Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Is this pony a prototype?

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I agree with everyone else.  I think it's just an international release.

 A while back on Ebay I saw a mock up of a Princess Guinevere/Starla and the Jewel Riders doll.  There was a handwritten note attached to the packaging that listed a few changes that the person checking the doll noted.  I think it also had the wrong clothes or color of clothes for that character.


The closest "mistake" that can happen is that another ponyname is mentioned on the packaging.


--- Quote from: Barnacle_lady on March 29, 2024, 01:30:27 AM ---The closest "mistake" that can happen is that another ponyname is mentioned on the packaging.

--- End quote ---

Or the pony can be put in upsidedown. I've seen that in sealed packages before (NOT ST AJ, LOL). It's still fairly lowkey in G3 or G4, though...unlike G1 where it's the whole bubble/pony/brush and comb shenanigans, and it's pretty noticeable. Especially when it's the wrong set (Twinkle Eyes on baby sea pony cards ftw!)

I have a G2 Clever Clover on Berry Bright's card I think, somewhere.


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