Introductions / Finally making my debut!
« on: August 20, 2020, 11:31:16 PM »
Hello there! Mell here after uh...6 years of never making a proper introduction page! I remember being super excited about joining the arena back then, but I must have been too anxious to finish up the process. Figured instead of making a new account and username I'd return to this old account lol
ANYWHO I'm Mell (as mentioned before) and I'm a collector of vintage toys with a focus on vintage Japanese dolls (like Licca and her friends). I'd say in a way a my little pony is sort of like a doll...in horse form that is. Been collecting for about 8 years now but my passion for ponies was recently reignited when I unpacked a long forgotten box of G1s. I recall spending only $2 on what was probably 15 ponies! Been slowly cleaning away at them since quarantine started and I'm kinda yearning for more to join my herd
Fun Little Mell Fact: My first mlp was a G1 Creamsicle. Oddly enough she was my only legit mlp, while the other two I had were alicorn fakies. I was so young that I didn't understand that she was a giraffe, I assumed she was a mutant long necked pony. O.o
Anywho, I'm excited to finally join this community!
ANYWHO I'm Mell (as mentioned before) and I'm a collector of vintage toys with a focus on vintage Japanese dolls (like Licca and her friends). I'd say in a way a my little pony is sort of like a doll...in horse form that is. Been collecting for about 8 years now but my passion for ponies was recently reignited when I unpacked a long forgotten box of G1s. I recall spending only $2 on what was probably 15 ponies! Been slowly cleaning away at them since quarantine started and I'm kinda yearning for more to join my herd
Fun Little Mell Fact: My first mlp was a G1 Creamsicle. Oddly enough she was my only legit mlp, while the other two I had were alicorn fakies. I was so young that I didn't understand that she was a giraffe, I assumed she was a mutant long necked pony. O.o
Anywho, I'm excited to finally join this community!