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Messages - Featherwurm

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Pony Corral / Re: Restoration Before and After Pics.....Show Me!
« on: May 09, 2022, 12:10:28 PM »
Oh I love to do restorations!  I don't do them all that often - mostly just when things cross my desk for whatever reason, but it's super satisfying.  Here's a few from over the years:

Removing pindot on Posey:

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Deflock and rehair on Angel (I didn't think I'd keep her but she was so lovely restored I ended up doing so):

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A nice cleanup and hair fix on a B&G (couldn't do much about the age spot, alas):

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A super grotty Moonstone who turned around really nicely - I gave her symbols a little more dimension than I meant to but I'm getting a handle on that (that wasn't surface dirt either - it took a good sunfade to get rid of the brown spots):

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New wings for my childhood Cool Breeze (replica wings from Daisy Church who I don't think makes them anymore):

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Bleh, let's get on to G5 - these designs feel very lazy (to me they feel like they could come from just about any super generic 'UNICORN ANIMALS ZOMG!' toy line which are a dime a dozen now - not specifically MLP or anything.)

I do appreciate the choice of a bat though - sort of unusual for this sort of thing!  I'm surprised it's not a (yet another) Llama.  Bats are good.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 3/10/2021 Bubbles
« on: March 11, 2021, 10:34:11 AM »
One of my favorites!  I think the sitting pose is so cute.

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Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: February 27, 2021, 07:12:58 PM »
It's not a leak! A couple nights ago Entertainment Tonight published an article about the G5 movie (here). Then yesterday morning Hasbro held an investor stream where they revealed more, including some of the toys shown in the OP. They've been posting about G5 on their social medias yesterday and today! So this is all official news from Hasbro themselves.

Oh!  Hah, I'm a bit out of the loop I suppose!  Glad we now know what's actually going on, I was getting tired of fake leaks left and right!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Ebay brags and I need to gush over a swap I did!
« on: February 26, 2021, 12:22:13 PM »
Cotton candy's hair looks so silky soft!  Very nice clean up on your part!

Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: February 26, 2021, 12:19:13 PM »
Ah!  Finally a leak that seems legit!

Hm, I definitely don't hate it, but it's not my taste either.  I'm ok with that!  Right off the bat I feel about the same about it as I did about G2 (which I in no way begrudge) - cute enough but not really something for me.

I just genuinely hope kids will like it (let little girls have fun toys, dang it), they'll offer a wide variety of individual ponies, they'll have some fun and interesting gimmicks, and that this will pretty much be the end of extremely low quality 'adult marketed' collectors items (I'm sure we'll see G1 based stuff for a while, and while a t-shirt here and there is fine, I'm tired of the poor quality and high price point 'collectors items' so many 80s/90s lines are getting right now, including non-MLP properties).

Pony Corral / Re: photo review of funko pop scented cotton candy
« on: February 11, 2021, 12:18:39 PM »
Ugh, Funko's quality is SO horrible for their price point.  Compare their bad seam lines and paint jobs to something from, say, Tokidoki or Kidrobot and it's just appalling.  Their price point doesn't even have the decency to be lower than other vinyl/resin art toys.

Looking at my unicornos - they look precisely like their product photos, and all of them have no seam lines or they're just BARELY visible.  Their paint is all spot on, down to tiny details - nothing is smudged, blurry, or out of place.  They're about $12 USD and admittedly smaller than funkos, but it makes their attention to detail all the nicer.

I have other import vinyl which does run spendier but the quality is just astronomically better.  This looks like it's it's own dollar store knockoff.

(I'm super biased - I absolutely hate Funko's style, business model, and that they single-handedly destroyed the American vinyl artists market with their garbage 'collectables'.)

Pony Corral / Re: Favorite Pony Color?
« on: February 08, 2021, 05:42:59 PM »
I like white ponies for the same reason you do, but I also have a soft spot for green ponies too - if they have the right combo of mane and symbol colors I think they can be very pretty!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Ponies Literally in the Wild
« on: January 13, 2021, 11:33:55 AM »
My brain thought you got to see some real wild/feral ponies at first.

