Introductions / Re: Intro :3
« on: Today at 10:15:33 AM »
Welcome! I'm sure everyone will be excited to see your collection and customs

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Introductions / Re: Intro :3« on: Today at 10:15:33 AM »
Welcome! I'm sure everyone will be excited to see your collection and customs
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MLP Nirvana / Re: Nirvana Collecting Goals for 2025« on: Yesterday at 04:52:37 PM »
Aw, thank you
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Pony Corral / Re: Who's your fave? G3 2003 Winter Ponies!« on: Yesterday at 04:45:03 PM »Snowflake without a doubt; I'm a sucker for blue Ponies!!! Candy Cane is lovely too. Oh how I wonder this same thing... Snowflake but Candy Cane is pretty too. Mittens should have been a different colour, they were already exhausting this certain colour of pink by this point. I want to disagree but...They used pink so often in 2003. I suppose they make ponies that sell though, considering how many more pink ponies we got! I don't actually own any of these myself either, but would love to pick one of each up eventually. 6
Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are you playing?« on: February 05, 2025, 11:37:41 AM »
Identity V, Magician's Quest (off and on)
MLP Nirvana / Re: Nirvana Collecting Goals for 2025« on: February 05, 2025, 11:36:59 AM »![]() The same as usual. I don't buy ponies all that often, so my Nirvana and variants list stays pretty long. I don't have any, I don't think I do at least. I'd love to pick up a South Star or any of the Argie Flutterbyes. The green or yellow ponies stand out a lot to me, but I suppose I'm not picky at all. 8
Pony Corral / Re: colouring pages?« on: February 04, 2025, 08:21:34 AM »
Hmm, I can only think of Heck Yeah! Pony Scans! on Tumblr, who should have at least one or reblogged a few scans of one. Then, there's probably a couple more blogs on there that may have scans of G1 coloring books. I actually don't think there's very many online at all.
I would love to see more. I imagine between them being a paper good, over 40 years old and difficult to find in a condition worth scanning, it may be hard to find them at all. I wonder if there's anyone that can swoop in to help out more? 9
Pony Corral / Re: My Little Goblins: Failed G4 Mane 6 Reboot (With Pic)« on: February 04, 2025, 08:10:49 AM »Prepare for a long reply! I have had a rubbish day at work and need a pony distraction (though if anyone else gets too irked by this debate, let us know and we can always take it to PM). I love long replies ![]() ![]() First and foremost, the G2 school is an annoyance xD. Both the building and the pony are just reusing old pony stuff, so I kind of like to pretend it's not a thing, like, not at all, not just in context of this discussion. Although it is a different shade of pink, so I guess there's that. xD. But then I also feel like because it exists in G2's release line, with a G2 pony, it's not really the same schoolhouse. This one I guess is subjective, though. I audibly went "No!~" as I giggled reading "the G2 school is an annoyance", I would happily take this annoyance! If I could afford it ![]() ![]() Going back to the real G1 school, however, although it's mostly associated with Tales online I think because of the animation, it was actually not produced for them. It was produced for the 1991 release with the Schooltime and Playschool ponies, and the accessories are basically designed for those characters (Playtime's skipping rope, a xylophone for Musictime, books with sums and such for the babies, etc). I am certain it was meant to come with Lady Lessons, but for some reason she got scrapped before she hit production. (Again, another diversion we don't need to go on now). And it was heavily featured in the comics during 1991 for this reason. Definitely not sidetracking, I'm totally fascinated by this kind of thing still. It's all still new to me, so I love reading your two cents on it. I had totally forgot about the school ponies! I don't see them talked about enough, I suppose it's nice to see some boy ponies in traditionally feminine molds. I am one to believe in that Tales theory, it's odd to me we didn't receive all that many Tales characters while it aired in the US, and then overseas they didn't receive the show at all. I do think you're right about Ponyland- At least I seem to think so. I always thought Dream Valley is more of a geological local, rather than a continent or country, that was always my interpretation. Valley is in it's name after all, it's sort of like how mountains or lakes are land marks or major parts of a