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Messages - Mrs. Prospector

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Kimono wins for me-she's just so elegant in color and pose, and she's one of my favorite characters in the cartoons.
"This is why I live out of town...."

I like Wysteria best-her colors are so gentle and pretty!

Pony Corral / Re: Who's your fave? G3 2003 Winter Ponies!
« on: February 05, 2025, 04:07:19 PM »
Snowflake-the blue/white/lavender is HEAVENLY!

I'll go with Sparkleworks II-it's the version I have and I think it's her best pose personally. The other three are okay, but aren't some of the more interesting G3 designs.

Pony Corral / Re: Who's your fave? G3 2005-07 Valentines Ponies
« on: February 05, 2025, 04:04:35 PM »
I like Candy Heart! I just think her symbol is really cute!

I'd like to join this year! Can I do Mele Kelikimaka?

Ooooooh…I’ve been thinking about this ever since Pony Life was announced!!

So basically, the ponies look like this. I think it would be cool if the three main species all had unique body types. Unicorns are tall and thin, earth ponies are short and stout, and pegasi are somewhere in between. The unicorn horns have a pearlescent coating on them! Also they have tiny little shapes inside their eyes like the G3s do.

Flutter Ponies, Sea Ponies, Crystal Ponies, Changelings, Kirin, Bat Ponies and more would also have more limited run lines. There would only be two Alicorns-Celestia and Luna, some of the few characters returning from G4.

The toyline would go back to  MLP’s roots and be all about variety. I imagine there being a “basic” line of ponies without any gimmicks that gets 3-4 waves released per year. There will also be side lines with more gimmicks-it’s been 40 years, So Softs need to come back! Holiday ponies will also make a comeback. The main characters of the show get re-released in some form each year for newcomers, but they will make up a small percentage of all the MLP releases.

The ponies have turning heads, but no other articulation. They come in a variety of poses. They are around the same size as G3s, and made out of a similar material to the Basic Fun ponies. They have nylon hair, and different ponies have different styles-some long, some short, some straight, some curly, some with forelocks, some without. The symbols are on both sides! I think it would be cool if the magnets were brought back, but I know they were stopped because of safety reasons so it might not be possible. Standard ponies come packaged with a brush, a small accessory relating to their personality, and a collector card with information about them.

Blind bags exist, but they are a side line and not the main focus. What I think could be a cool new variety of a pony is a “my size”  pony-about 3-4 feet tall, so kids can actually sit on them!

As for the show..I’ve been working on the lore for like 4 years now!

The show is a fantasy adventure series in the vein of G1, although there are still more light episodes between the epic adventures. I want to channel the kind of out-there adventures a child might dream up when playing with their ponies, but in a more in-depth way.  I’d like for the emotional intelligence of G4 to remain, and although the show promotes positive values through its stories, there’s no spelled-out morals and Friendship isn’t used as an all powerful weapon.

The animation style would be a lineless 2D style like the intro of A New Generation. I think it’s a really pretty style and is distinct from any other MLP generation. Every episode has at least 1 song, and it really leans into being a full-on musical instead of a story with songs clumsily forced in.

As for the story-here’s the summary I wrote:

What happens on the other side of the rainbow? If you dare to cross, where no human has ever crossed before, you’ll reach the end of earth’s horizon and stumble upon a new land. This land, called Dream Valley, is home to all the magical creatures you thought you only heard about in storybooks. Dragons, griffons, trolls, and leprechauns are just some of the fantastical creatures that call Dream Valley home. However, the most elusive and magical beings in the land are the colorful ponies that inhabit the three kingdoms in the center of the land. Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies each inhabit their own kingdoms, surrounding the Everfree, a gloomy forest lost to time.
   These ponies were descended from two beautiful horses with both large feathered wings and long shimmering horns. These two mystical mares were known as Celestia and Luna, two twin sisters who founded the land millennia ago as a way to take refuge from the danger life on earth put these creatures in. They now reside within the bodies of the sun and moon themselves, but their philosophy of all creatures living in safety and harmony would remain. For years to come, the ponies were in charge of carrying out that philosophy.
   However, somewhere among all those years, the ponies got into a rare conflict. The Everfree Forest, which sits in between Alicornia, Cirrostrata, and Gardenia, was the only patch of land to remain from the reign of Discord, a mischievous, mismatched spirit created from pure chaotic magic. In this forest, the most despicable forces known find their home, dangerous wildlife thrives, and wild magic fills the murky green air. The three kingdoms, seeking to continue to bring harmony to Dream Valley, desired to take control of the Everfree Forest, but had a little squabble over which kingdom it would belong to. Eventually, the argument got out of hand, and the three kingdoms signed a treaty to never speak of it again. From that day on, the three kingdoms thrived on their own, and as the years went by, the three tribes gradually forgot about each other’s existence. Despite this, Dream Valley as a whole remained largely at peace…

