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Author Topic: Did G5 flop?  (Read 27143 times)

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #120 on: September 02, 2024, 07:43:33 AM »
EqD reported on the announcement that 2025 would see a "Unified Ponyverse"?

It's not unified if it only includes G4 and G5...  :pullhair:

I have absolutely no hopes for this. Mind you, I couldn't bring myself to read the full post, so maybe I'm a bit too harsh.

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« Last Edit: September 02, 2024, 07:55:08 AM by DreamvalleyMLP »

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #121 on: September 02, 2024, 10:32:09 AM »
Hasbro continues to suck
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #122 on: September 03, 2024, 03:46:47 AM »
Honestly, having seen the attempt at a multi-generational comic, which absolutely sucked, I am glad if they do a unified world with only G4 and G5. I can therefore ignore it completely.

It's going the wrong way, of course. G5 is limping so lets drag back up G4 which may still be popular with hardcore bronies or G4 fans but which parents and kids have moved beyond now and which should be the core of the market.

I'll say it again, G4 will be the death of My Little Pony. That and the fact imagination no longer seems to matter. I get quite frustrated with how little people use their brains for anything except clicking on their phones these days. Yeah, I'm old and cranky xD.
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #123 on: September 03, 2024, 01:37:37 PM »
Haven't read "Generations" yet, but I heard it wasn't the best due to making the G1s need need the G4s to save them, or something... I dunno... I am trying to avoid that with my project.

And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.

Also, imagination will always matter, and every age will always have imagination, which is something I will always be 100% on, again no offense.

G4 won't affect MLP in bad way, as it is another generation of an awesome franchise. I agree they should focus on the target audience, though and hope they are doing so with G5 (not saying bronies should be excluded as we (myself and other bronies) are an audience, but they should focus on the target audience)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 02:10:55 PM by MJNSEIFER »
I will confess to being a brony, but I assure you that the things you may not like about them do not apply to me, I mostly keep the fandom name due to nostaligia, but I do genuinely love MLP as a whole, not just FIM, and not just the popularity of FIM - I genuinely love the show (and all the others)

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #124 on: September 03, 2024, 09:34:53 PM »
Per a source (that I have talked to personally for previous g5 affairs), the ponyverse concept is cancelled and we won't see much in 2025 at all. This is also mentioned in the EQD blog.
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #125 on: September 03, 2024, 11:33:03 PM »
And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.

80's kids really did NOT have much access to computers.  I would have been severely punished if I ever went into an office space of one of the adults  I knew ; I can't imagine how much trouble I would have gotten into if I touched their computer!  we had TV (sometimes, when the adults would allow us access), we had cassette tape players and record players, and we had radios.  Other than that, personal electronics were NOT a thing until the '90's
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #126 on: September 04, 2024, 10:04:47 AM »
And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.

80's kids really did NOT have much access to computers.  I would have been severely punished if I ever went into an office space of one of the adults  I knew ; I can't imagine how much trouble I would have gotten into if I touched their computer!  we had TV (sometimes, when the adults would allow us access), we had cassette tape players and record players, and we had radios.  Other than that, personal electronics were NOT a thing until the '90's
I meant that today's kids still do things that we did as kids (go outside, play with toys, watch TV, etc.) as well as go on phones - that is what I meant by how we are not that different. No offense. In my opinion, kids having phones just gives them an extra thing than what we had.
I will confess to being a brony, but I assure you that the things you may not like about them do not apply to me, I mostly keep the fandom name due to nostaligia, but I do genuinely love MLP as a whole, not just FIM, and not just the popularity of FIM - I genuinely love the show (and all the others)

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #127 on: September 04, 2024, 10:16:34 AM »
I actually agree. Granted, I live in public housing so everyone in my neighborhood is poor, but I see kids of all ages playing outside all the time. They play tag, basketball, ride bikes, bring their toys outside to play... one year a girl got a big Hatchimal and I had to listen to it for days :lol:
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #128 on: September 04, 2024, 01:12:37 PM »
I actually agree. Granted, I live in public housing so everyone in my neighborhood is poor, but I see kids of all ages playing outside all the time. They play tag, basketball, ride bikes, bring their toys outside to play... one year a girl got a big Hatchimal and I had to listen to it for days :lol:

It haaaunted your dreams  :lol: That would probably drive me crazy after a while
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Offline DreamvalleyMLP

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #129 on: September 05, 2024, 05:15:36 AM »
Per a source (that I have talked to personally for previous g5 affairs), the ponyverse concept is cancelled and we won't see much in 2025 at all. This is also mentioned in the EQD blog.

