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Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Barnacle_lady on Today at 01:55:53 AM »
I have been attending UK Ponycon since 2009 only missing 2013 & 2021. I have seen it grown from a small convention to one of the largest and very few conventions for older gen collectors in Europe. Nothing Bronycon number gazillion of brony focussed only.
What you don't see on the website but is very present in real life when the con happens. There is attention for all gens. Every year I see a lot of vendors who also have been there since I have been attending. This year there are about 80 vendors and I know staff has tried to put a variety in it. There is no event schedule released so you can't tell there isn't enough attention for the older gens or 20 years of UKPC. So don't let that social media fool you ;)
I can't speak for your wallet but hopefully the convention will be in a place easier to reach for you someday :)

Pony Corral / Re: How to clean Sweet Talkin‘ Ponies
« Last post by Shaiyeh on Today at 01:34:44 AM »
Yes, do what works best for you with your ponies! :lovey: I hope cleaning your talking pony goes well! You could even go for a damp microfiber washcloth instead of the toothbrush if it still feels like too much water.
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Taffeta on Today at 12:58:50 AM »
I admit, I miss when Ponycon was more geared towards older generations. This is me being old and cranky, but the website is full of G4-isms and G4 pony references. It talks about celebrating 20 years of Ponycon but doesn't make a single reference to any event or pony prior to G4, which began in 2011. I wasn't at the first ponycon but I think I was at the second or third, long before G4 was a thing. There were still panels for different generational stuff back then. Tickets have also ballooned in price and include stupid things like entry to a concert which is of absolutely no interest to someone like me who is hypersensitive to sound.

I decided not to go this year, as I can't drop £400+ on accommodation, transport and entry for what is basically Bronycon plus some tables for older pony trading. It's a shame, since the 20 year history theme should've been awesome - but there's nothing hopeful on site or facebook feed.

 It's not that there's ever any hostility from G4 fans at conventions - they're actually pretty cool people. But the convention has got more and more geared to them and less and less about what actually began it. I don't know if it is the organisational team or what the reason is - but it's not really UK ponycon anymore. Maybe in the future it will go back to its roots, but for the time being, it's no longer my collecting space.

It's little wonder that G4 fans think they invented and sustained the community. Although it's also a tad bizarre given their convention shut down and they came and colonised ours, but still think we didn't have a fan community before they existed.

What BC says is true, though. Every generation - probably ours, too - thinks they invented something, but in reality it was probably there before. Going wildly off topic now, but as a mediaeval historian, when I was studying it was a source of endless frustration for me seeing modernists claim something was 'invented' in the 19th century when in fact it wasn't. But it's the same thing. The assumption that something is new because it's within their bubble and not beyond.

Although it is mystifying how they explain to themselves why G4 exists at all if G1, G2 and G3 were such completely anonymous flops. :)
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Barnacle_lady on Today at 12:38:29 AM »
I use Dropbox for images because I can easily upload and drag & drop. Take pictures with my phone and see it back on my laptop if I want to drag & drop in Discord. Same action can be done from my phone to Discord mobile.
And yes they do have a create a link option but I have to secure it in such way the rest of the folder can't be viewed. If you delete that picture from that folder, link is useless.
So no, I don't have any desire to store my ponypictures first at another site and then copy link to Arena.

As for social media for ponies I am probably very old fashioned. I don't do Facebook ,Twitter, Instagram and such. And don't need them to get that special pony. I am more the thrifting and convention person and enjoy a forum or the Discord chatting more to get ponies :) Less hostility too.
The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« Last post by Loa on Yesterday at 09:32:25 PM »
I've seen some a great Rupaul doll openings -
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:49:31 PM »
I just ran into the same thing in a video I was watching, non pony related, but the same as in, the video maker thought it was some genius new thing on the internet when I remember the same thing existing back in the 90s.

I think too, that newer generations don't understand how it used to be before the internet was so easy to access and everything you could ever want to find was on it. Nerdy stuff has always been around (and mainly seen as a bad thing). They were having conventions with cosplay in the 60s. And it certainly wasn't something that was widely accepted like it is today. Like, take gaming culture. I don't like the term 'gamer' because it denotes a certain type of person, but I've been gaming my entire life. Back then it was seen as a nerdy thing (nerd stuff was bad) and something you did by yourself in a dark room because you were a loser with no friends :lol: I mean, I'm glad it has become so mainstream and people are are enjoying it together, but growing up it was definitely seen as something an outcast kid did, not the norm.
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:40:02 PM »
I haven't been sleeping due to being out of one of my medications, but last night it finally caught up with me. I slept all day. I had a very strange dream that seemed absolutely real. I am usually a lucid dreamer, but this one I was trapped in. It's been on my mind since I woke up.
Customs / Re: New Resources?
« Last post by BlackCurtains on Yesterday at 04:36:49 PM »
Yes, Shai, I've noticed that too about G4 customizers. I wouldn't link anything that uses questionable materials, or down right wrong materials, don't worry :)

I will check out out RetroGeek.

Yes, that would be lovely! :)
Off Topic / Re: Do you buy physical media (CDs, Records, DVDs, etc.)
« Last post by Pokeyonekenobie on Yesterday at 04:27:04 PM »
I live in a place where the internet is spotty so I definitely prefer physical copies of things.  My parents stream, and then complain when they have to wait for the internet to catch up to their show or when the streaming service decides to drop whatever they were watching.  I know the physical copies take up more space which is why I buy big CD cases that hold 200+ discs and put them in there. I have a lot of Anime and TV shows, so it's not all single disc movies.  One day I would love to have a movie room and put them back in individual cases but that's not happening any time soon.  With the physical copies, I can also watch/rewatch whatever I want whenever I feel like it.  I buy music CDs and Audiobooks in physical formats as well.  And I prefer physical copies of video games because then when my niblings come for the summer they can play the games as well without taking over my Switch.
Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« Last post by Ponyfan on Yesterday at 03:34:24 PM »
Beth, I'm so sorry that happened to your parents.  I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for you and your parents.

I'm really sad today. 

My dad has been really whiny lately.  He keeps saying my mom and I eat too fast and rush through meals.  We do eat faster than him since  he
eats super slowly, but a large part of why he doesn't get done as fast as we do is my dad will get up while we're eating and start doing other things and then return to his meal.  Of course, if he does that, he going to finish a lot later than my mom and I do.  I'm sure if I did the same thing I'd be told to sit down and eat and the other stuff could wait until later, yet he does it and then complains when he's the last one to finish eating. 

I do eat a little fast sometimes because I'm really hungry especially if it's been a long time since my last meal or if the previous meal wasn't much. 

Also yesterday, my dad said I could pick the restaurant we were going to eat at, but when I told him, he didn't like what I picked and insisted we go where he wanted instead.  I could have argued, but it would have ended with him getting angry and never letting it go.

Yesterday my dad almost hit a parked car.  How do you not see a car parked right in front of you?  He had to jerk the wheel at the last minute to avoid hitting it. 

My dad called a guy to give him an estimate on cutting back some of the huge tree branches that are touching the roof, but he never showed up yesterday or today.

I laid down on the couch for a few minutes because I was really sleepy.  My mom came in and woke me up asking me if I didn't feel good.  I didn't go back to sleep after that.

Also, I didn't see a metal bar in front of the refrigerated cases at the store and slammed my leg in to it

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