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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: SourdoughStomper on December 29, 2017, 09:32:08 AM

Title: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on December 29, 2017, 09:32:08 AM
Sometimes I do resolutions, and sometimes I don't. :) I want to get back into reading more. I didn't do much this year. I see if I can get into volunteering too. :) I need a reason to get out of the house more and donate my time to helping others.

Do you have any resolutions this year?

By the way, Happy New Year!


Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Uninu on December 29, 2017, 09:47:22 AM
I am aiming to read more and save money in 2018. That's about it. :blush: I was an avid reader years ago but I haven't read much lately. Money saving would be for traveling to London maybe in 2019 and for a deposit on an apartment. The apartment one is not going to happen in years and requires quite a bit of planning but that's where I am aiming. :)
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Kiwi on December 29, 2017, 09:49:42 AM
Trying to build my Etsy shop more, and aiming to join the church Christmas bazaar in November, so need to prep for that. But if I spread it out over the year, should be more manageable than rushing last minute.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: kakenterprise on December 29, 2017, 10:01:55 AM
I'd really like to finish paying off my student loans.  I feel like it could happen this year.

Finishing an art project this year would be a nice bonus.

Totally forgot the most important one
I want to/need to clear out a bunch of toys and stuff. 
Time to simplify my life a bit.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: bright rabbit 1 on December 29, 2017, 10:20:26 AM
Complete my Pony TV Series collection (G1)

Complete my G4 in to G1 collection

Read more books of my favourite fiction (Large Print versions)

Do Dragon Age doll customs

Clean my G1 ponies/reroot them

Dye white G1 ponies and seal them with Liquitex
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Safflower on December 29, 2017, 11:54:41 AM
I want to learn Gaelic, so I decided I would start now. I always wanted to learn it, so a resolution was the perfect timing! I would also like to try out new dessert recipes, but that isn't quite a priority. And of course I want to complete a few pony sets :)
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Miniature Sheep on December 29, 2017, 12:15:41 PM
I'm hoping to make some new friends this year, which isn't easy in this town (it's a fishbowl), but I'm going to do my best anyway. Saving money is another priority so I'll be able to afford to escape the clutches of Macclesfield more often and see some new places.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on December 29, 2017, 01:26:02 PM
I've never been much of a resolutions person, but I voted for completing a pony set. I'd like to complete the G4 pearlized ponies, I need all of Wave 1 still, but have all the others. I'd also like to complete the Sparkle ponies (just going for 1 of each right now, as opposed to completing both store and mail order). That seems like the most practicle of the G1 sets I want to complete.

I would also like to try saving up for one of the more pricey ponies I want this year, get at least one pricey grail out of the way.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: pinkkittywinks on December 29, 2017, 01:51:47 PM
I don't do resolutions, they were always the same and I never benefited from making them.

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: ladybastilla on December 29, 2017, 03:22:25 PM
2018 is going to be the year I publish my novel Entwined, so I have a lot ahead of me. Editing / revisions, getting a cover designed, getting a website and proper social media up and running, developing a marketing strategy...

But far more important is getting the other books in the series written. Continuity and consistency are important in self publishing.

I also want to read more, get back to blogging (though whether I'd prefer to do that about books or music I'm unsure) and add a few more ponies to my collection.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Harmonie on December 29, 2017, 04:10:21 PM
Well... I'd like to get back into dating. Or perhaps more accurately, really get into it for the first time.  :redface: I mean I've been in a relationship or two, but haven't really ever openly 'dated'.

I'd like to get into exercising.

I'd like to find a job during summer. This one is top priority, I suppose.

I'd like to meet the individual who inspired me to play the oboe and get back into music. (a tall order)
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: DazzleKitty on December 29, 2017, 04:53:15 PM
Mine are.....

1. Stick to a Budget
I want to start saving money and not blow so much on stupid things I don't need.

2. Make More Money
I am looking for a higher paying job than what I had, and doors are opening to this happening.

3. Read More
I have a huge backlog of books I need to get through. I have already started this. I finished a novel today and started another one. Reading really relaxes me and I need more activities like this in my life.

