Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Can I vent for a moment please?

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Argh!  I'm so frustrated with eBay sellers right now!  What in the world is going on with pony prices?!

There are some ponies that I would be interested in purchasing, but all I find are sellers that are trying to price gouge collectors through the roof by inflating the prices of ponies 4-5x the actual value of ponies!  Seriously?!  I just tried to submit a reasonable (but still 'overpriced') offer on pony, not once, but three times and all offers where immediately refused.  :what:  Are you kidding me?  Ponies are not gold mines people...a Peachy is a dime a dozen, and just because your pony has tinsel in her hair or jeweled eyes or bums doesn't make them the holy grail!  :drunk:

*deep breath*

Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest.  I think I feel better now...  Only a tiny bit though.   :cloud:

I know! Sugarberry for $30 plus shipping. That's why I'm buying on the Arena now.

I saw a Sundance in not-so-minty condition going for about $20 plus shipping  :huh:

I hear you..Im tired of seeing lots on ebay where people are asking hundred and hundreds of dollars when the ponies are common with flaws and there isn't even a single hard to find or mail order in the lot. I think some people are just cleaning out the attic and seeing some ponies sell for alot so they figure they all do. Research goes a long way ....just because something is old doesn't mean it is worth what other similiar items are. This goes for any toy line...I wish people would research a bit more but then on the other hand some don't and list some cheaper then they should I suppose so perhaps take the good with the bad :satisfied:

A lot of the reason for this is rooted in how much eBay charges for fees, I'm afraid.  I know that's what I am up against as an eBay seller. 

On a very happy note, I am always happy to work with Arena members through the Arena, as I am 110% sure other members are :)


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