Thanks for the update, I missed most of the blogpost writing.

I took the time to check out the 2 minute presentation; seems like they did intend to include g1 (mentioned at the 13 second mark). It also shows a very weird looking crossover with what seems like another toyline I never heard of (distroller?).
Looks like it would have been all about merch, not collectible toys.

Here is the video to the cancelled project if anyone is curious:

Offline Leave a Whisper

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #130 on: September 05, 2024, 02:09:33 PM »
Per a source (that I have talked to personally for previous g5 affairs), the ponyverse concept is cancelled and we won't see much in 2025 at all. This is also mentioned in the EQD blog.

That's a okay with me.

Thanks for the link DV. Odd that they deliberately refused to show MLP and Friends.  Looks like Mexico's branch is having more fun with the brand then the north american branch is.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2024, 02:36:21 PM by Leave a Whisper »
Thanks to TheRockinStallion for my Ponysona Artless

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #131 on: September 07, 2024, 06:52:23 PM »
Per a source (that I have talked to personally for previous g5 affairs), the ponyverse concept is cancelled and we won't see much in 2025 at all. This is also mentioned in the EQD blog.

Thanks for the update, I missed most of the blogpost writing.

I took the time to check out the 2 minute presentation; seems like they did intend to include g1 (mentioned at the 13 second mark). It also shows a very weird looking crossover with what seems like another toyline I never heard of (distroller?).
Looks like it would have been all about merch, not collectible toys.

Here is the video to the cancelled project if anyone is curious:

The G1/Tales in the video was more representative of their target demographics. With MLP Retro, it seems they're targeting women 35+ (No offense to anyone!). I suppose the tales footage was just for brand recognition? Odd choice but, I'll take it. With G4/FIM, it's millennials as a whole. G5 is the same core demographic, 7-8 year old girls.

It looks like Tell your Tale has an 89% approval rating among the target audience as well, I feel very vindicated for thinking it was a success in that regard. (I do not speak spanish, i just put it through a translator)

I'm not familiar with every brand they showed but if I'm honest... It looks like 2025 will/would be more of what we already seen so far. Just more G1 retro merch, I guess. I would feel less disappointed if I knew we had more TYT on the way. Or, maybe more pony toys? I know G5's mainline hasn't done so hot actually. Maybe I'm burnt out haha.

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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2024, 08:40:08 AM »
>>> Twilight Mode on - seek Shelter :shocked: <<<

Maybe a bit of an inflammatory remark but do you think Hasbro even cares about MLP to a point they would reboot it again into a sixth gen? At this point I don't. I see a lot of new G4 merch popping up and getting popular on the Asian market. More G4 brand deals and a bit of G1 nostalgia. As of right now it looks like G5 will die to make way for nostalgia bait, mostly G4, and this is how MLP will be kept alive and milked.

I still think connecting G5 to G4 was a mistake. They tried to attract old and new fangroups alike and it folded real quick. The best that came out of G5 was right at the beginning with the new theatrical release. The movie had the most money put into and had lots of marketing. Afterwards it quickly went downhill.

If they ever attempt a Gen 6 I hope it will stand on its own again and not be tied to previous MLP stories. Save for keeping a couple names, of course, for branding reasons. If you go into the old G5 speculation threads, some of the users here had amazing ideas. Maybe Hasbro should have just lurked here  ;)
For Hasbro every Show they have create was mostly an Addvertisement for their Toys, MLP, Transformers, GI Joe and more.
Other Companys do the same or do you think Matel has made Barbie Movies just because its a nice Story?
The G4 Merch in Asia are often Fakes and Partial just similar like my lovely merry, my little Horse, my lovely Horses and so on.

Also there are many Fakes of real Merch like Funko Pop and the Kotobukiya Bishoujo Figures.
The second I'm collecting and I just need Rainbow Dash to complete it.
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By the Way, next year they will do an Reproduction of all Figures with Pinkie, Twilight and Fluttershy in the first 3 Months:

G5 well its a Mashup of many.
Posey is mostly a Remake of the G1 Posey as the G4 Posey aka Fluttershys Mom.
The World look like Zootropia with Ponys only, no racial Diversity like Gryphons, Changelings, Horses (Saddle Arabian).

