TCB > For Trade
URGENT! FREE G1 lot for pickup in South Florida
FREE G1 lot for pickup in Miami
I have something of an emergency. I had a house fire and, of course, we had a massive rainstorm before they were able to put a tarp on my roof. I thought my ponies were okay. They were all ziplocked and in a plastic bin. I didn't see any water, but when I was taking them to storage tonight, I noticed that there was a bit of water in the bottom, so the ponies with the zip lock opening on the bottom got wet on their feet and tails. The repro boxes also got wet so I took them out. The babies were on top of the boxes and didn't get wet. Fifi and Scoops have pindot, but I believe they had it already.
I took everyone out of their ziplocks, dried them off, and set them on a few layers of paper towels.
I have too much going on to properly clean them, so I'm hoping someone can help my poor babies :sad:
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Oh no! I hope the New Year goes better for you!
Artemesia's Garden:
I can't help but I'm really sorry that happened to you, I hope someone looks after your ponies for you and you get sorted out and settled again as soon as possible. Good luck with it all.
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