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Messages - Taffeta

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Probably the only pony voice artist from G1 that I'd genuinely love to meet, both for Stormer and Paradise. Hope everyone who can get there manages to see her :)

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: July 24, 2024, 02:19:02 PM »
I read that Crunchyroll had to take away all the comments on their anime episodes because there were some really inappropriate comments made.  I have no idea what they were.  If I even looked at the comments, they were mostly about the content of the episodes.


Suspect they were comments on the kind of anime that the kind of people who make inappropriate comments watch. I've seen people go to war on online anime groups over a couple of them, which frankly, having seen the comments, would not now watch if they paid me xD.

My trivial complaint is that I have the dentist tomorrow. And I have to explain to her why my inlay came out. Again. And probably, pay. I'm the only person in my family who currently has to pay private dental rates. I'm also the one with the lowest income. :/

Then it is 100% definitely to do with the file extension. The Sweet Talking pony page on my old site has a .htm extension, but many of the navigating pages for the years has a .html extension.

It shouldn't do this, of course. And my webhost says it isn't doing this. But thanks to you guys, I can prove it definitely is. So. Thank you for confirming it :)

Right now I'm not sure how to fix this, but at least the problem has been identified.

The whole of my new site is on .html extensions, as this is more standard.

If my host can't or won't fix it, then the solution may end up being moving suppliers. Annoyance.

It's to do with the extension but that's all I can figure out. Web host not being helpful at present.

Will put the beta test on pause for a bit while I work out a solution.

See no point going through the whole site changing all the extensions to .htm when it's an older extension anyway and might cause issues in the future.

Raindrop, and anyone else not loading on Safari, can you get this page to load?

If you can, then it's an extension issue on safari as well.

I don't have the issue on Safari on my ipad and don't have an iphone so I can't duplicate this and need your help :)

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:14:30 AM »
Has the new Target store 3-pack minis been discussed here yet?  They were mentioned in a Facebook group and I found them today at my Target in the Southeast US.  It’s just a repackaged Firefly, Bubbles and Gusty but the packaging is neat.

Ooh no, I haven't heard of this!  :satisfied:

I've seen them on ebay but not in person. No idea if any store here will pick them up.

Pony Corral / Re: MLP on UK TV News
« on: July 22, 2024, 02:05:02 AM »
Yep, I feel sorry for the people getting into collecting now - of which there seem to be a bunch. Though who knows if it will be a long term thing for them or not.

I am also glad not to be starting from scratch and feel blessed to have my collection, but also feel like I need to be much more careful with them than I maybe would have thought in the past. They're tough things and they've survived living with me for 20+ years in most cases, but I still can't help thinking this way now.

A lot of good people have also gone. Unfortunately, some of the other type still lurk around social media.

Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: July 21, 2024, 09:57:57 AM »
Good luck Minty Magic!

Small thing but I found some plastic trays/boxes that fit my sea ponies perfectly. So they will have their own little boxes and be out of the dust. Yay!

Pony Corral / Re: MLP on UK TV News
« on: July 21, 2024, 01:16:25 AM »
I re-read over the article. Apparently it's in Croydon? I don't live down that way any more but if I get down south again before October I'll see if I can figure out the buses and try and find it.

Pony Corral / Re: Could g5 be the potential downfall of mlp?
« on: July 20, 2024, 04:55:21 PM »
Seeing a Sunny Starscout in the local second hand market stall already doesn't bode well. It took some years before you found in-store G4s appearing at carboot sales.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: July 20, 2024, 04:45:04 PM »
I wonder what this means for Netflix in the UK, will be keeping an eye open for changes. Already annoyed about Prime demanding extra fees and yet now including ads.

My complaint for today is actually pony people on social media. Me reminding myself why I use it so sparingly.

No, unfortunately there does seem to be a bigger issue, it's just tracking down what it is before I worry about going live with the new (thank you everyone helping me to figure it out!!)

It seems like Chrome won't load a page with a .html extension. Only a .htm extension. At least on my site. I realised this with the old one because my phone will load the individual pony pages fine (most of which I did as .htm for whatever reason) but not the years (which are .html). I tried resaving my new home page as index.htm and now it loads on my phone chrome. It also loads on samsung's own inbuilt browser thingum.

I have no problem with it on Safari but I know Ponyfan mentioned it above. I don't know what the issue is here at the moment unless it also is phone browser related. It works on my old second hand ipad.

Both these issues seem to be phone related though? I can access everything fine on my laptop on all browsers.

Unless there is a fix for this somewhere, that would mean going through every single page of my new site as it currently is (around 200) to change not only the extension but every internal link.

And Chrome does not have a problem loading other .html pages in general, so before I rework the entirety of my rework, I will be prodding my web host again to find out why.