I'm still sure the only Reason why they have say it is the G4 Equestria and why they have add G4 Content in the Movie was just to take over as much G4 Fans as possible.
It was just a Trick to sell more Movie Tickets.
In the end you just had an G4 intro in the Style of the G4 Movie with the Stormking who just was the Imagination of Sunny, Hitch and Sprout, an Lighthouse full of Memorabilia who completly disapered after the Movie, except Sunnys Bag and the Lamp who are not even close to the Night Light Argyle has made for Sunny.
There are also one Windows with Twilights Cutiemark and a Wonderbolt Poster who strangely and unrealiostic still look very new after the around 350 Years bet ween G4 and G5.
But the try to force a new Generation on the Fanbase has not work.
I have see so many Reviews and Videos about G5 who had the same Impression as myself after the Movie, like "Wtf I have see there?".
A Girl go in the big City and try to realise her Idea - sound like Zootropia Judy in Ponyland with the Heats Warming Eve Story mixed in.
Both Movies with Racism, a Girl who need to Prove herself, Sovial Media and not a Hint of a "magical World of Equestria" like in G1, G2, G3 (not G3,5) and G4 (also not G4,5 - Equestria Girls).
I guess everyone would have like G5 if it would play in the Time of Season 9 Episode 26, what are about 30 Years after Twilights 2. Coronation.
A World similar like the Boruto Anime, who is also called Naruto Next Generation.
In it the old Char are not vanished, but not longer in the Focus, with the Mane 6 similar in the Background as their Parents in G4 or other BG Ponys like Lyra/Bonbon or :muffin: Pony.

Also I still think G5 is an different Universe, in G3 was a Ponyville too but it was way more modern as the G4 Ponyville.
I think the biggest Problem is the Way they release G5.
You can just see the first Season (Chapters 1-6) on Netflix, the Movie was in the Cinemas.
I not know how G4 was released between 2010 and 2019, because I have enter the Fandom after the End of the G4 Show in 2019.
I think the best would be if a Show release a Episode every 1-2 Weeks, not release a Bunch of Episodes at once and then let the "Fans" wait 2-6 months for something new.
I guess, where ever it was released, G4 was one Episode every 2 Weeks, because one Season/Year had 26 Episodes and this would perfectly fit in the 52 Weeks of the Year.
If they do a Gen 6 and I'm sure they will as long the Toys are sold well enough, I realy would like them to do something with the old Generations, like new Storys from the G1 Universe included the original Pre-Versions of the Mane 6 (Twilight, Glory/Sparkler, Surprise, Firefly, Posey, Applejack) and some of the other Char like Moondancer, bon Bon and Spike, maybe even Dazzleglow, the first ever displayed Alicorn in MLP.
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Per a source (that I have talked to personally for previous g5 affairs), the ponyverse concept is cancelled and we won't see much in 2025 at all. This is also mentioned in the EQD blog.

Thanks for the update, I missed most of the blogpost writing.

I took the time to check out the 2 minute presentation; seems like they did intend to include g1 (mentioned at the 13 second mark). It also shows a very weird looking crossover with what seems like another toyline I never heard of (distroller?).
Looks like it would have been all about merch, not collectible toys.

Here is the video to the cancelled project if anyone is curious:
The most in the Video I not understand because its the wrong Language and its from Panadería, a Name I never have see or hear before, but it is surely not an official Hasbro Video.

In my view, it likely isn't connected to G4 in canon - it just reboots it, and this is coming from somebody who does view G5 as the future of G4 in fanon/headcanon.
I not think this is a Reboot.
If you look on the many Reboots some have made like the Sailor Moon Crystal Show or the Spiderman/Terminator Movies, what a Reboot made is, its the same Content with the same Characters, just told in a new Way.
A Reboot of MLP would also contain the Friend 7 (G1), the Core 7 (G3.5) or the Mane 7 (G4).
Not sure but in some Way you could call Equestria Girls as some kind of Reboot, also the Mirror Universe from the Comics.

It would make more sense given that G5 at face value really does seem like it's own generation (at least to me it does) - new locations, new rules, new species... so I am actually leaning towards the fact that, in canon at least, it is a new world, just a new world that reuses "Equestria" as its name, just like how there's been at least four towns named "Ponyville". It could even be seen as a new reboot version of the G4 Mane Six too, albeit lesser than it has been, as what little we've seen of them, they do seem to be similar to the G4 version, but it feels more like a reference to them, than outright saying "this is what they did next" or whatever.

