Pony Talk > MLP Nirvana
Question about purple haired tootise and blue posey
Hello everyone,
I have some questions about purple haired italian tootsie and the italian blue posey.
Are they as rare as they seem? There were around 5 blue poseys right?
I would love to hear more aout these two beauties :)
Thanks in advance!
Yes, they are both as rare as they seem. There are so many variants and variants of variants when it comes to the Italian ponies, then there are the little things that set each Italian pony apart.
The MOC blue Posey is on a "Hippy Pony" card, which some Italians, including a few odd balls such as Skyflyer/Powder with out the stripe.
Powder without stripe: https://pinkkittywinks.wixsite.com/mlparenagallery/italy?pgid=kddgqg5e-74cf95cc-6d4b-42bb-a671-3d61e23840da
Blue Posey MOC: https://pinkkittywinks.wixsite.com/mlparenagallery/italy?pgid=kddgq4m1-bb79d647-a16b-40c8-a964-e9391171bd69
The Italy ponies were made at a number of different locations, so it is possible one factory was responsible for Blue Posey et al. Ponies were also made in Italy for export to the rest of Europe as well, which again explains why we see so many of them through out Europe and why we see so many versions of the "core" ponies.
Love pkw xxx
Thanks for all the info. I really appreciate it :)
Any time :heart:
Love pkw xxx
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