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Messages - BlackCurtains

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 650
Good deal on the retro Mane 6 :)

But should you be buying and hiding things from your parents?

Pony Corral / Re: I have a question for you all! Please help me!
« on: Yesterday at 01:40:29 AM »
I'm really bad at organizing but I think arranging it like the MLP Merch checklist is a good idea. That way you quickly cross reference them.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: Yesterday at 01:36:15 AM »
My original extension was until the 9th and I paid on the 8th. I called and through the auto menu I requested another extension for the other $100 and I have til the 29th. It said that I might incur another deposit though. They stuck me with one for $173, that is in addition to the $200 I had/have to pay. My old deposit, which was 150, was credited to my account because I always paid on time, so I didn't have a deposit on my account at all. You would think, and this is me being a decent human and not a company, that my past good payment behavior would tell those in charge that maaaaybe something isn't right and they should not ADD money on top of the money I do not have to pay. But, what do I know?

My phone and internet bills are also overdue, by the way. So far neither has threatened me.

Also I am running out of food! And the food bank isn't coming here this month. I could go out to another, but that costs money too since we have no public transit.

I ran out of my meds and have just enough money in my account to pay for them and they are more important.

I'm feeling better after sleeping for a long time, so when the sun comes out I'm going to finally take pics of the ponies and dolls I need to sell. If I'm still feeling okay, I can dig out some stuff from the closet to sell too.

My uncle already gave me $250, which went toward my rent and electric leaving me with $26. My meds are $12. Next Wednsday he'll send another $250, but that has to go to my phone and internet. I can't ask him for more. My mom doesn't have any... well, she does. But it's her money for her treats and stuff, I don't want to use it. She doesn't know any of this, btw.

I need a longer term plan to make money.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 10, 2025, 11:26:24 AM »
I've taken a turn for the worse.

And I'm pissed/depressed because I paid $100 to keep my power on and I just got an email saying I need to pay the other 100 or they'll cut me off Monday. Why did I bother getting the extension if they really meant I had to pay all of it??? I don't have the money.

Yay, I was hoping you'd post it soon :D

Such a great article!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 09, 2025, 09:02:12 AM »
There are new people moving in nearby and they have a dog that barks near constantly. It started at 5am this morning. They also have a loud little boy with a motorized scooter that was driving up and down the sidewalk all afternoon yesterday, yelling 'watch out!' to anyone within ear shot. Ugh.

I'm still sick. The other night I was having such a hard time breathing I was on the verge of a panic attack. My inhalers are out and I can't afford them. There is no OTC equivalent. I have both asthma and COPD, which is uncommon to have both. The COPD is specifically bronchial spastic syndrome. My airways will randomly narrow no matter what I'm doing. The asthma acts up if I exert myself, which doesn't take much. So having a respiratory issue is not good.

My therapist told me to walk in to the free clinic. I think I might have to.

Customs / Re: Live and Learn--Sonic Movie 3 Ponies!
« on: January 08, 2025, 09:52:55 PM »
Great work! I subscribed :)

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: January 07, 2025, 03:24:19 PM »
I slept all day and night yesterday. I got up early, 6-ish and did some chores. Took a nap around noon and slept about 3 hours. I'm hungry now and need to do some dishes.

I'm feeling better overall, but I've still got a cough and gunk in my throat. Plus, they mowed today and my eyes were swollen. Pollen is high right now. It rained the other day, and that's all it takes! Even in the dead of winter.

It's cold and going to be cold for a while. Low is around 40F tonight with highs in the mid-60s. It's from that same storm that hit up North.

I tried to get Aster to try the heated cat bed again, but she just refuses to get into it. She gets afternoon sun in her cubby on the tree and can get warm then, but I know she's cold at night. Her fur gets all poofy and she sits on her feet with her tail wrapped around her. I wish she would at least sleep on a blanket!

Off Topic / Re: Whatcha Got Cookin?
« on: January 07, 2025, 03:18:19 PM »
I've been wanting to make veggie and egg fried rice. I had to throw my rice out because saw beetles got into it. I think my sesame oil might be expired. I don't have any ingredients XD and I can't afford them at the moment.

All the talk about grilled cheese in the other thread made me want to make that tonight along with creamy tomato soup!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G1 Twilight in watercolours
« on: January 07, 2025, 07:46:08 AM »
Yay, Raincurl! :frolic: She looks so good :heart:

I also love the vertical Celestia! Very cool presentation!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Two New MLP Artworks!
« on: January 05, 2025, 05:50:36 PM »
These are really great! I love Cavy's expression :D Ice Breaker is a cool concept (pun not intended XD ) and his colors are wonderful.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 04, 2025, 06:49:30 PM »
Beth :hug:

Spent most of the day in bed. I'm only out because I'm hungry and can't sleep.

My 'o' key on my keyboard is sticking? That's annoying. It is pretty dirty... my whole desk is dirty.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: January 04, 2025, 07:11:15 AM »
Ugh, still sick! Couldn't sleep. Had a massive coughing and sneezing attack this morning. It's cold and going to get colder, they are saying the coldest in SW Florida since 2003. I didn't even live here then.

I need to do laundry but I'm so tired.

I'm drinking some hot tea and I'm going to try to sleep again. I can do the laundry later.

Sparkleworks, for sure! I had every version of her before I had to sell my collection.

I think Minty didn't sell well here because of the weird pose. Other versions of Minty have always been more popular.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Sundae Unicones - Project 2024 -COMPLETED!!!
« on: January 02, 2025, 04:30:01 PM »
They're all absolutely gorgeous and yummy!  :dribble:

Congrats on finishing them :happy:

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