province. We always had ponies needing to leave Dream Valley to travel, at least I seem to remember it that way. I can't help but seem to remember them also saying "Pony Land", maybe that was the Moochick or Paradise? Definitely one of the Princess Ponies. I'm not familiar with the comics, but I most certainly take your word for it. I believe I had read a scan of one once, from Heck Yeah Pony Scans I think, that mentioned Pony Land too. Side note, poor Sail Away ![]() Does that make the comics and the animation different generations? No, of course not. They are all in Ponyland - just different parts of Ponyland. Aw, I suppose I should let it rest ![]() Right. Now, despite you quoting my comment on it so many times I'm sure it's going to haunt me in my sleep tonight I think I have that haunting effect on most people! Terribly sorry about that ![]() ![]() Most all of the characters in MLP&Friends and other G1 animation pre-tales bear no resemblance to the backcard stories nor the way they are depicted in the comics. The comics and backcards are more consistent. The UK comics use the characterisation for many of the So Soft ponies to characterise the Movie Star characters - because the Movie Star ponies don't have their own backcard stories. So you have this nuts situation where Magic Star in the comic is based far more on the US So Soft Pony backcard than is the animated version in the US produced My Little Pony Movie et al. This makes a lot of sense to me, seeing how G1 was handled with context of the comics, and then comparing this to how G5 was handled. It does add up a bit doesn't it? It seems there was some more nuance compared to G5. I like to think G1's details and different mediums always give me a reason to come back and enjoy it a bit. I'm certainly ready for the Wind Whistler essay- she is a pony I'm excited to see more of when I get to through the comics online. Her backcard was very cute to me, so now knowing there's two more interpretations of her in the UK is something to look forward to. I do think if it wasn't for her voice actress and MLP & Friends, I may not have been such a fan though. The same applies to Heart Throb- although, I was a fan of her from when I first saw her. It's the monochromatic thing that appealed to my mind as child, bright colors did work on me hah ![]() I just mean that with G5 they've been a bit more obvious about it. Maybe if I'm fair, it begins with the Tales ponies, who were undoubtedly the original 'mane cast' ponies, but never had a long enough release period to really become repetitive. We do see that mane cast option in G2 but it's not animated and so much less in your face. G3 did it subtly until 3.5 jumped in, and made it very unsubtle. Then G4 and subsequently G5 have focused the entire line around this core cast of characters. So here is where you really notice the similarities... I agree with the G3 and 3.5 thing, and certainly with G4 to G5! I don't think Izzy is Pinkie Pie (I actually like Izzy better, LOL) and I don't think Zipp is Dash. Actually, I think both of them came over better in the G5 movie than the G4 characters do, they're less annoying. So some of those traits have been toned down in G5 and they're not clones. But it's more noticeable given the other similar themes, like Equestria and cutie marks and all that garbage. I definitely feel the 'all that garabage' aspect, I'm glad they're not clones to you too! The themes don't help G5's case does it ![]() Side note acknowledged again, I too am at war with you. I try to correct myself when if I say Cutie Mark by accident. Although it's not "wrong" technically, it's a retroactive term that sort of erases history to me. I'm just being difficult with myself I think. It doesn't hurt me if others say it, only when I say it. Sort of like I'm losing a bit of the G1 flavor and culture. In any case, the terminology for generations was defined based on toy line and setting and cast, not on the animation depictions. I think another reason for this was how complex canon is in G1 especially, with a lot of contradictions (as mentioned above). And at the time we came up with them (or LM did, to be specific), we really just needed a way to divide generations after G3 became a thing. That's so fascinating to me, this should be written in a book somewhere. The origin of Generation in MLP ![]() G4 changed how MLP works, and G5 has gone with it. Another reason, perhaps, to tie them together. But it is harder to work out how to subdivide G4 let alone how to classify G5. Like I said, Hasbro have spoken, so G5 is and will always be officially G5. It just shows how the line has changed, I suppose. This