4. Spend More Time With Family/Friends
I need to spend more time with everyone in my life.

5. Worry Less/Reduce Stress
I have a lot of stress and I am trying to just chill the heck out. I need to find things to do that don't promote tension.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Mami Tomoe on December 29, 2017, 06:01:15 PM
mine are
getting a girlfriend
completing a set
starting my buissness
and to make friends
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: lockette on December 29, 2017, 06:25:58 PM
I just really want to get back into journaling. I journalled A LOT from last fall to this past spring, but then I just stopped... despite the fact that I had so many things to "talk out" with myself, so many huge life-changing things, so many amazing moments and memories I wish I'd written down. I haven't even been doing my short dailies in my planner.

so that's all I really intend to really try to really do. journal in my main notebook at least every other week or so, and keep up with my dailies.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: bluerose9978 on December 29, 2017, 09:40:25 PM
One of my resolutions (it's actually for my son, who's 2 1/2) is to get him potty trained. So, it's actually his resolution. And the sooner the better.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Beldarna on December 29, 2017, 10:00:29 PM
I don't do resolutions. I have ideas and plans but I don't want to make promises I can't keep.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: tikibirds on December 30, 2017, 01:20:03 AM
Be more active but that's kinda hard when it's been colder here then in Interior Alaska >.<
It was above 0 there but it's -20F here.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Littlesparklepony on December 30, 2017, 03:16:22 AM
I´m planning to finish my education to become a Coach
which means having training clients, homeexaminations and going to self-therapy.

I´m also planning to become employee from working in my own Company the last 2 years.

And we are hoping to enlarge the family.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: melodys_angel on December 30, 2017, 09:42:11 AM
out of the posted ones, reducing stress would probably be the most ideal.

Whether it happens is another thing entirely..i have a few super stressful things coming up soo..yeah.

Also...MA sticks her tongue out at the grains option.  Been gluten free for a few years now >D
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Einhornbaby on December 30, 2017, 11:47:38 AM
Worry less / reduce stress! Thats my biggest thing to do!
If I dont my body will pay the tribute; im already suffering from constant pain because of my worries.

Otherwise :

Id like to eat better. Im sure it will improve my health, so its a thing I really need to do! And not only for a day or a few weeks. I need month and years!!

And Id like to read more! I already read much but due to health problems I recently didnt have the calmness to get into a story! ... so a lot of book and stories are waiting for me!

Travel more!! To heck will all this "being at home to calm down"... I need things to distract me from worrying! New things to see, new things to do!

Get more confident and happier in general! This goes in hand in hand with worrying less. I really need to stop being negative. Instead of being rude to myself I need to focus on what I did good!

I wish you all the best to get as far as you can with your resolutions :) *hugsall* May 2018 bring only goof things to us :)

Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on December 30, 2017, 12:08:41 PM
-Get a job
-Save for medical related expenses
-Get my next tattoo
I've had the artwork for my ink for several years, was just waiting for the right time.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: reanna-mator on December 30, 2017, 12:55:58 PM

1) Eat better, and cut down on drinking. (Full disclosure, I drink like a horse. I'm a Wisconsinite with parents who go through huge plastic jugs of brandy like it's juice)

2) Get back to working out.

3) Finally submit one of my novel drafts for publication!

Things I've already done!

Become more social!