She's lovely, what's her name?

Aw man, that would be nice.  We did see elk yesterday though!

The Petite Ponies don't really have names... I'm not really sure what to call her!

Pony Brag Arena / Ponies Literally in the Wild
« on: January 13, 2021, 11:22:32 AM »
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I wouldn’t expect to find a slightly smooshed (she’s been out in the sun a while and obviously stepped on) G1 Petite Pony in the middle of the sidewalk while out on a walk in 2021, and yet here we are.  Usually I’m adverse to collecting duplicates (I still have all of my sunsparkle ponies from childhood, and they're in quite nice shape) but I’ll gladly make an exception.  I have a real soft spot for found ponies, considering I found my rather chewed Locket under a bush as a child at the park.  This was something nice to find that I needed right now, it really made me smile.

Edit: I can't be totally sure where she came from but we've been having a lot of rain (as is normal for winter) and I was walking by an area that is eroding quite a bit - perhaps she'd been buried in a yard or something.)

Customs / Re: Brush and grow customs?
« on: November 15, 2020, 09:14:35 AM »
Oh man I've not customized one but I've fixed one, and just as it says on the MLP preservation project that little tip of plastic is really a trick to fix securely.  Here's another one on how to fix that dang broken part

It's so fragile I'm not super sure it's possible to get one of these guys apart without just having to fix that later.

Pony Corral / Re: 20 questions for collectors!
« on: November 08, 2020, 09:40:55 AM »
1. What got you into collecting MLP?

G1 was a friendly and familiar part of my childhood that I've just always had a soft spot for.

2. Did you like MLP as a child?

Absolutely!  My childhood best friend and I had many many long play sessions with ponies having various epic adventures.

3. What generations do you collect?

Mostly G1 with a bit of G3 thrown in and just a couple G4s.  I wouldn't object to having a G2 in there if the right one came along.

4. Who is your favorite pony?

It's extremely hard to pick but I generally go with my childhood favorite Cool Breeze.

5. Who was your first pony?

So Soft Truly and Magic Star were given to me when I was two.

6. Who was the last pony you got?

Hm, I suppose that would be the rather sorry looking Magic Star I deflocked (not my childhood one, who's in decent shape) as I wanted to add a deflocked version of her to the collection.

7. What is your favorite generation?

G1 by a longshot.  It's nostalgia goggles all the way, but the 80s knew how to do a sweet, soft, and charming toy line.

8. What is your favorite piece of media? (Any of the shows, comics, back cards, etc)

Honestly the first two or three seasons of FiM are really something special.  They really capture something perfectly balanced between the epic storytelling we loved as kids, and a gentle and friendly morality for the modern era.  IMO It goes rapidly downhill from there though, sadly.

9. What is your favorite pose?

I think the sitting pose (Bubbles pose) is super cute.  I understand why more weren't done in that pose (as it didn't work for pony wear) but I think it has a lot of character and charm.

10. Do you own any customs / have you made one?

I sure have!  I love doing customs and alternate rehairs.  My husband and I both customize Monster High dolls and BJDs together too.  You can see what I've done on my blog, here:

11. Who is your biggest pony? Smallest?

My biggest is my childhood Dream Beauty - Spritzy.  My smallest are probably my childhood collection of petite ponies.

12. How many ponies do you have in your collection?

Hm, not counting fakies and petites it's about 50 if you lump both my childhood herd (30) and current collection (20).  If you count fakies (15) and petites (27) and associated stuff (3) it's closer to 95.

13. How is your collection displayed?

I have about 20 ponies currently displayed on a small shelf in our studio/guest room, along with other artists vinyl, toys I think are fun/interesting, and this and that.  (My childhood ponies are currently in storage).

14. What is your least favorite pose?

Tough choice but probably the Waterfire pose for G3 (which is a shame because I otherwise like that pony).  Something about it puts me off, I can't put my finger on it.