That is, until the Unicorn Queen Majesty’s apprentice,  a young mage named Glory’s, magical mishap accidentally summons Lord Tirac, the manifestation of all evil, who seeks to transform the land into his corrupted vision. Since Tirac is far too dangerous and powerful for the unicorns to take on their own, Glory, seeks to remedy this mistake, but loses all hope until a spunky pegasus named Firefly crash-lands in her isolated forest kingdom.  Glory’s eyes are opened up to a whole new world, and the three kingdoms might just realize that they aren’t as different as they thought, and they soon make up and become friends, and help defend their kingdoms from foes of harmony, and help other creatures carry on the magic that makes Dream Valley thrive.”

I see this series as a tribute to MLP’s entire history. Characters and concepts from all generations are incorporated to and expanded upon in this series. There isn’t a main “squad” of characters, but there are ponies who are more important to the story than others-different story arcs focus on different ponies. Glory is the overall main character of the series, and she, Firefly, and Posey make up the “marketable” trio. Most of the main characters are G1 ponies-I know this is a bit hypocritical since I’ve gone at length about how I don’t want them to reuse the Mane 6 in future generations. However, it’s been so long since these characters have been in the spotlight, and I think many are interesting characters that could be explored more in depth, so I think they deserve their due time.

I could talk at length about my ideas for toys and my worldbuilding and characters for the show—I might need to make my own thread!

Pony Corral / Re: [FanCasting] My Little Pony: The Live Action (2024)
« on: April 09, 2024, 04:01:28 PM »
But what would the ponies look like? Would they be cartoony, or photorealistic horses? If they're feeling extra devious, they could pull a Cats the Movie and have the ponies played by humans with CG-enhanced pony features--I think I just gave myself nightmares there. 

Pony Corral / Re: Flocking: Yay or Nay?
« on: April 09, 2024, 03:57:31 PM »
I LOVE flocked ponies. I think they might actually be my favorite gimmick. Their little fuzzy faces are just so cute. When I got my first SS, Cupcake, I was surprised at how nice and thick the flocking was. I thought it was going to be like those flocked LPS, where the flocking is short and thin and rubs off easily. I'm surprised they didn't make any flocked ponies in any of the later gens.

That being said, I like the purpose-made So Soft Ponies better than the rereleased ones from Y3. The deflocked Shady, Magic Star, Wind Whistler, ect. are a little too oversaturated in color without their flocking,  and lose a lot of their appeal to me. On the other hand, a lot of the old characters lose a lot of their detail with their SS versions, like the wings on Heart Throb's symbol.

 I'm pretty selective with the ponies I buy since I have limited space and money, so I try to find ones with their flocking in decent collection, but some wear on their ears, hooves, or wings is fine by me.

Pony Corral / Re: Weird experiences with other generations as a kid
« on: February 11, 2024, 01:13:27 PM »
I grew up with G3, and I learned that G1 existed around 2007, when the 25th anniversary repros came out. Around that time, I rented a DVD with Bright Lights and some other G1 episodes on it from Blockbuster. I knew it was the older version of MLP and not G3, but I didn't care because MLP is MLP. I was confused as to why there were humans there and I thought the 4 part episodes went on for too long. I liked the Bushwoolies though. I thought they looked like Dots candy. By the time G3.5 came out, I had lost interest in MLP and moved on to LPS. I think I remember seeing the toys in stores, but I assumed that since the Newborn Cuties were a thing, all of the G3.5s were babies, and MLP didn't really change.

