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Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« Last post by Carrehz on Today at 11:20:41 AM »
Last week I went to see a workshop for a new musical, and I have one of the songs in it in my head right now x) But I can't listen to it because it hasn't been released in any way, aaaarghhh!! so instead I'm listening to something by the same guy...

It's My Life - Jordan Luke Gage

technically this is from &Juliet, which I've never seen (not too interested in it either), but hey I like the original song and I like JLG, so :B
Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« Last post by Lady Frostbite on Today at 11:17:08 AM »
Typical day off fare; napping and chores! Pharmacy was nice enough to fill my prescription ahead of schedule after I asked if I could have one medication a bit sooner (I'm not off again until Friday and don't want to ask a neighbour to get it), but when I picked it up it had ALL the medications in it! Yay!

I REALLY need to take my soft plastics to the local store to be recycled but that feels like such an effort at the moment
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by Lady Frostbite on Today at 11:13:58 AM »
Seems to be a theme of running out of things; I took apart my Brita filter to clean it and I thought I had more filters but I ran out at some point?? I swear I bought a pack, realised to my annoyance I already had plenty, but secretly was running low again. I don't use tap water for my animals, I prefer to run it through the filter first. Thankfully I have some ice-cold bottled water to do a change, I need to see if the local store (ew) has filters in.

Also, I was REALLY hungry, but I think I ate too much as I feel kinda sick now  :X
Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« Last post by Lady Frostbite on Today at 11:10:39 AM »
Ordered World's Greatest First Love Vol.17 and Therapy Game Restart Vol.4 and they've only just been dispatched today -_- I was hoping to have them before the weekend but alas not.

There's a few I've been meaning to order, but just lacked the drive to do so when so many of my manga are now in storage. ARGH I can't wait to get a house and move and have it all on display again!!
Pony Corral / Re: Can rerooted pink hair sunfade?
« Last post by tailrustedtealeaf on Today at 10:49:18 AM »
My understanding is that red dye is very sensitive to sunlight, whether it is from new suppliers or old suppliers, and any light pink has the potential to fade. I would try to keep her out of the light as you would with a normal pony. :) It might be more resilient, or brighter because it's new, but I don't believe there is any pink hair that is 100% fade-resistant.
Pony Corral / Re: Magic Message Ponies outside the USA
« Last post by aria_elwen on Today at 10:46:34 AM »
I can't help too much having never seen them in real life HOWEVER...

Has copies of the UK back cards for Cloud Dreamer and Floater. Unfortunately they only seem to have the back of the cards and not the fronts.
Pony Corral / Re: GAME: Pony 20 Questions!
« Last post by FernMariposa919 on Today at 10:29:59 AM »
Is your pony Bluebelle? (Oh, probably not! She looks nothing like Tuneful!)  :lol:
Off Topic / Re: What are your sleeping habits?
« Last post by Taffeta on Today at 10:29:32 AM »
I'm a side sleeper.

I'm actually quite lucky for an autistic person, since I sleep quite well usually. If I can't, or my brain is on hyper mode, for whatever reason, I have my fire tablet by my bed and it's well stocked with audiobooks. I genuinely have some that are quite dull just to help put me to sleep *LOL* but most of the time I just need to distract my brain off whatever it is circling on.

I don't leave things plugged in overnight except the router, which is on a safety plug. So no going to bed with the TV on.

I can't sleep on buses, trains, or planes. I can sleep with the lights on, with music on, with trains going past the window (LOL, London training)...but if I have to get up early in the morning for any reason, I usually end up waking before my alarm clock goes off.
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Taffeta on Today at 09:45:53 AM »
@Carrehz, thank you :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about Ponycon. It was our space, now it isn't, end.

I have a lot of old disks I need to go through when I can boot up my old win 7 PC (it;s the only one which can run the floppy reader, LOL) and see what's on there. The fact ruins of my old tripod and angelfire site are still around means you can get a glimpse into the Ring of Rainbows, and there are still quite a few people around with long memories, even if they're not all still on the Arena.

I'm obviously an info-geek, so I miss the people being here who used to have all the info and detail on variations, especially Europe. I'm finally renovating my site, and digging through old threads here has been very helpful - but they all go back to pre-pandemic pretty much. So maybe by preserving bits of those conversations, I'm trying to keep that side of the history alive. Wiki is the best of the existing sites but it's missing a lot from the European side, even if it does have some good information. MLPMerch and the zombie that is Strawberry Reef have sucked the knowledge out of the rest of the internet, to put it bluntly.

On the other fandom front, I feel like creation is very much something that happens in a community centred around people in their late teens and early 20s. Aside customs, which are an ongoing artform in G1 as well as G4, it tends to be that the newsletters, stories, chatrooms, all the old stuff that existed was built by our generation at the same sort of age as the bulk of the bronies - just with less tech. It's a sad fact that life takes over and the internet recycles space and communities vanish.

BUT we still have at least bits of our history encapsulated in this site and in the Trading Post, albeit they're not the original iterations of either. I know that some eighties communities vanished completely for a while, and they may have rebuilt on SM, but there's still that hole.

Looking through my diary for 1998, which is the first year I was online trading properly, I have so many entries recording trades with people who are no longer here, some of whom made really important contributions to online pony information, but have probably been forgotten even by Nirvana experts. :/ I first saw Argentinian and Peruvian ponies in person in April 1998 - but the internet didn't start talking about them until about ten years later. There were a lot of things done back then that collectors now take for granted. Which is good in one way, but also forgets the contributions of the people gone before them (including some who are no longer with us at all).

I was having a conversation with that G4 fan friend of mine, she was complaining how G5 had mangled G4 canon, and I showed her some of the G1 stuff, and she realised for the first time what G4 had done to change things in G1, and how that had had a knock on impact. She's not a crazy brony kind, just someone who grew up with the end of G3 and into G4. But she was amazed how much the brony community ripped holes in older gen ponies and was actually quite upset that it had happened. It makes me think there's a whole bunch of G4 fans out there who simply don't know how badly some of their community disrespected older MLP.

It is insecurity, and a desire to be THE IMPORTANT ONES WHO DEFINED MY LITTLE PONY.

But that takes me back to Ponycon, and the fact they're being enabled in that mission by the people running the convention started to bring fans of G1 and G2 together.  And that's sad.

Pony Corral / Can rerooted pink hair sunfade?
« Last post by kingluke on Today at 09:10:05 AM »
Hello everyone,

I have a rerooted Windwhistler (fixed her bad hair) in the colour pink. Or fading pink as it's also called. I was wondering, does this new hair fade too? Should I be extra careful? I think it's nylon doll hair from but I'm not sure anymore. It's been years. Her front part of her hair seems lighter than the back part.

Any advice is welcome :)

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