makes a lot of sense when you put it this way, I think I see why you feel the way you do about G5. A change in line, but not a big change in integrity? Thank you for explaining the magic structure more, I have to agree here. I miss when all ponies where described as magical, G1's and G2's wonderful backcards would have inspired me a lot as a child. That's not to say there's not room for a lower magic world, like G3's ponies having fewer magical things and more modern backcards. I don't know if I'm as passionate to say disgusting ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm a comic kid, though. I have seen all of the animated G1 episodes more than once, but as a kid I mostly disregarded them where they disagreed with the comics or used names I wasn't familiar with. And unlike the animated G1 series, the comics covered almost every pony sold in the UK between 1985 and 1994, and even a few that weren't sold here. There's a continuity to the canon and the way the world is built that isn't really present in the G1 animation. The Tropical Isle, for example, can't ever appear in the pre-tales animation because there is none after 1987. We can only use the comic here, because it's basically all there is. (Disclaimer that of course there are ponies sold outside the UK which were NOT included in the comic, but I can't do much about them I quite enjoyed your pony ted talk! I didn't think it was incoherent or nonsensical, although perhaps we just speak the same crazy? Well, that makes a whole forum then doesn't it? If we're all incoherent xD There's no way I could be this organized in thought face to face, so something about typing and writing seems suited to our yapping. Maybe it's best that there's so many discrepancies in canon, instead of trying to keep worlds and stories contained. It keeps things fresh and gives us plenty to talk about. I suppose that's part of the MLP je ne sais quoi 10
Off Topic / Re: What are your favourite comfort shows?« on: February 03, 2025, 05:51:59 AM »![]() I've come around to enjoying shows I watched as a child too, so G1 MLP + G3 (but G5 has worked it's way into that category lately), a few anime like Rozen Maiden, Gokujou Seitokai, Ghost Stories (The english dub, I really should watch the original!) and I'm sure a few more. I really love pokemon, but it's really the movies that are nostalgic for me. The poke anime totally puts me to sleep, but it's still fun. the care bear movies are relaxing too, but if we're talking shows? the original DIC care bears and later AIC are must watches for me, it's something about the art direction in the DIC version and then the writing in AIC. The DIC care bears was animated in Japan, and I believe it's soundtrack was made there as well- I think it appeals to the later 1900s period piece fan in me. Cheesy super sentai is occasionally fun to throw on in the background too. I'll be aging myself with this comment, but Miraculous is a fairly comforting show. I don't enjoy it critically, and I don't like some of the direction. But, it's nice. It has a familiarity people like I suppose. Oh, the french dub! no offense english cast ![]() There's something hypnotic about shows that have tapes to me, there's a quality that simply can't be matched. Something about the slight distortions in video and audio, make it comforting to me. I remember my care bears movie tapes had much deeper pitch audio and a somewhat muted wash over the movie when I played them (it didn't matter which VHS Player it was in, or TV it was on) I believe they where used, so whoever had them before I did definitely played and rewound the tapes quite a bit (not that i'm complaining.) I suppose to top off the list, the 80s Sylvanian Families, Star Wars the Clone Wars (Both the early 2000s and later CG ones), Strawberry Shortcake (Everything before the 2010s version, although i should give it a try!) So...mostly kids cartoons I guess? A few anime too. ![]() 11
Pony Corral / Re: Who's your fave? G3 2005-07 Valentines Ponies« on: February 03, 2025, 05:26:48 AM »
Woah I just put my vote in, Always and Forever sweep for real
![]() Always and Forever Sweep ![]() I wonder how Valenshy would have stacked up against this line up? (Image from mlpmerch again) visitors can't see pics , please register or login I think I still prefer Always and Forever, and a few others to Valenshy. I don't doubt our current reigning Valentines pony at all, Always and Forever is definitely deserving as a number one. I imagine having a full line up of Valentines ponies would look quite sweet though (Including the Core 7 ponies I left out) 12