G4 came out when I was 10 and long out of my MLP phase, so I didn't really know much about it. I remember seeing the toys at Target and being somewhat shocked that Rainbow Dash was a pegasus and Rarity was white instead of pink-how could they ruin MLP like that? I didn't get into G4, or back into MLP as a whole, until 2014, when the people I was sitting next to in art class started constantly drawing ponies and talking about the show.

Pony Corral / Does my Blossom have pindot? Or something stranger?
« on: January 05, 2024, 05:26:28 PM »
So last week, I bought a small lot of G1's off Ebay, and finally got around to cleaning them all up. One of them, Blossom, has something peculiar going on with her body, and I couldn't get them off with soap or a magic eraser.

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As you can see from the pics, she has specks all over. They're mostly on her right side, but there are some everywhere on her body (not on the head, which is also slightly mismatched in color).  At first, I thought it might be pindot, but I haven't been able to find many good pictures of MLP pindot to compare. It looks less like spots of mold, and more like she has enlarged pores. They are very difficult to see unless looking directly up close. I opened her up and her inside is completely normal.  Is this what pindot does, or is something stranger happening, like the plastic disintegrating? And whatever it is, what can I do to fix this?

Pony Corral / Re: gen 3 ornaments
« on: December 06, 2023, 04:32:07 PM »
@theponiesiownies on Instagram has most of them,with pictures.

Pony Corral / Collector’s Guilt?
« on: December 01, 2023, 12:32:53 AM »
So today on Reddit, I saw someone post their massive collection of Bluey related merchandise. While I agree that the amount of things they own and probably will never use is a bit overkill, the comments seemed to have an anti-collecting rhetoric to them. Many people said that this much merchandise was overconsumption and ultimately wasteful.  That it’s selfish for adults to keep toys on a shelf when there are kids that would love to play with them. That it’s just another 60 tons of plastic headed for the landfills. That their obsession of something made for kids is unhealthy, and cannot be compared to collecting merchandise for something “adult” like Star Wars. Any rebuttal of “it makes them happy!” was followed by people criticizing happiness being derived by owning things. For good measure, there were also people making backhanded comments about MLP collecting, insinuating that it’s equally as creepy.  I’ve also seen similar comments on MLP collector’s instagrams.

This made me kind of feel kind of guilty about collecting MLP.  Is collecting things, especially if they’re second hand, inherently wasteful? I haven’t been collecting for long, but I always make sure to get ones I genuinely like, and don’t spend too much at once.  Is it shallow that something that makes us happy is ultimately a mass produced toy? For me, being an MLP fan/collector is much more than buying ponies-it’s connecting with fellow collectors, and using the franchise as an inspiration for art and writing. I’ve loved MLP for almost my whole life, and it’s become part of who I am. Do people really thing it’s creepy or a sign of issues to collect ponies these days? (I swear, the G4 fandom ruined everything when it comes to how the general public perceives MLP and the people who like it). 

The argument that really got to me was the “why are you keeping the toys away from the poor little children? Toys are made to be played with, not looked at!!” one. Is it really looked down upon to find cheap ponies second hand, and take the time to clean them up and lovingly display them when they could have gone to a child instead, even if they have already been loved for 20-40 years?

I know I’m blowing this way out of proportion, and that as MLP collectors, we will all disagree, but these comments made me question whether it’s “moral” to collect ponies or not for a minute (although nothing will make me stop collecting MLP or give away my collection).

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro's Most Baffling MLP Decisions
« on: October 14, 2023, 10:06:27 AM »
My own contribution here is G4 Applejack having eyebrows. Did anyone ever find out why she has them? It drives me crazy when I think about it. It's so odd!! Who decided she should have them? Why was everyone else involved with the final design okay with it too? Why was it only her and no other ponies??

