Issue #13
  • Issue #14

StoryLand Issues featuring G2 MLP:

  • Issue #6
  • Issue #7??
  • Issue #8
  • Issue #9
  • Issue #10

Please reply or PM me if you have any of the issues that aren't listed and are willing to sell them! I may be willing to trade some of my doubles in the future...

CLICK HERE for a LIVE version of my wishlist complete with photos and even more detail!

:inlove:Thank you in advance!! :inlove:

Introductions / Tardy to the party-- Hi there!
« on: April 24, 2020, 01:00:00 PM »
:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:Greetings!  :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

I’m suuuuuuper late to the introduction because I only just found out my registration was accepted (it got lost in my email)  >_<
my bad.  ^^;

Anywhoo, I'm Skandydandy at MLPTP and fairly new to both sites.

                    How old are you? Hmmm I'm old enough to have owned a Walkman and a VCR, but young enough that I still haven't quite found my footing yet.  ;)
                    Where do you live? State, Country? PA, USA.

What made you want to collect ponies?

         My history with MLP is actually closely tied to my French family. My first real introduction to MLP was through the G2 magazines in the early 2000s.

They were my one constant comfort when I traveled to Europe to visit my grandparents, and they actually helped me learn French as a child. My other resources, apart from my Family and French television programs, were the Astérix, Les Schtroumphs, and Tintin comic books.

But I loved the G2 magazines the most and remember always wanting the toys of the ponies on the back cards of those magazines xD

Unfortunately, that was around the time G2 was fading out, and they weren’t quite easily found in the areas I stayed at in France.

Equally as unfortunate, once I returned to the USA, the G2 line seemed almost non-existent.

As a result, I was already obsessed with drawing and collecting MLP when G3 began, and I figured I could collect the G3 “American ponies” as I coined them back then.

I do have a substantial collection of most of the start of G3 (ponies, DVDs, coloring books, how to draw books, play sets, etc.) up until a little after the unicorns came out, when I started to lose interest in playing with them.

But I’ve always longed to complete my G2 collection, and I started seriously doing so last year. The G2 were my first ponies and are near and dear to my heart. After losing my French grandparents last year to cancer, my collecting has partly become a tribute to that part of my childhood.

I’m always browsing Ebay, etsy, and other places for any of the G2 ponies or magazines I’m missing :) Please let me know if you are aware of other great G2 resources.

Which generations of ponies do you collect? G1, G2, G3 or G4?

As for the other generations, I own about a 100 G3s (recently cleaned and groomed everyone and packed them into storage), 2 G1s (my only attachment to G1 is through the French cartoons that aired on VHS and DVD during the G2 era). I’ve also watched the G4 series to completion but currently don’t have any collecting interest in that generation.

Thanks for reading!

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone, picking up a few G2 restoration tips, buying more g2s, and just spreading the pony love.

:rainbow: :rainbow::rainbow::hearts::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:

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