Pony Corral / Re: MLP on UK TV News
« on: July 19, 2024, 04:04:18 PM »
Reminds me of the brief installation in Dudley with Wondermint's collection some years back. Dad and I went to see that, and it was cool :) I'm wondering if it's a collector I've crossed paths with. Difficult to know with just the real name up there.

I would definitely not want the media to film or photograph my collection or me with them in any way, shape or form, tbh. I did an interview a long time back with Radio Wales but that was audio and not video, thankfully! And long before the brony thing happened.

I also remember Sel (Reaperfox if anyone knows who I mean) did an interview for something as well going back...I think it was an I Love Toys or something? It was a really long time ago though.

On one hand it's amazing seeing other collections/collectors and also seeing them get acknowledged as a collectible. On the other hand if it sparks people thinking all ponies are valuable then everything gets madder again.

I have been reflecting lately on how much I hate that ponies are now so expensive. I have no vested interest in cheap prices - probably the opposite from a collector standpoint, but there was so much more joy in the time when you were just trading ponies with people who also loved ponies, the rest of the world butted out and didn't care or try and shaft you with ridiculous prices. Yes there were scams sometimes, but we could monitor scammers way more easily then than now, there were so few of them in operation really.

Now people see ponies = money = scam targets and people just starting out are having so much trouble getting even common ponies for cheap. And everyone seems to be asking every ten seconds how much some pony they just found is 'worth', even though they're not selling. And I don't like that. :/

Ah dear. Sorry. Let the cranky old person out for a moment there :D

I think we had the sewing machine too. I'm sure I've seen it. I don't know if that's a bit subtle considering the image has Confetti going to tea in her wedding dress though :)

@Ponyfan, I have had so much fun going through comic stories to find pictures for my page and for the pony's characters.

The list of inappropriate baby pony adoptions is getting longer. So far we have:

Brought through the Magic Mirror (Baby Glory, Baby Firefly)
Conjured to life (probably) from the lucky dip (Baby Lucky)
Found on a remote island thanks to a magic flying key (Baby Half Note)
Brought to life from a drawing (Nibbles, Dibbles, Sniffles, Snookums)
Found under a hedge in an enchanted forest (Fleecy and Fluffy)
Found in the Sweet Dreams crib by the Sparkle Ponies, abandoned by a cloud (Baby Starburst)

I also need to catalogue the list of disturbing Wizard Wantall moments.
There's the cloud that grabs Sprinkles out of the sky
Kidnapping Sky Rocket to force her to make weapons of mass destruction
Having someone charm ribbons to make ponies into his slaves

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: July 19, 2024, 03:44:55 PM »
How the world is dependent on tech.

So my rants for the day.

Dealing with internet hosting people. More explanation in the other thread so won't linger on it here. Think I just traumatised the second agent of the day.

Managed eventually to change batteries in my German Sweet Talker. Literally the moment I did that the Spanish one's battery died. So now I need 3 more batteries. Gah.

 I am going through my cupboard giving my ponies a long overdue spa. The ponies are a bit dusty but fine. Their ribbons and the elastic on things, different matter. Fabric and such - not done well. Baby boy bow ties are pretty wrecked. Baby Buggy and its lace is a hot mess, but fortunately I don't care too much about it (lol). Even more fortunately the Princess Baby Buggy is mostly ok (lace has lost elastic a bit and is a bit discoloured but still nothing extreme). It's currently in the middle of my floor because my charming father has reorganised the attic and the box has disappeared...

Ponies are ok though. So.

Walked to the local art show and back with Mum. Sandal broke on the way back. These are my walking sandals so I now have to find some more that don't rub. Because I had to pin it together and walk back funny, I now have blisters.

Thank you people :)

LAW, what browser/device are you using?

Ok, just to clarify, the link in my sig is the current/old site, not the new one. I haven't posted the link to that yet, trying to figure out what is going on with my hosting platform and the site first. New site theme will be blue.

Some people can load it and some not. I've been thinking about moving my site to a different host for a bit anyway, but I'm going to wait and see what they come up with first (they were checking it and told me to get back to them so I will).

I can load it on Edge, Firefox and Chrome on this PC. My Ipad loads it on Safari, my phone on Chrome. None of these are logged into my hosting platform normally, and it's not cached as I'm checking updated pages as I go on different devices.

There is no point updating and going live with the new site until I have worked out why some people cannot load it and have resolved it.

I still think it's my hosting company that's to blame because they also deleted my placeholder page with links on the main and replaced it with a generic template. That obviously should not happen so I think they did something.

Nobody has mentioned broken images showing up on the other comic image threads...those are all linked off my server as well so...?

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