Pony Corral / Re: Who's your fave? G3 2003 Winter Ponies!« on: February 03, 2025, 05:16:57 AM »I agree Snowflake is a perfect winter pony, but I'm more of a Christmas fan than I am a winter one, so my vote goes toward Candy Cane. I feel very similarly! That red is great. I don't particularly feel strong about Mittens, but I think she would look really great with the other winter pink ponies. Snowflake. When I think winter, I think icy blues and whites. Not generic pink. ![]() 13
Pony Corral / Who's your fave? G3 2005-07 Valentines Ponies« on: February 02, 2025, 05:17:11 PM »
![]() ![]() Edit: I forgot to allow people to change their votes here, vote wisely! Sorry about that mistake. There's always next poll though... Originally I was to do the Seasonal ponies in 2003, but it's Feburary so it seems fitting. I don't normally go for holiday themed ponies but there's just something special about G3 to me. Maybe it's just the accessories? Now...I'm not truthful when I say "all" G3 Valentines ponies. I decided to omit Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle from the Core 7 era, and 3.5 all together. I wouldn't mind doing the Ponyville set next year though, for a poll. I quite like those dolls! 2005 Always and Forever visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login Always and Forever loves Valentines day so much she is decorating all of Ponyville with red and pink hearts! And she's baking dozens of cupcakes with yummy pink frosting and sprinkles! Today I am going to the flower show with Yours Truly™ to buy some pink roses! (She comes with a brush, a red rose/flower crown, and a pair of wings! Ohhh so cool so cool I love the wings hahaha) Yours Truly visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login YOURS TRULY has been busy for weeks making special cards for her friends. Early in the morning on Valentine's Day she'll go from house to house, leaving behind a card and a great big candy heart that says, "You're a special friend! Today I'll be making a card for my good friend Always & Forever!™ (She comes with a pink crown, brush, and pink sheer skirt) 2006 Wish-I-May visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login (She comes with a brush, a set of wings and a beaded necklace! Oh how I'm a sucker for the wings...) Wish-I-Might visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login (She comes with a brush [Take a shot everytime I say brush], a pink sheer skirt and a purse/bag. Ugh look at that darling mark. Maybe I just like food themes...?) Backcard for both ponies: Every year, Wish-I-May and Wish-I-Might throw a big Valentines party for all their friends. All the guests wear pretty pink outfits and sparkly tiaras, and eat lots of yummy heart shaped cookies! 2007 These ones have 3D marks...Although these normally don't appeal to me, wow do I love both of them. All my Heart visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login A royal celebration is in order, because the ponies have discovered that they are all real princesses! The fairy tale has come true -- for everyone! Birthday Month: February Favorite Color: Pastel Pink Favorite Gem: Ruby Favorite thing to do: Making special Valentine cards for my friends! (She comes with heart antenna headband, red shoes, and...the brush...) Candy Heart visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login A royal celebration is in order, because the ponies have discovered that they are all real princesses! The fairy tale has come true -- for everyone! Birthday Month: February Favorite Color: Fuchsia Favorite Gem: Pearl Favorite thing to do: Opening up a big box of Valentine candy! (Brush, shoes, necklace!) ...I think I just like red, pink and white ponies, with cute accessories (AH MY PROFILE PICTURE!!). I may be biased here haha. I think Candy Heart is a pony that stands out for her mark quite a bit, the whole thalia mask thing. But, I am looking at the winged ones too...hmm so many choices this poll. Oh, if I don't pop in on Valentines day, Happy Valentines day! I don't really enjoy the commercialization but...I have to admit I love when candy is on sale. and when my ponies look like this. Sources: mlpmerch (Images) 2005 and 2007 Ponies Backcards: MLW Wish-I-May backcard: Strawberry Reef Wish-I-Might backcard (For confirmation): Worthpoint 14
Pony Corral / Who's your fave? G3 2003 Winter Ponies!« on: February 02, 2025, 04:45:34 PM »
Hi again! It's been a couple weeks...I can't tell if this counts as spam