Again, I don't mind G5 being connected to G4, as it still stands on its own either way for me, and feels like it's own generation for me (and again, in my headcanon they are connected), but it doesn't feel like they are as much in the show, outside rebooting, and nostalgic references to them, but if it is, I personally don't feel it affects anything.
G5 is a Generation and universe for itself, like the 7 Versions (G1, G2, G3, G3.5, G4, Eqquestria Girls, Pony Life) before, it reuse some Stuff from other Generations (G1 Posey, G4 Twilight, G4 Spike, Pony Life Celestia/Luna) and the Name Equestria (who are not the World, just the Country/Kingdom Name).
Fans say the Worlds name is Equus, but it has no official Name, just it is Earth like and for the Design of Equestia we can read this on Wikipedia: The Equestrian continent's diverse geography ranges, biomes, provinces, and settlements are modeled after or based on North American cities and the Nearctic realm.
So Equestria are based on the USA and the Crystal Kingdom on Canada.
G1 and G3/3.5 have no real Location as I know, they are somewhere and nowhere.

Those who were angry are likely G4 purists anyway - not saying all of them were, but they at the very least seem to be people who don't get how MLP works, or even how rebooting works; even if the new version follows an older version/takes an older version as main inspiration, it is going to change things, that's how reboots work. There are some bronies (not all of us. :silly:) who don't get, or don't want to get that MLP does not revolve around G4, and not everything that is also used in that generation has to be the same as it - I feel I have seen bronies acting like Pony Life gets the G4 characters wrong too, but it doesn't for the simple reason that it is not G4, it is G4.5 - a new generation with new ponies. I have also seen bronies act like, for example, that G3 Rainbow Dash ruins G4 Rainbow Dash, despite the obvious fact that G3 existed first (so, this is probably the people we're dealing with when looking at the anger directed towards G5s changes - not everybody, I'm sure, but I have seen a lot of praise towards G5, including from bronies.)

"Perfect Evolution to G4" is also a bad way for them to look at it, even if they have G4 as their favorite, which they allowed to do, obviously (it is my second favorite generation, so praise where praise is due) - ignoring that no generation can be perfect (I'll probably even find something wrong with G3 if I look hard enough) - My Little Pony was already "perfect" before G4 happened, and I feel that what really helped G4 succeed (outside of the internet being what it was to boost fandoms easier) was that it followed the format of previous generations - when it moved away from that, it felt more like a de-evolution to me, despite the fact that I never stopped loving G4, and it could still be "My Little Pony when it knew how to be - I actually feel like G5 (mostly Make Your Mark) is saving My Little Pony by returning it to its roots, both early G4 and the generations before G4 - either way, it feels more like My Little Pony than G4 eventually did for me (it felt like it at first, IMO.)
I honestly feel that the only thing wrong with G5 is that Hasbro don't see the awesome generation they have on their hands, and have no idea how to promote it - a big mistake was to largely limit it to Netflix, which, while I love using it, doesn't promote its products very well - Make Your Mark alone looks built to be a TV show, and like all animated generations is just screaming for a physical media release, because it's My Little Pony, and of course, they need to promote the toys more.
Well I like G4 the most, but mostly because it was the first Generation who has catch my Interest.
G1 was more a pure Show for small Children, G2 had no Show after the G1 Show was not very sucessfull and we just got Dols who are more like Horses or the G4 Saddle Arabians.
G3 was a better Version with a more interesting Setting and G3.5 was G3 just in a more modern and realistic Setting with Ponyville as Suburbs and Ponys who had Jobs or visited the School.
G4 was the most sucessfull Show, because it was made by Lauren Faust, who not just had Ponys as Child but also was already active in other Shows.
This gave the show not just Char where everyone could find a Pony who fit the own Character (for me its 2/3 Twilight 4/6 Fluttershy and 2/6 Rarity^^).
Also the show was mostly made in the Style of an western Style Anime, a real Story, the classic Hero Journey, Emotional Situations and a big Finale.
All this is the Reason why this Generation not just has get this much Feedback.
It has fired the Imagination of Writers, Artists, has generate the first MLP only Conventions, has create many Friends in the Fandom and most important, it has save the MLP Franchise from possible Disapearance.
All this would never exist without this single Generation but it also made it extremly difficult to create something new what fit in this "big Shoes".

I like G5 in some Ways, but the Creators of G5 have remove to much of the Fantasy and Danger and replaced it with actual Contentsd like the overuse of Social Media, Smartphones everywhere, Fame and Idols, faking Things, conspiracy Theorys and Rasism.
Also theres no real focus on the Story.
Twilight warn the Main 5 about Opaline, but exept Zip in some Scenes, they mostly ignore it until Opaline start to act in the open.
Sometimes Ponys act like Idiots, like as Misty sucessfull steal the Lantern and hide it, in a Bag, on the Ground, in the Garden, in Front of the Laser Canon, they call a House, from where Misty has stolen it, they made a Concert to find Sparky and using their Cutiemarks as Megaphones instead of asking all Ponys in the Town to help them or Sunny get the Communication Mirror from Misty and is absolutly not surprised to talk with herself.

