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Messages - OctoberFlash

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Parasprites everywhere. All red ones. I need about 80 more loyalty shards to activate that totem. What gives, game? =/ Also I've had some clearable objects appear in cleared that normal?

Will the parasprites change eventually? What's the best way to get more loyalty shards?

My Ponyville's covered in red parasprites, too. x_x

I think they always stay the same color, but I heard the hospital gives the most loyalty shards.. i think.. ? : o

All of my stuff went back again. :I Yesterday it went back to the day before, and today it went back two days. Frustrating. I lost a shop, quite a few stars on a bunch of different ponies, and about 2 or 3 levels this time.

Pony Corral / Re: Pegacorn versus Alicorn
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:01:14 PM »
As a kid, I called them Unisus-es. Like the word "pegacorn", but the other way around haha! I was convinced they were my own creation. I still have a Unisis I made out of clay and her magic carpet, and it's not bad considering I was a second grader. :lol:

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Moulds/Types You Wish They'd Bring Back
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:21:48 AM »
More poses. Of any sort. Please, just something besides "standing" and "standing with one leg raised". ;w;

I also really liked how G1 had different themes of ponies, like the Rockin' Beat ponies or the Sweetberry ponies. They didn't have to use any special molds, but they had ponies that were different and all followed a theme. More variety of ponies, maybe something like that, would be cooler than the mane 6 over and over. *W*

My mine cart game used to lag when I had my galaxy s3, but when I upgraded to the s5 I no longer have lag. It could just be your phone.

That definitely explains it. I'm using a Galaxy S3. :lol:

My issues with the minecart all come from the lag. :S Does anyone else get lag when they play? Most of the time it's alright, but there have been times before where it lagged and by the time the screen caught up, I was right in front of an obstacle and I didn't have any time to react! >_<

I also still don't have any shops in Sweet Apple Acres. Ponies are still there for me, but the "shops" tab is still completely blank. Bleh.

Actually, the Android hack is very easy to install (you just have to put the .ark file in your Gameloft MLP folder) and can be found on Reddit. I wouldn't recommend it, though, as Gameloft's apparently been cracking down pretty hard on hackers lately. I'm not sure how they're finding people (perhaps there's some kind of checksum in the game now), but it'd be better right now to lay low than to use the hacks, I think. :S

About the missing shops and new ponies from the game, I ranted to my boyfriend about it and the best explanation he could come up with was that maybe Gameloft took out the shops and some unpurchased ponies (for those who haven't bought Granny Smith, Pinkie's parents i.e. me among others) is so they could work on em some more. Too make sure there isn't any bugs or glitches and whatnot.

Which i'm hoping that is the case :/

I'm hoping that's the case too, because I need the Grape Stand for a quest. >_< Yesterday I didn't have enough money to buy it, but now that I do, it's gone! Aaargh.

I am now also getting the missing shops in Sweet Apple Acres. They were there yesterday!! :( Where did they go?

After some issues with my game I had stopped playing for a while, but recently I decided to pick it up again.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled and started fresh, and already I've found a bug that... lets you place ponies in zones they shouldn't be in.


Basically, the end result was Twilight Velvet living in Sweet Apple Acres... which made her quest in Canterlot impossible, since she was gone from the shop. So I had to restart again. At least I wasn't very far in this time.

Off Topic / Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
« on: June 29, 2014, 06:23:21 AM »
Washing dishes!! Everything else I'm fine with, but washing dishes makes me feel gross!!

Pony Corral / Re: SDCC exclusive - EXCLUSIVE REVEALED!!! Page 26
« on: June 25, 2014, 12:40:56 PM »
Yikes. :( I really liked the exclusive last year, I got the exclusive package this year so I wouldn't have to wait in line... only to find out it's something I'm not super thrilled about.

It's not that I don't like the figure! She's neat and all! But I have to echo the thoughts on her looking cheaply done, not to mention the price tag. :( Uuuuuuurgh. If she ends up looking as not-so-cool IRL as she does in that picture, I might end up selling her.

i'm happy to see Applejack there :) a week or so ago we went to BAB on a whim while visiting with my aunt and very young cousin, and I ended up buying Princess Twilight (My cousin got Rarity). I remember seeing every one of the main 6 BUT AJ, and I felt so bad thinking she'd been left out again, hehe. Glad to know they'll be releasing her at some point too, so there'll be the complete main 6!

Off Topic / Re: Ring, ring, ring! Phone call, phone call!
« on: June 15, 2014, 07:18:27 AM »
I keep mine by me on silent. What's nice is that, even when it's on silent, the alarm clock still works fine. :) So I'm not disturbed all night, but I still wake up to the vibration in the morning.

Pony Corral / Re: Would you name your kid after a pony?
« on: May 27, 2014, 04:50:34 AM »
I definitely wouldn't do it. Choose a name that is easy to spell and understand.

My cousin, who is five years old, is named Dagne (pronounced "dahg knee"). To be fair, it's a Norwegian name and that side of my family has some Norwegian heritage, but already she gets frustrated because people always question her and correct her on her name, assuming she doesn't know how to say it right because she's little. :(

Then again, my name is Ashton and people were always correcting me to "Ashlyn" or "Ashley" when I was younger because "Ashton is a boy's name". :T

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