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What is your guilty TV pleasure?

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People's Court is definitely one. I rarely get to see it but that is the only court show I like besides Judge Judy. I really like Judge Marilyn Millan and the guy Harvey that usually gives commentary on the cases. Rarely get to see either one though. iCarly and Drake and Josh feel like guilty pleasures too since I'm well into my 30s but I can't  help it. I still really like them.

Judge Judy. I know it's fake, but it's also so funny. :lol:

The Judge shows aren't "fake" per se, it's just that they don't have a real legal case. They agree to drop it to be on the show. I like them too, Judge Judy and People's Court are my favorites.

I suppose my real guilty pleasure though is Top 15 on YouTube with Chills (the guy with the weird monotone voice). They have a lot of paranormal stuff and things like "This is the scariest video you will ever see!!!!" :lol: I don't believe in any paranormal stuff but I like the videos anyway, and I love Chills. His voice grows on you and so do his stupid puns :lol:

Hate-watching Dr. Phil

I forgot one. Top Gear.
Clarkson can be SO offensive but if you're prepared for that?


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