In the past few years I've come back out of my shell after some toxic people made me feel unwanted. Whenever I have the chance, I reconnect with old friends and gather them together for a great time instead of keep to myself. I've joined a convention entertainment group and started to do improv comedy and I'm working on my first stand up set!
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Shy Violet on December 30, 2017, 10:57:19 PM
I don't do resolutions. I don't view the new year as a fresh start or anything, it's all the same. If I want to do something or set a goal for myself I do it whenever I feel like it, lol, no need for a new year to get started.  :lol: I've never done a resolution and never will. But I'm a type B personality so I'm not organized, don't do lists or set timelines or any of that stuff. Just not my thing.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on December 31, 2017, 07:45:44 AM
I really want a vacation or two this year.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: vira on January 02, 2018, 06:37:22 PM
I'm going to try to continue last year's resolution; writing a summary of my day each night! I was able to do it last year, and I think it's had a good effect on me, so I want to continue! It helps to separate one day from the next and makes it easier to remember things. Also, routine is good!
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: ladybastilla on January 02, 2018, 06:56:55 PM
I'm going to try to continue last year's resolution; writing a summary of my day each night! I was able to do it last year, and I think it's had a good effect on me, so I want to continue! It helps to separate one day from the next and makes it easier to remember things. Also, routine is good!

I bought a horizontal Erin Condren Life Planner last year and started doing that. I got my new one for 2018 and am excited to continue. As an author, I tell stories about other peoples' fictional lives every day--why shouldn't I record my own story, too? Plus, it can be helpful to track when things happen or what is coming up (in the notes section each week or on the monthly calendar view).
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: kiwimlp on January 02, 2018, 10:44:19 PM
I love how not a single person has decided to watch less TV :D
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: tikibirds on January 03, 2018, 03:14:47 AM
I love how not a single person has decided to watch less TV :D

My cable box shorted out a fuze and now it won't work
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: mlp4me on January 03, 2018, 09:08:49 AM
I've set the unrealistic goal of losing 20 lbs, wish me luck!
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: StarDapple on January 03, 2018, 10:25:26 AM
I've moved to a new state in the last six months, so I am going to try to make some of my resolutions based around that, such as making more new friends (I think I am doing well on that already!) and try to start dating.  I'm also hoping to get a raise at my job by learning new skills and getting new responsibilities, and I would LOVE to add to my pony collection!  I need to get a new display case for that to happen though.  :P

I love how not a single person has decided to watch less TV :D
Netflix is my jam.  Can't give that up!
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Galactica on January 03, 2018, 10:50:56 AM
No more lactose! Not even the stuff that is ALMOST okay.
I love chocolate but am sick of GERD
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Harmonie on January 03, 2018, 01:45:25 PM
I love how not a single person has decided to watch less TV :D

I don't even have TV. lol. It just isn't a necessity for me with my limited funds. I do miss getting to watch some of my shows that are either impossible to find on streaming services or are uploaded at great delay (Steven Universe, FiM, Doctor Who, etc.) but I just watch them when I come back home for breaks.
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Khoufu on January 05, 2018, 08:57:04 AM
My "other" is dedicate more time to sewing. I started making wearable animal tails last year, and I want to make a pony tail and see if I could sell some of those on MLP forums.
I do stuff like this: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.
Post by: Loona on January 06, 2018, 10:06:41 AM
I didn't actually come up with resolutions, but the following would finally be nice to do:

- finish my theses back from the first university majors I've done (and completed 7 years ago, just did not finalise them with a thesis :facepalm: ). It is a constant stress factor for me, on a level that is already not healthy. It basically blocks me from being able to take up/finish tons of other pending projects I have, because I constantly feel guilty if I try to do anything else, thinking I should first finish this instead. What's the issue then? Well, it's that I really hated them. Even more after I went to another faculty and studied something else which was much better. The reason why I can't just let it go, is that after having spent so much time studying there I would also feel guilty about this outcome... This term is the last chance for me to hand in anything, so at least this period will surely come to an end, whichever ending it will have, at least it will no longer be a blocking factor in the second half of the year.

- finish my *loads* of unfinished or not even started art/custom/DIY projects

- take up sewing again - this is partially an unfinished DIY project too, I know :P

- take more photos, get back more into photography and edit the tons of raw photos I've taken in the last couple of years

The last 3 should all be a bit easier in the second half of the year, based on the conclusion of the first point. And since I won't find any enjoyment in the latter 3 currently (because the theses will bug me), right now I should focus on the first point only.
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