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Messages - FarDreamer

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Pony Corral / Re: Pony Cancer or Beauty Marks?
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:05:18 AM »
btw I think it's so great that you were able to find that info out! Any info on why some ponies are more prone to it?

According to the book (which was written by a scientist who specializes in plastics, so I feel pretty confident passing along the info).

- fungus likes to have a surface it can cling to, porous vinyl is perfect for this
- fungus likes to feed off of plasticizer
- if the humidity is too high the items in the area will take a fungal hit, whether or not an item in the area already has the spots

Since some ponies are more prone to plasticizer leakage (it has to do with the way the vinyl was formulated, some toys got the mix right and others didn't), it would make sense that if those are stored where the conditions are right, they would be more prone having the spots show up.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/20/2017 Munchy
« on: April 20, 2017, 07:52:45 PM »
She's one of my childhood ponies and one of my favorites!  What are the green things supposed to be?  I've never been sure.

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Cancer or Beauty Marks?
« on: April 20, 2017, 07:17:23 PM »
So it's the same? It can be multiple colors? Satin n lace's spot looked orange.
But it would be less confusing if people used the right terms. I never knew that the fungus bumps existed, just the splotchy brown spots.

Oh, I thought it looked brown in the photo (referring to a different topic as we're probably confusing people).  As far as I know, when most collectors refer to "pony cancer" or "age spot" they mean the brown, generally roundish brown spots with or without a bump or darker spot in the middle.  If your spot is orange, it could be regrind as others suggested, but I don't know of regrind that causes a raised bump so I'd still guess fungus.  In the end it doesn't really matter unless you're trying to remove it, although you can't do anything to stop regrind.  There is also a fungus that causes a lot of the pink marks you'll see on ponies.  The pink is actually staining from the fungus' waste.  What people call "smooze" or "pin dot mold" looks like blackheads and can be caused by either a fungus or dirt getting ground into the pores in the vinyl.  There are probably other fungus that may affect vinyl as well.

As far as why people don't just call it fungus, these names developed before collectors knew what caused these issues.  It used to be believed that the brown spots were a break down in the vinyl (I used to believe that too), and many collectors still believe this.  I think it's called "vinyl deterioration syndrome" by doll collectors.

Personally, I like cutesy names for things like "Smooze".  I think "pony cancer" may be insensitive, but I've been collecting for 18 years and that name has been around for a long, long time.  Considering the number of people asking me if the ponies I have for sale have any "cancer", I'm pretty sure it's not going anywhere anytime soon.  There must be some reference to the cartoon we could call it though?

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Cancer or Beauty Marks?
« on: April 20, 2017, 06:36:09 PM »
I always thought "cancer" was dark brown splotches, not a raised bump...

They get raised bumps sometimes, but I don't know why.  I think those are the more severe cases.  Sometimes the ponies get bumps without the brown spots too.

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Cancer or Beauty Marks?
« on: April 20, 2017, 05:41:18 PM »
The second isn't a beauty mark anymore then the one on my hand is. In fact, isn't that a sign of something not good?

A beauty mark is a mole or a birthmark.  Technically age spots would be more correct, but beauty mark sounds so much prettier.

Pony Corral / Pony Cancer or Beauty Marks?
« on: April 20, 2017, 03:20:46 PM »
Someone in another post replied to a spot of cancer on a pony as a "beauty mark".  I love this.  Maybe we could all start calling them this and change the negative culture around these spots a little?

1:  They are a fungus and will only spread if the humidity where the pony is housed goes above 70%.  Fungus is everywhere and they will show up if the humidity is high regardless of whether or not there are already infected ponies in the herd.  (According to "The definitive book on the care and preservation of vinyl dolls and action figures." by Nicholas J Hill)

2:  These ponies deserve love too!  Having a few marks due to the aging process is natural.

I just really like this term much better.   :heart:

One thing that really urks me, and worries me, is that people think these spots will spread from pony to pony.  Believe me, I used to believe some incorrect stuff to.  Fungus is everywhere, if the humidity gets too high these spots will start to show up, regardless of whether or not you already have an infected pony in your herd.  When the humidity is at the correct level, they won't spread.  I'd hate to see people start chucking ponies when that won't do any good.

LOL, I like the idea of calling them "beauty marks".

I have a lead for a a new way of removing pony cancer that doesn't involve soaking the pony in hydrogen peroxide out in the sun (ergo avoiding all the side effects).  It's just a lead right now so nothing to report yet.

Pony Corral / Re: It's been years- help me with some rust?
« on: April 20, 2017, 06:15:04 AM »
It removes paint on these ponies.  What I do when I have rust issues in hard to reach areas is pour a little oxi clean into their body, like into their feet, than pour in some hot water and let it bubble.  Then rinse it out.  I do this with any pony who reacts badly to oxi-clean like the guys you mentioned and ones with chartreuse hair.  Just fyi, whitening toothpaste (paste, not gel) seems to work best.

Thanks for the headsup, lovesbabysquirmy! I thought I remembered oxiclean being bad for TEs- and princess ponies, right?

 I ended up cleaning her with toothpaste, a baby toothbrush, and dish soap. I got most of the rust out of the body and all out of the head... Might actually do an oxi bath just for the body to get the rest of the rush from her rear legs and butt.

It's a type of mold.  The humidity is too high or they've been exposed to moisture at your storage facility.  Is it temperature controlled?  These shouldn't show up if the humidity stays below 70%.  It may be possible to remove it, but there's no guarantee.  If you keep the humidity below 70%, it shouldn't spread further (I never make promises though).  I've had a lot of luck removing them from ponies of this color though.  Email me at if you'd like some ideas for what to try.  :)

Customs / Now Accepting Restoration Commissions!
« on: April 18, 2017, 08:52:21 PM »
Hi everyone! I run the MLP Preservation Project and am now accepting restoration commissions! I've been asked to do this a lot over the years and now I feel like I have the experience and the time. Please check out this new section of the site and contact me at if you'd like me to help give your old toys new life!

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(moving to Customs - DF)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: My plush collection so far!
« on: April 13, 2017, 06:55:18 PM »
Oh cute! I didn't even know some of those existed!  I don't know if you mean you are currently looking for more, but I have one or two you don't have pictured for sale on my website, in case you're interested:

For Sale - For Auction / Perfume Puff Red Roses for Sale!
« on: April 13, 2017, 06:49:48 PM »
Vintage My Little Pony Perfume Puff Red Roses $59 + shipping OBO
- good condition
- hair, symbol, and eyes perfect
- brown spots on the back of her neck on the non display side
- smudge on her cheek blush on her non display side

Thanks for taking a look!

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Pony Corral / Re: Displaying MLP clothes on dolls
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:45:12 AM »
That is neat and very unique! I was a little confused by the title though. I thought you were putting ponywear on dolls instead of ponies :lol: and I absolutely had to see how you were managing that  :haha: .

I do absolutely love those hair clips! I suppose Claire's no longer sells them?

I thought the same thing, lol.  This is neat.

I definitely don't think they're as good as the G1's.  I'll still buy pieces I like, but with the re-design there are a lot fewer of those now.   :(

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