15. What is your dream collection like?

I pretty much have it!  There's a couple things I wouldn't mind adding if I could ever find them, but I know they're much too price prohibitive for me (a Takara for example, as well as the Greek Ladybird, and G2 copperglow.)

16. What was your biggest pony purchase (in terms of how many items)?

Hm, probably some G3 bait lots I bought to customize.  I think I bought three lots of about 20 (I didn't end up customizing them all, and ended up re-selling many as they weren't really bait quality, and just needed some TLC).

17. What is your favorite part about collecting?

It's just a nice peaceful personal thing to do.  My collection makes me smile, and is a pleasant thing to have in our studio.

18. What is your favorite pony website?

I think I'd have to say this one!

19. What flaw(s) can you not stand?

I'm really not a picky collector, but if I would like a pony for display I'd prefer it not to have major pen marks/discoloration, big chews or body chunks missing, or a severe hair cut.  Otherwise I think I can clear up most other issues or they don't bother me.

20. How complete is your collection?

It's as complete as I would like it for now!  That could change, and when we own our own home I'd like to get my childhood herd out of storage and displayed with the others, but otherwise I'm quite content with what I have!

In terms of completeness from a 'full collection' standpoint it's very small and not at all anywhere near complete, but I'm not that kind of collector.

Customs / G1 Carousel Pony Custom - Rainbow Rondeau
« on: November 07, 2020, 04:11:51 PM »
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This colorful custom is Rainbow Rondeau!

She is a customized G1 Parasol who sat for quite some time, sadly permanent pen marked, as I figured out how I wanted to customize her to give her some new life.  I waffled between doing something accurate to the G1 merry-go-round ponies (who I think are very sweet) or going a bit more fanciful.  Fanciful won out as I wanted to do something with lots of pastel rainbows.

Her new ‘saddle’ is sculpted with colorful blends of sculpey III and glazed with a matte acrylic.  I think there might be a bit of Rainbow Brite influence in here too, along with Fairy Kei.

I’m quite happy with her and would like to do more in a similar style if the right baits come along (I try to be sympathetic to the bait with how I customize - doing things more and more complex the more extensive the damage).

Customs / G1 Custom - Winter Frost
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:27:38 PM »
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Here’s a lovely little custom G1 My Little Pony - Winter Frost!  I’m so happy with her.  She’s been a long time coming as I patiently waited for her marker stains to peroxide and sun-fade (she has a spot or two still, but as she’s likely to go in my collection that’s fine for me.  It’s the nature of 30+ year old toys).

I wanted to make a pony who was very reminiscent of the base she uses - a Majesty who had been previously customized before coming to me (a full body repaint in a rather sorry, chipped, and sticky state) but was a wholly unique pony.  I wanted her to look as though she could pass as a G1 design (although I know the glitter design would be two colors rather than three - nothing wrong with a little artistic license).  I waffled on a design scheme for her, but decided to go with hair colors more or less flipped from her base and a symbol in tasteful blues with a nice wintery theme.

This is my first time using hair from the Doll Planet (instead of and I must say - while TDP nylon is finer than the original MLP nylon (Dollyhair’s is closer) it has an absolutely gorgeous soft and silky feeling.  It’s so nice to touch!  It’s super bouncy too, which gives it a nice body.

No before photos for this gal - it didn’t occur to me to get them in time!

Really great info!

I think local climate really effects how plastic, rubber, and vinyl do in the long term too.  My childhood heard of G1s and their accessories - stored jumbled in the (insulated) attic for some 20 years in a cardboard box all came through the process just fine - but this is in coastal southern California where the air tends to be warm, dry, and mild through most of the year.  (They are currently stored loose in a bedroom closet until I have room to display them but seem to still be fine.)  My displayed G1s/G3s up here in coastal Oregon also seem to do fine on their shelf, though I've only had them few years and they are not my childhood herd, so previous exposures are unknown to me (I also don't have any of the ponies that are generally noted to be more fragile in color).  It's quite cooler and more damp than where I grew up and mold is a battle everywhere, but as they're not somewhere wet they seem to be fine.

It would be interesting to note what your local climate is like along with these long-term storage descriptors.

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