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Messages - Strawberry Swirl

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Off Topic / Re: Weird things you tolerate where you live?
« on: June 26, 2022, 02:29:22 PM »
Wow, those house exploding stories are horrifying. I'm glad nobody got hurt but DANG imagine the owners coming home to that! I can't imagine the devastation they would feel; I sure hope they were able to find somewhere to stay after that. Now I've got another thing to worry about happening to my new place, where I finally get to display all my ponies and stuff.... >.>

one i'm still trying to get used to? how everyone here says taste instead of smell when describing a scent
My mom calls scents "flavours" sometimes, I don't think it's a regional thing though, she's just weird like that.
No judgement obviously because I'm equally weird, just in different ways! hahahahaha

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: June 25, 2022, 12:14:33 AM »
BLAH. I wish there were Primarks in the US, or at least, more wide spread. Their stuff is so fun and it stinks that international shipping is as insane as it is at the moment.


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I dunno if Kohl's is a Midwest exclusive clothing store, but here's a compilation of tees
featuring what I call the "real" mane six. They have these plus many other G1, G4 and G5
clothing items to choose from, and yet I've not once been able to find them in a physical store!
It's all exclusive to their online shop, it seems, unfortunately for me and my dyscalculia that
means I'm pretty much in the dark WRT knowing which size would fit me best (if at all).

They also have designs I've seen on a handful of other sites, including Hot Topic, but
I believe Kohl's is the only one that I've seen the ones with the individual pony on.

Off Topic / Re: Weird things you tolerate where you live?
« on: June 24, 2022, 11:56:57 PM »
I actually blame most of my problems on Ronald Reagan so we're all pretty irrational down here in Texas.  In all seriousness i think it's a similar mentality to blaming all of a sports team's problems on the coach or the star player. it's easy. people know who the president is. they become the face of whatever is going right or wrong.

IMO Texas politics are not well represented in a lot of media. most of the urban areas and even more suburban areas are pretty liberal. statewide we're ruled by more and more extreme conservative politicians. but statewide elections here are closer than they used to be. i don't think we can vote all of our problems away. Texas politics is ruled by a few people with a lot of money. it's also heavily influenced by oil and gas. so many people work in oil and gas and adjacent industry. and there are a lot of keep taxes low, pro-business types who vote Republican. as if Dems aren't just as influenced by big business. i remain hopeful but Texas keeps disappointing me. i really want to leave but family obligations keep me here for now.

TBH this doesn't surprise me because oftentimes, I've found that the typical citizen of a given state or country or other area disagrees with the big wigs in charge, even if only a little bit. But also, the stereotype that the South is full of close minded Bible-thumpers and the North is where all the 'modern' minded people live is alive and well. I'm in the Midwest in a town that is more right-minded, if you get my drift, while I've heard of thriving minority communities on the other end of the USA- including in Texas, your state! (I seem to have a lot of friends in/from Texas, I don't know why...)

Which brings me to my second contribution - I don't know about y'all but some places still have signage or writing cheering on Trump; some have been there since all the way back in 2016. Some folks still have bumper stickers from that time, or from the 2020 election. Now I understand disappointment if your "side" didn't "win" but seriously? Why would you want to keep that stuff around that long? I've never heard or seen this sort of thing outside Trump, it'd be like if I had a sign in my front yard urging my neighbors to vote for Eisenhower. In 2022!  Idungeddit.

Off Topic / Re: Weird things you tolerate where you live?
« on: June 21, 2022, 01:55:11 PM »
Ever since moving ~8 months ago, there's a train that apparently passes by somewhere near each morning and night. And by that, I mean at the hours in which NOBODY (except for me of course because I'm part opossum) is awake by choice. I've wondered how many people it wakes up each day... Probably none, but who knows.

Before that, it was living next to a walking talking ticking time bomb of a man, but that's a whole other story entirely.

We have fur and leopard seals that sunbathe and breed in our town. When they come on shore on mass they STINK. Holy cow. Rotten fish smell for the whole day but they are both endangered AND the leopard seals get to be like a tonne.

I would still like to see them! Even though my nose is particularly sensitive, I always adore seeing local wildlife, no matter what it is. Come summertime, deer are sometimes seen out in the fields or woods. Wild rabbits occasionally pop up too, along with ducks, geese and pelicans in the lakes. Wild turkeys also exist around here. But I've also spotted hawks more than once, and bald eagles on three different occasions. My favourite rare encounters though are the times a red fox trotted across the road right in front of my mom and I while we were driving home (she was on the phone talking to somebody and stopped mid sentence to tell the other person a fox just walked past lol), and the flock of turkey vultures picking at what I think was a deer carcass driving with my dad into another town.
Oh, and pheasants! Don't forget the pheasants.