![]() Well, I decided on trying to continue the 2003 polls but, I just couldn't bring myself to making a "Free Media/Charming Birthday" Poll. We've just seen all those ponies. So, this one feels a little out of season but uh, it's still Winter. Technically! These ponies come with fashion accessories, a brush..uhh.. a pamphlet like all other ponies. I suppose the friendship charms where phased out quickly? They have multicolor manes like the Rainbow Celebration line. All of these are Target exclusive. Candy Cane visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login CANDY CANE just loves the holidays, because her favorite thing in the world is to give presents to all her friends. And her gifts are always extra-special because she makes them all herself! - Wrap my presents with pretty ribbons and bows - Count the icicles on every house I walk by! - Sing songs with Snowflake™ Backcard and NIB source: Strawberry Reef Mittens visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login Whenever it starts to snow, MITTENS has a winter party! She and her friends build snowmen, ski through the woods and make snow angels. Then everyone goes inside to warm up by the fireplace and toast marshmallows! - Knit a new scarf for my pal Candy Cane™ - Watch a favorite old movie - Shop for a new bracelet at the jewelry store NIB Image source: Strawberry Reef Backcard: Strawberry Reef + Toysride listing Snowflake visitors can't see pics , please register or login visitors can't see pics , please register or login All winter long, you can be sure to find SNOWFLAKE in her favorite place - the skating pond! After she practices her fancy flips and jumps, she gives lessons to the younger ponies, so they can put on an ice show for their friends! - Practice my double pony flip with a half twist! - Meet Mittens™ at the cafe for some hot chocolate - Paint pictures to give to my friends Image source: mlpmerch.com Backcard source: MLW I've been neglecting to note that my "stock" style images of ponies have been coming from mlpmerch.com! So thanks mlpmerch! I'll try to credit them as well from now on. This set is iconic to me, although, much less so than the 2004 G3 Winter set or Snow'el II. There's just something so pretty about a dressed up pony themed around something for me. Maybe the gimmick is working, maybe I'm just a sucker for the gimmick. Oh jesus christ 4.99 at release, what happened to that price? My bet is on Snowflake, who doesn't like a blue pony with a pretty mane? I like this set though, as a whole. I could see if someone thought this was a totally lazy set though. 15
Pony Corral / Re: My Little Goblins: Failed G4 Mane 6 Reboot (With Pic)« on: February 02, 2025, 03:14:27 PM »Cola, have some cookies for writing a long post This made my day, I have been looking forward to reading your posts lately! ![]() The criteria for being a completely new generation was always as follows: I think this is a good baseline. Animation is not the only factor in a new generation, I'd say the writing is the most important part. By this metric, I would argue G5 hits all of these. Looking past cast and toy product (as both are focused on the new characters, with few referential releases), the setting is still new. Maretime bay, Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, not including the several other locations they visit. Set in Equestria, feels no different to me than G4 having a Ponyville. But, again ![]() ![]() So G1 had Ponyland/Dream Valley, an entirely original cast (obviously), and the original style of toy. Though there are variations, as the original line, we've never split, say, petites or Dream Beauties into 1.5. They are the only lines that could be denoted that way, but we just never did, so everything is just G1. ![]() ![]() This is easier I think for those of us who grew up with Tales ponies in stores to digest, though. North America got screwed over in that department. But Tales ponies (7 Characters, to give them their proper name) were on sale alongside other pony sets not featured in the comic/animation, and older sets. And the comic here included Tales stories alongside regular stories. Plus ponies like Bridal Beauty, and the Rockin' Beats, etc, were integrated into the Tales narrative as well. These were ponies sold normally in stores even in North America during the last year of the line. Tales is thus G1. Not 1.5, not 2, but 1. It's not distinct enough to be subcategorised. I think this explanation of how Tales fits into G1 is very good, at least to me this is why I see it as part of G1. With G5, it doesn't really have the same toy crowd that G4 once had, and it's toys are so far and few between that, it doesn't make as much of an impact that Tales' integration once had. So to compare this toy line comparison, G5 having a single Twilight and Pinkie Pie, a few others as well, I can't say would make G5 