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Messages - Strawberry Swirl

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Pony Corral / Re: GAME: Pony 20 Questions!
« on: June 19, 2023, 04:23:19 PM »
EDIT: Missed the part where it isn't food related.

I'm guessing Milky Way then!

Gonna keep an eye on this if that's alright.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Another G3 OC drawing!
« on: June 12, 2023, 12:44:46 PM »
NICE. It makes me wonder what G3 boys would've looked like.

Pony Fairs! / Re: 2023 Midwest/Minnesota MLP Jubilee!
« on: June 09, 2023, 09:06:23 PM »
Obligatory comment so I can keep an eye on this one.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Shoo-be-doo! MerMay Art Challenge
« on: May 28, 2023, 05:21:30 PM »
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May I offer you all a pair of Seashells in these trying times?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Shoo-be-doo! MerMay Art Challenge
« on: May 10, 2023, 04:13:42 PM »
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I still flexibly call this baby Jollibee instead of Jelly Bee. Thanks Internet :)

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Shoo-be-doo! MerMay Art Challenge
« on: May 05, 2023, 12:22:21 PM »
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Decided not to bother with shading lol have a two for one!!

I'd sure like to. I know it's unrealistic to think I could on a limited income but stars above, I'd do anything to have some of these ponies!! So far, I've managed to get ones from Italy, France, Brazil, Macau, Peru, and the UK... all of which is miraculous to me because again, limited income. I feel blessed to have them and would defend them with my life. But at the same time... I've dreamt at length of finding ponies from places like South Africa, ones like Japan's completely unique Takara line, complete aesthetic overhalls of certain characters like the unicorn Bow Ties from Peru (I already have the pegasus Blossoms to match.) Or maybe the pegasus versions of Moonstone or Truly! The unicorn Sprinkles? Or even entirely regional exclusive characters like Germany's Nightlight and Raindrop, or Greece's Ladybird...I could go on!

Is the link broken for anyone else? It's telling me it can't connect because I've disabled cookies or something like that.

Pony Fairs! / Re: MN MLP Jubilee 2022
« on: September 01, 2022, 03:34:29 PM »
I would feel wayyyy more offended that I wasn't notified that this thread existed if I didn't love yall so much rofl. I need to ask though, what exactly constitutes a "breakfast cookie?" I'm familiar with the breakfast sandwich but that's a new one for me.

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies as a child vs ponies as an adult
« on: August 10, 2022, 11:45:18 PM »
I always like telling my story regarding my child self's relationship with MLP, I find it so so funny and it's a perfect example of irony.
(I was a 00's kid btw for context)

I spent most of my childhood HATING pony. I had some interest very early, but by the first grade it was my greatest enemy. What's interesting is that I didn't reject other 80's toylines that had reboots at the time, ie. care bears or strawberry shortcake. It was just MLP that was "for babies" *insert thinking emoji here*
I remember having a thing about being treated as a child, as if it were demeaning. So maybe that was a part of it.

I got over it though when I was about 14 because the whole brony thing blew up, and suddenly it was "cool" to like MLP, but ONLY G4. I didn't give any previous incarnations any chance until I watched some of the G1 programs around 16 and found a lot of them had similar themes to FiM (WRT having plots that involved fighting bad guys or similarly more adventurous things). I later was lucky to find my very first pony ever (and ended up making it into an original persona character, as you can see; even using the name in MLP online spaces) plus a handful of other ones I had in childhood that I apparently completely forgot about.

Although I have my own opinions on the brony part of pony fandom, I'm still glad I got into it, because then I wouldn't have grown out of the whole "I'm too old for XYZ" spiel (or at least not until much later); and more importantly, I wouldn't have had the extra time & money to grow my collection to what it is today.

I started properly collecting at like 15 (get this, I promised myself I would only get the mane 6 inspirations...YEAH RIGHT), and I'm 25 now... With an entire wall's worth of ponies from different time periods, I'm excited to see where the next decade or so will take me!

Pony Corral / Flat footed original mane 6 won't stay standing xD;
« on: August 06, 2022, 08:47:49 PM »
I'm sitting here seething because I cannot for the life of me get them to stop tipping over, specifically, Blue Belle is giving me the most trouble for some reason... -_-

Is there a solution to this problem, or am I just doing something wrong here? I can't keep trying to get them to stay put for long because my arm gets tired and I begin to feel homicidal rofl. I need HELP!

Pony Corral / Re: Dedicated G2 thread V2.0!
« on: August 06, 2022, 08:41:36 PM »
Whoa, I didn't know they were making molds outside g1 ._. Lucky they decided to make a g2 one though, i still can't believe how little people remember it >_>

Pony Corral / Re: Accidently threw it out (or donated it) thread
« on: July 29, 2022, 08:58:46 PM »
Nothing pony, I don't think. I did end up donating a Kacheek plush and then got back into Neopets years later, I do regret now. :(

Yep same. With CD cases, though, one Uni and one Gelert, I figured that since CDs were obsolete I didn't need them anymore! HA!

Oh, plus, two 2005 Furbies that the Internet convinced me were possessed. 20 odd years later, I finally got myself a replacement for my gray-blur gal Angel (how I remembered the name I gave her that long ago is beyond me) but sadly not for the black-white one. Y'all probably don't know but the 2005 ones are typically much more expensive than the originals from the 90's.

Off Topic / Re: Weird things you tolerate where you live?
« on: June 29, 2022, 11:14:20 PM »
I thought of another thing. Turtles and tortoise on the road.

It's common and expected to stop traffic to help a turtle or tortoise across the road. You always take them in the direction they were heading. They sometimes need to cross streets to get to a new water source, or in the case of tortoise, they're just traveling. Turtles are way more common. There are some streets that have turtle crossing signs. There is also duck crossings and Sandhill crane crossings. Sandhills are illegal to kill, even in an accident and I think almost every turtle is protected too. Not sure about the ducks.

Seconded here. I've seen my fair share of shelled friends on the road both alive and dead, I would hope that any of them that do get hit are accidental casualities but I just don't trust people. I remember one time at my old place a turtle was chilling on the road in front of our house and we saw some jerk speed right over him! He must not have been hurt that bad though, because when we looked again 10 min later he was gone. I like to think the hit just stunned him a little and he booked it after he realized what happened.

Red eared sliders are probably the most common turtle in my part of the world, but i've seen my fair share of snappers too. I still regret not taking pictures of the huge one I saw vacationing down south; I swear that thing was the size of a beagle.

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