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Messages - Bunny-san

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Pony Corral / Re: So Soft Newborn Rainbow Dash G4?!
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:47:35 AM »
We saw her at TRU recently, and initially I liked her, but then I heard her voice and just gagged on the overly sweetness of it. I mean, even my husband initially liked her and put her down after hearing her voice. SPIKE oddly had a REVERSAL of opinion though, I actually didn't like at ALL, I thought he was just ugly as all sin, and then I saw him up close and personal, and heard his voice, and he made my son giggle like mad and I just fell for him. I didn't buy him though, his price point was a tad too high for me especially because he was damaged and th only one :|

Pony Corral / Re: Pinkie's Crazy Train! tracks question!
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:01:17 PM »
I've already bought THREE trains, one to customize, and also just for the extra track. :D The  configurations are SO fun. But they need to do different shapes, because of the way they did the track shapes, once you pass two sets, it's very easy to get into track configurations that get into infinite loops that miss the REST of the awesome track config. You should SEE some of the fun we've spread out on the living room floor!!! OMG. Its amazing.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: blind bag find!
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:23:41 PM »
Grats on the find! I have an extra of # 20 if you want, I'll sell her to you for $2.50 plus 1.00 flat rate for shipping :3 Let me know if you want her, and remind me who 14 is, and I *may* have another of her. :) PM Me if you're interested!

Pony Corral / Re: MD Pony Meet 2012: RSVP's Are Open!
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:00:51 PM »
Well, if there were more specific information as to location I might say yes. But Baltimore is a pretty big city! Where in Baltimore? XP

Pony Corral / Re: Well, I'm not surprised.
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:05:05 AM »
Maybe a little by proxy they are: had there not been such an outcry, there never would have been changes made to the episode, and therefore the message being sent. It is completely unintentional, not by any means their fault, and not the results that they desired, but it's what's happened :( So as I said: I blame mainly Hasbro. Thank you for letting me clarify. I appologize for mis-wording my first post. I'm pretty upset by this.

Pony Corral / Re: Well, I'm not surprised.
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:46:15 AM »

Bunny-san, please don't blame those of us who were offended for sending a bad message...the complaint was not that she's different, but how she was handled because of her differences.
Please don't misunderstand at all, I don't blame those offended by :muffin: Pony for the message being sent by Hasbro. I Blame Hasbro for the message being sent by Hasbro. The situation in it's *entirety* is being poorly handled from start to finish, from the initial treatment of the character, the portrayal of her (which honestly wasn't truly terrible, there are some people that are disabled that look and sound just like her. What's wrong with that? I thought it made her loveable.) But I think what needs to happen is just a rectification of :muffin: Pony as a WHOLE. She needs an episode that shows her being what (in MY head canon) she is: a good kind pony who makes mistakes from time to time, but has all the best intentions at heart, has friends, a good job, and is a productive and contributing member of ponyville society. I would LOVE to see an episode where :muffin: Pony is the HERO.

Pony Corral / Re: Well, I'm not surprised.
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:10:23 AM »
Oh God, here we go again...

I think it's actually more offensive now as it's so badly edited it looks clear that they were trying to cover something up.  The scene was still intended as a laugh at a wall-eyed pony because she was "not quite with it", clumsy and messed everything up.  They should have just left it as it was, learned from experience and moved on.  That way the bronies/:muffin: Pony Hooves fans got what they wanted with their shout out, and those who were offended got what they wanted by never having to see a similar scene in the show again.

The people who were offended will not STOP being offended simply because the scene was edited, the old version will not die due to the fans being able to spread it around the internet.  While I hated the original and could see how people with a visual impairment might be offended by it, I think I actually hate this more.  It looks ridiculous with the "normal pony voice" over the top of the pony acting so stupidly.