just G4 again? I suppose I'm nitpicking now, haha, I remember that the G5 toys where the exception for this perspective. G2 had Friendship Gardens, a new cast and a different style of toy. There was no direct link to G1 in style or narrative, although a couple of G1 names appeared and it's possible to speculate whether certain G1 colour schemes were used on G2 ponies. So G2 was a new generation. Again, I think this is easier to understand in Europe or the UK, where there were comics for G2 and there's a bit more range in the cast and the canon. I LOVE FRIENDSHIP GARDENS!!! Ahem. My G2 comparison was weak, yes. They did have the same school house as G1, but I don't see anyone trying to say they share a world ![]() My point with G2, was that MLP has had a history of recycling concepts and ideas. I don't feel they come from the same world despite these things. G3 had Ponyville, a new cast, and a different style of toy. Again, there are several recycled G1 names in G3, but that's not enough to make it 'the same'. The setting is different, so there are no connecting world events, nor do the ponies function or exist in the same way as they did in either G1 or G2. So G3 was a new generation. I think, I understand this point. They're functionally different? This is how I feel about G5. They share a few things, they do a lot of new things too. G4 had Equestria, a new cast, and a different style of toy. Yes, there was some overlap in design from G1 and G3, and some recycled names, but none of those matched the originals enough to be considered 'the same'. Using old G1 and G3 concepts in the animation also doesn't really count, because they're existing in a different world, with different values, different conventions, etc. So G4 was a separate generation. Oh.. how bronies would love to disagree with us! I wholeheartedly agree with this take on G4. Many people will try to connect the dots with these generations, like I have mentioned before I just have to turn away and allow them to have fun. Although, I did have a bit of a back and forth here a while ago. Something about Rosedust? Well, I hope whoever I was chatting with is still active, even if we disagreed. I could see the argument for Pony Life as a 4.5, I don't really need the label for it though. I hate to continue on about the animation (although in this assessment: Animation plays no part in determining generation - in large part because when we first talked about these terms, we were including G2, which has a setting and a canon but no animated series. I think Pony Life hits all the marks as reboot, as much as 3.5 for me. Different toys, different enough cast, different enough world. I suppose the argument I'm making is the same as Teen Titans fans? Where the world is most certainly near the same, but then the direction, the canonicity of said topic, is debated like we are doing here. Oh, man now I know how comic fans must feel... The thing is, G5 is much more like G3.5 here, in that it met half the criteria for a new generation, but not the other half. It's not a new setting, the concepts and magical structure underpinning it are the same. Cutie mark nonsense still exists. Sunny is capable of growing wings at random, which is a uniquely G4 thing. G5 is set in Equestria, so not original. But the style of the toys are different, and the cast is arguably new, if based on some older stereotypes. So G5 is not quite its own generation. I must disagree with quite a bit here ![]() I can understand the setting critique, to an extent. The cutie mark complaint I feel on a personal level, I wish they left that in G4. I don't follow with the magic structure? Is it, the spells? Or just in general? I think that is still true to some extent, unoriginal, but I was quite charmed by "Frosty Shivers!" No way could G4 do something so silly, no offense G4 writers of course. G5 has a unique cast, and a new setting, both things G3.5 did not do. 3.5 used the same cast as Core 7, but arguably changed them further. G5's cast is original by comparison, I don't think this is arguable when they are completely new characters. About G5's cast being based on older stereotypes? I suppose, you could really say that about Tales, and G3, and plenty of other non-MLP media as well ![]() ![]() ![]() I think a lot of people do agree with you though, I have heard this a lot. It's valid to not like characters because of similarities, I think that's fair to say someone doesn't like a character because of a past incarnations take on the personality archetype. I feel it's different to write off a generation because of a previous one's writing. Ah but... Animation! Animation plays