Oh, the animal nerd that is myself could talk for hours about the creatures I've seen. Those ones were just around my area and slightly beyond; I haven't even mentioned the gigantic snapping turtle sitting on the road when my mom and I vacationed in the state below us.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 6/16/2022 Mimic
« on: June 21, 2022, 01:43:32 PM »
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Here she is with her wife Locket! I've told the story of how I got her about a million times, including on here, but you're just going to have to read it all over again because I'm never, ever going to shut up about it.

It was a typical trip to [REDACTED] to check the thrift shops again, a place I rarely get to go because it's so far away and the drive to and from is hard on my poor chauffeurdad. It was exactly one week to the day of my 21st birthday and because I usually go to the [REDACTED] for my birthday (usually I only get to go once a year at all) we went to [REDACTED] that day instead. This city has the nearest Saver's to me and has gifted me with plenty of ponies (and other things I like) before and since Mimic. But today, the universe seems to have decided to grant me an early 21st gift, because one of the first bags I saw had *HER* inside! I flipped out in front of frightened shoppers while screaming at my poor dad asking if I was awake, is this real life, do you see what I see?? I'm still surprised I didn't start crying about it. I snatched the bag as quickly as I could and stared in awe as Mimic's rhinestone eyes met my own. I believe in love at first sight now.
I paid exactly $6 for the entire bag. I told the cashier to keep the change.

I wish I could find that pic I took of her after her bath drinking a Sprite. ah well   

Adoptables / Re: [OPEN] Summer Siggie Adoptable
« on: June 04, 2022, 12:20:30 PM »
They all look lovely! But I am biased toward mine lol<3 I do love how you did the tail! thanks again!

Adoptables / Re: [OPEN] Summer Siggie Adoptable
« on: June 01, 2022, 12:59:50 AM »
Oh these are so neat! I haven't gotten new art of ponysona Strawbs in a while so I'mma take advantage if you don't mind <3

Pony name: Strawberry Swirl
Towel color/pattern: An 80's arcade carpet!
Beverage: Can be anything, probably something strawberry related tho cos... you know.

Pony Corral / Re: Risers for pony shelving
« on: May 25, 2022, 12:41:02 PM »
Neat! I might have to keep those in mind for when I run out of VHS tapes and old manga issues xD

MLP Nirvana / Re: Price check on alt birthflower ponies please!
« on: April 14, 2022, 03:32:46 PM »
MLP Merch has both a checklist and wishlist feature. As of writing this it says I have almost 300 G1 ponies .__.
And that's not even counting the other gens, or nirvana/euro, etc.

As for prices though I can't help much but I know the alt birthflowers are really spendy. Like 300+ usd spendy

A traditional piece because I got sore from sitting at my tablet all day - but still had the urge to draw things.

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I got lazy doing the background but idc lololol

Pony Corral / Re: Any other G3 Shippers?
« on: April 12, 2022, 02:12:12 PM »
YES. Y E S. Bring me all the sapphic horse couples!!!!

Seriously though, I've already been introduced to so many pony ships thanks to this community, there's always room for more. Always!
Good to see the popular ones like Star Catcher/Skywishes pop up too :>

Pony Corral / Re: Ever seen a pony in a dream?
« on: January 30, 2022, 10:43:15 PM »
I only see ones that either don't exist, or half-finished customs that the creator must have given up on. Do people actually donate their custom ponies (finished or not) to thrift stores?

Pony Corral / Re: Rarest ponies top 10 list
« on: January 30, 2022, 10:27:00 PM »
I absolutely love that half of these decline to mention that the reason that some of these examples sold for so much was the fact that they were either 1)euro/nirvana, 2)MOC, or 3)both. Does this mean I can now make bank on the ~5 different Medleys and Moondancers sitting in a basket waiting to be washed for at least 3 yrs now? I can see the dollar signs already.

Reminds me of the article that stated that the Baby Moondancer from Greece was sought after because her symbol is a star & moon, and definitely not the fact that she's FROM GREECE.

Pony Corral / Re: Vintage MLPs - actually, no lead or arsenic
« on: January 30, 2022, 10:22:30 PM »
"Hormone disruptors"
I'm definitely going to move on with my life pretending to know what this means!
Does this have anything to do with the people who insist that kids are starting puberty at younger ages than normal?

Just because something is a lurid shade of pink, does not mean you guys should lick it to find out if it's full of lead or not?

You might joke, but I have a friend who actually did this once. Or at least claimed to. I wasn't there or anything but...

That's surely a bad example to set to kids?!!

Um...what is? A robot that can sign its name? And how?? 0_o

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