Pony Talk > MLP Nirvana



Were there any ponies sold in Honduras?  Or were Mexican ponies sold in Central America?  We have a new employee who is from Honduras and her family is traveling back and forth frequently.  I didn’t know if this would be an opportunity to ask her to watch for any vintage nirvana ponies for me?

Ooooh this is a good question. I'm not sure I know the answer to this. I see no harm in asking her about ponies or if she can keep a look out for you :)

Love pkw xxx

My uncle was stationed at the Army base there in the 80's. I know the children there didn't have many (if any) toys because he would have us pack up our older toys and mail them to the kids in the village. So with that said, there could be US ponies there somewhere, too! I would definitely have them keep an eye out. You never know what else could have traveled there.  Also, I think one of the first Colombians was found in Central America.


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