no part in determining generation I think G5 can be the exception to this rule, much like G2. Rather than animation, I have said media because I count comics, and music as part of the world. (I quite enjoyed the G1 records and G2 cassettes and game!) Media in the vague term, of Non-toy releases? I suppose...? I did explain my thoughts on the setting earlier, and I respect the take that Equestria is old, it's recycled and that's part of why G5 feels like G4 to you I believe. I feel, G5 does not use Equestria the way G4 does. To me, the name Equestria means nothing when none of it's relevant locations is used. It would not be Equestria by any other name, it would be G5's world by any other name to me. I must let this topic go ![]() Growing wings at random is not uniquely G4, plenty of G2 toys and one piece of G3 media features this. You do make a good point that the random aspect, I assume the magic part, is something that is in recent direction. Although, that's not something exclusive to G4, in both G2's toys and G3's "Two for the sky", it's described as magic when a pony gains her wings. (Ah...The Two for the sky pair both has toys as well.) This is based on the terms as they were original defined by collectors in 2003, when we realised we couldn't have old ponies, new old ponies, and new new ponies as descriptors. Because these terms were determined long before G4 existed, and before animation was really important, the animated series for each generation has zero relevance. Oh this is so true- It's quite arbitrary yes. If G5 was not told to be G5, I would be having this discussion with no grounds for a reboot. I feel this specific distinction is the start of how G5 is a reboot, to me of course. I think it would be fair if I tried to explain my views on what counts as a reboot, and why G5 fits this concept. If you'll entertain me ![]() ![]() I think a reboot only needs one criteria: - To create a new continuity or story, that does not need the previous canon to exist I think G5 does this. I acknowledge the opening section of ANG as a transition from G4 to G5, and I can see the references, the cherry picking of canonicity from G4. I feel my thoughts rely on the nuance of what is and what is not canon, rather than the shared baselines. My own metric, the "Only needs to create a new continuity", I think this can apply within G1 personally. I would say my criteria started with the comics, MLP & friends and Tales. Although, it is hypocritical of me to say that isn't it? To count the comics and MLP & friends as one continuity? Maybe, congruent canon is a better word for it. Canons that do not step on each other's toes? Hooves? Oh, tangent aside, I don't know how much more I can say ![]() ![]() I would compare G5 to the Batman Arkham franchise. The Arkham series doesn't need you to know who or where every character comes from in relation to it's story. It's character's previous iterations are not needed to understand the context of the story. Since G5 only has it's animation, and the comics, I feel this is a semi-fair comparison. It's only half fair of me to compare these reboots, because G5 doesn't rely on previous existing characters to tell it's story. ![]() In practice, G5 doesn't follow the formula of G4, rather it innovates on the same concept of "Character Toys" like seen in other toylines and media. (Ex: Monster High, Strawberry Shortcake) as well as MLP's Core 7 and other Hasbro properties. Summing up certain characters in G5 as copies of specific G4 characters, at least to me is no different than saying "Surprise is G1 Pinkie Pie!" and the like (I don't think anyone here has said this specifically about G5, but I wanted to bring it up anyways for the sake of the argument ![]() I do also want to point out, Hasbro's intentions. A lot of the criticisms here I feel have truth to them because Hasbro does not want to innovate too far. Everything I mentioned about G5's innovations and changes, how I feel it's world and characters are different enough to count as a reboot, Hasbro would rather just cater to G4. I think that is where our disagreements end, because I too want a new MLP. One that doesn't reference G4 in anyway, or try to remind us of FIM. I can imagine one that would be enjoyable, but because it's Hasbro's direction and influence, I have a feeling we will continue to see things like this in all MLP as we continue on (Including G5). I hope we get that fresh start soon, although I'll try to remain unjaded by Habsro's interesting... ideas. The fan reception ![]() Eh, some antics I suppose. Lots of weird philosophy in this rant I've written. I hope this doesn't age poorly!! ![]() |