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Rainlove The Pegasus's Job Thread

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Rainlove The Pegasus:

--- Quote from: BlackCurtains on April 24, 2024, 04:56:49 AM ---Aw, that was so nice of your family to acknowledge your hard work :)

That's a good rule to have for ponies you find. Congrats on the DVD! I've never seen Spirit.

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yeah. I was embarrassed and confused at the same time. I would recommend the movie to watch sometime! eBay might have some to look into!

Post Merge: April 28, 2024, 05:46:44 PM

--- Quote from: Ponybookworm on April 24, 2024, 12:59:59 PM ---Awww your family must be so proud of you xxx

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Assuming they were at the time..

Post Merge: April 28, 2024, 05:47:19 PM

--- Quote from: lovesbabysquirmy on April 26, 2024, 06:42:50 AM ---oooh sounds like it's a fun job :)  I would love to volunteer at our local charity shop but alas... no time...

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It is fun, if I make it fun. There are some boring parts too.

Post Merge: April 28, 2024, 05:55:00 PM

Here was yesterday:

Saturday, April 28th, 2024:

I did the usuals. I was about to go on my break, when my manager stopped me and invited me back to her office. We chatted about something that happened 2 Saturdays ago. I don't want to get into it. I asked her about possible summer hours and she said probably not. The only thing she told me was maybe a 3-6pm shift in the week. I wrote down some things I have to practice on for the next evaluation. I'm deciding whether or not to stay here or find somewhere else to go. I have a couple places I want to look into for summer jobs.

After the talk, I went on break and lost the energy to dig under bags in the toy area, so I just went back to my station and finished my shift and left when I was done. The toy area could seriously use some organizing. It is just so messy with the bags of assorted toys.

I'm sorry your manager called you into her office :hug: That never feels good. I can't tell you how many times my manager had to talk to me about something on my first job. Don't give up! :hug:

Rainlove The Pegasus:

--- Quote from: BlackCurtains on April 29, 2024, 06:05:03 AM ---I'm sorry your manager called you into her office :hug: That never feels good. I can't tell you how many times my manager had to talk to me about something on my first job. Don't give up! :hug:

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I was super nervous on what I had done wrong. We chatted about everything and to was resolved.

Post Merge: May 06, 2024, 03:54:47 PM

Here was Saturday:

Saturday, May 4th, 2024

I answered the phone a few times during my shift. I greeted people today. I finally got the courage to welcome people in today, and most people thanked me for doing that. It was more quiet towards the end of my shift. I drove myself home after I was done.

That's great! Keep up the good work :D

Rainlove The Pegasus:
I did not work last week, I had a swim meet with Special Olympics last Saturday and won all four of my races I did!

I do have today's blog tho!

Today was slow but I got through it. I was early to work because I tried doing a Garage sale and failed. No one bought anything, so I took what no one bought with me to work and donated it. After that, I went in and walked around for about 20 minutes and looked at the books since I never have time with my normal 10 minutes. I found 5 different mlp books, and told myself that if they were still there after 4pm, I would buy them. They were still there so I bought them along with a smaller fox squishmallow. A co-worker, Greg, gave me a couple of York mints before I started greeting today because why not. He is an older guy, not like 40 I would say. I saw a couple of people I recognized today. At the end, I was able to hold the stores' cat, Kiera!!!! I was so happy! She was content in my arms and I made sure she was ok with me holding her. After that, I was dismissed to leave and went home.

Here is the photo of the items I purchased on my break today:


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