I just hope Tabitha St.Germain doesn't end up with MORE hate mail over this (it's not her fault that they got her to re-record her lines and told her to voice :muffin: Pony this way this time), and that the trolling bronies don't use it as an excuse to hate mail people like myself who spoke out against the original version...
Not only do I agree with this ten BILLION percent, but I'd also like to point out what a HORRIBLE message this sends to kids! So, the people who were offended by :muffin: Pony were offended because of her treatement, I agree with that. She was treated poorly and it could have been handled differently. She was portrayed maybe not in the most favorable light. But look at what has happened now: Hasbro has made her normal. Those who were offended by her are now sending the message to differently abled kids that there is no place for them in normal society. That it is NOT OKAY if you are different. That you should be MADE TO BE NORMAL just like everyone else. Because now :muffin: Pony has been reanimated and revoiced just to be like everypony else. I don't think that's the message that they, either those offfended by or Hasbro, wanted to send, but that was the message I got out of it.

I adored :muffin: Pony BECAUSE of her differences. She held jobs in Ponyville, had friends, and fit in fine regardless of her supposed "disabilities". Its an important lesson for children to learn that not everyone in life will be sugar sweet to them. Rainbow Dash being mean to :muffin: Pony was an unfortonate example of that. But we GROW THROUGH ADVERSITY! If you take away adversity, then you take away chances for personal growth. People who never experience these challenges in youth don't know how to cope with them when they're older. So by trying to protect them in this way, its sort of crippling to them. I'm not saying DON'T protect your kids, but I'm just saying they can't be protected all the time from the means of the world. :\ They won't grow otherwise.

In regards to the episode, I don't care if they changed the episode. All I want is that they  acknowledge the original and keep it AVAILABLE for those who want it, in addition to the editied version, again, for those who want it, and any video releases have both audo and video versions. Its only fair to BOTH parties involved. To deny that the original ever happened is just going to leave a lot of people very unhappy, and I've already seen people petitioning to boycott hasbro over this. I kinda think Hasbro made an even bigger problem by trying to "fix" and cater to the upset few. (With appologies, all due respect and love to the upset few. :heart: )

Pony Corral / Re: sweetie blue? a new pony?!
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:16:37 AM »
i saw this on ebay, says not in stores yet, is she new?!

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I liked her better as a blind bag pony. *gags on tinsel like a cat at christmas time*

Pony Corral / Re: A For A G3 Rainbow Dash Pony O_O
« on: February 24, 2012, 06:00:58 AM »
Yeah. I remember this one. I can't believe that someone actually messaged him, and that the idiot thinks it's going to sell. Even the NICEST hand made ones aren't selling for more than 5K. He's absolutely deluded....

Introductions / Re: Hiya
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:45:59 AM »
Hi Bolt, welcome to the Arena! Do you happen to be a  very cute puppy with super powers? :D :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: Well this is just silly....
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:40:53 PM »
Yet more proof that Hasbro is officially retarded. No WONDER they over charge for their shipping, they have no idea how to keep their overhead down by keeping packing materials on the down low! Dummies. *facepalm*

Customs / Re: Ball jointed ponies
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:37:45 PM »
I've wanted one. I've never seen one before. I've seen centuars, but no straight up ponies, esecially not of the MLP ilk. Which is a bummer. Someone should make one. :ohyeah:

You don't WANT to see the two mini roses my hubby bought me for my first and second mother's days. They've both lasted outside, but now since it's winter, they  look all dead and stuff. >< My mom got me a mini rose for V-Day as well, and I'm trying to decide where to pot it since I'd need a HUGE pot (I like giving my rosies big room. They aren't mini after a year with me! :D ) And we have two cats so yeah...I'm in a bit of a rose bind myself.

On pruning. How much pruning is TOO much? I have as I said two, and they're originally "mini" roses. They're now the size of full sized rose bushes :D But as I said. Dead looking. I want to trim them down before spring springs. Or should I just leave them? I hope you're able to make your rose live! Maybe move it back away from the window a bit so that it doesn't get the cold from the glass and draft outside. There's my bit of advice ^^;

I think Sweetiebelle will have something music related, Applebloom will have something (dur) apple related, (probably something related to cultivating flowers), and scootaloo will be something relating to like, an actual scooter or a helmet or something. They can't be the cutie mark crusaders forever, because as any parent knows, all kids have to grow up someday. :3

Pony Corral / Re: LOL! blindbag derp
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:35:58 AM »
I'm surprised everyone on here isn't running around freaking out going OMG OOMG ITS A NEW TAOBAO PROTOTYPE I NEEDS IT! :silly: Especially since its location is in China. But you know I *tease*. :P Odd that they wouldn't even put a decription though.

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