I think it's maybe because they were basing it of this one old piece of concept art?
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I always thought that was weird too. They honestly did Applejack's toys so dirty. No hat, no freckles, eyebrows, weird "shy" looking eyes, more yellow than orange-no wonder she was the worst seller among the Mane 6.

Speaking of pony eyes, why did they change Fluttershy's eyes from sweet and dreamy
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To looking like she's having war flashbacks?
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The old ones were so much cuter and more show accurate, I don't understand at all.

Pony Corral / Hasbro's Most Baffling MLP Decisions
« on: October 10, 2023, 05:23:13 PM »
So I was thinking the other day about the G3 Core 7, and how I just don't understand why Hasbro made the decisions they did with this refresh. I somewhat understand that they wanted to have some characters become the face of the brand for merchandising purposes, but I don't know why they chose the ponies they did.

It could be argued that Hasbro wanted to tie the toyline and movies together more, but they could have used characters that had already been established such as Minty, Wysteria, Starcatcher, or Rarity. They instead decided to choose the oddest group of ponies and try and force kids to love them, while erasing the 300+ other ponies from existence. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were obvious shoe-ins, but they decided to change Dash's voice and personality, making her traits less unique and unfamiliar to those who saw her in the earlier movies. The only other character from earlier that went unchanged was Scootaloo, also a strange choice seeing as she never appeared in any cartoons and only had one toy release. Then for some reason, they took Cherry Blossom, but gave her the name of another pre-existing pony, who had a prominent role in previous cartoons, which I don't understand at all. I understand even less the decision to take Toola Roola, a pony whose name is a reference to an Irish song, tying in with her Celtic symbol, and slap the name on a completely different art-themed pony, where the name makes no sense. There was no reason they couldn't have made Toola 2 a completely original character. Starsong and Sweetie Belle are brand new to the Core 7 refresh, so I don't have much to say, except that they didn't even let Starsong be completely unique-her Cutie Mark is the same as Silver Glow!

Not to mention, it's just a weird selection of characters from a group standpoint. 3/7 ponies are pink, and all of them have pink somewhere on them. I get that pink sells, but it makes the limited number of characters look even more limited. They needed a green pony in there (hint hint).

Honestly, I don't even know why the Core 7 refresh was made in the first place. I don't think Hasbro understood why kids were so drawn to MLP, especially at a time when it wasn't as character and media driven as G4/5. Apparently around this time MLP sales were getting low, because kids became more interested in LPS instead. As an LPS kid around this time, who recently lost interest in MLP, I was into LPS because of the collectibility and huge number of pets you could get. So how does Hasbro try and boost MLP sales? By limiting the number of ponies you can get!

This era was a harbinger of sorts for what MLP would become for the next decade and a half. I understand having a focus group of characters, especially for a TV show-other toy lines have done this for decades. But just because there are main ponies doesn't mean that no other ponies can exist, or that nobody will buy them. G4 had loads of characters in the show that you'd think would be perfect toy material, but never existed-the reformed changelings, the Kirin, the student six, the Pillars of Equestria-If you didn't know better, you'd think the inclusion of all these characters was to push toys, but Hasbro was too busy selling Pinkie Pie with a new hat instead of Thorax or Autumn Blaze. The popularity of background ponies like Muffins and Lyra was because fans enjoyed being imaginative and giving these incidental characters in the MLP world their own personalities and stories. Fans of all ages have been making their own OC ponies and giving them their own personalities and stories. Not even the most die-hard fans are tied so hard to FIM canon that they will not accept any character that is not one of the Mane Six. Kids are no different than Bronies in that regard. Give them a random character like Dewdrop Dazzle or Snowcatcher, and they can imagine their role in the world of Equestria and their relationships with the Mane 6 and other characters. TV tie-ins and toy variety don't have to be mutually exclusive, and I don't know why this big toy company seemingly doesn't know that.

What are your thoughts on the Core 7 15 years later, and are there any other decisions made about MLP that make you go "Hmmm"?

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