P.S. To NightChaser: I just noticed your post, and I ultimately agree with what you say about a Chapter Based show on Netflix making it an awkward show to fanbase over. Also I was part of the brony fandom since 2011, and from what I can see the gaps between seasons/episodes was relatively normal, though I can't give an exact timeline.

I disagree that Make Your Mark replaced fantasy and adventure though, as I feel it had adventure (though could have had more if it had better "pacing", i.e. it wasn't a Chapter Based show - it's something that the two conflicting complaints I've seen about Make Your Mark is that it focuses too much on the ponies goofing than doing story-related things, and that it focuses too much on the story so that the ponies don't get a chance to just hang out and be friends - I feel better pacing would have helped both sides, as much as I love Make Your Mark for what it is) and I definitely feel that it has a lot of fantasy, and would do so even if I didn't feel that social media fitted in to a fantasy setting perfectly (which I do) the whole atmosphere just has a very fantasy like vibe to it for me. No offense.

In regards to how you view the G5 Mane Ponies - I respect your opinion, but I certainly wouldn't view Pipp as anything like (early) Diamond Tiara or Trixie by a long shot - if she's like any G4 pony (and ultimately, she's like herself, in my opinion) I'd say she's Rarity - not only is she that perfect blend of adorable and beautiful, she's also the creator/artist of the Mane Cast (yes, I know Izzy can be seen as an artist too), where as with Rarity it was fashion design, with Pipp it's performing and (essentially) YouTube videos, as well as being a stylist or whatever. I also don't feel Zipp is very much like G4 Rainbow Dash, other than being an athletic pegasus (I even feel their personalities contrast each other in places), again no offense.
The Examples of the G5 Ponys are mostly on the look and character, like Sunny who not just look much like Scootaloo, both also like to skate (Rolerskates, Skateboard).
Izzy is practical acting like she is Pinkie, her direct and always happy Character and even the Pinkie Hopping in the Movie.
Zipp has much of rainbow, just her way she is talking is more serious like Spitfire.
But every Generation is from a previous Generation, Applejack is like she is since G1, just has get a Hat and Rainbow/Rarity was already in G3.5 Rainbow Dash.
G1 Posey and G1 Twilight are G4 Posey Shy and G4 Twilight Velvet, G1 Surprise is a Member of the Wonderbolts, Applejack is Applejack, just Glory and Firefly have no G4 Apearance as I know and G3/3.5 has even more Ponys who was reused in G4.
In G5 we have G1 Posey, G4 Twilight, G4 Spike and The Pony Live Versions of Celestia and Luna (not remember more other Char from other Generations).
The Char are similar but not the same, you're right some are Mixes.
G4 Rainbow Dash was made by Lauren Faust from her favorite Pony G1 Firefly and the Look from G3.5 Rainbow Dash, while the Character of the G3.5 Version of Dash was merged with G1 Glory and G1 Sparkler into Rarity.
I not like Pony Life, because it is mostly a G4 on Drugs, where every Figure act like a Suggar charged Pinkie Pie and act in Ways the Originals never would, like drinking Portions of Zecora like they are harmless Soft Drinks.

Maybe for the most of us newer Fans (from the Timeframe I'm actual in Season 5, because I have start 2019) and the Hardcore Pegasister/Bronys is the exterme change.
I mean a the Pegasister/Brony Counterpart of Disney the "Disney Adults" would not want Cinderella from a Castle with a evil Step Mom and Princesses to a Skyscaper with a greedy female Ceo and her Daughters where the Mom not like it that her Step Daughter want to date the hot Guy who bring the diet Coke to the Vendors.^^
Also I'm not sure why Ponys need to have an "Expiry Date" and after it just the new Stuff is good.
Companys like Microsoft want you to use the newest Windows, but there are still many who like the old Versions.
Here in Germany the Railway Compayn "Deutsche Bahn" still use Windows 3 and 3.11 for Displays and as Train OS.
For Figures, Disneys Mickey Mouse exist since 96 Years and it is still a well known Figure.
So Hasbro can made new Things, new Generations, new Storys, as long they not forget there are 6 more Generations before G5, they can always can reuse in some Way.
There are Fans for all Generations and I'm sure there are still some collectors who try to get all around 1200 Ponys from G2 for their Collection.^^
I'm sure Fans will not find nothing with all the Stuff you can get special the Stuff who is even better for Collectors like me, the Kotobukiya Figures, the Funko Vinyl collection, some special Funko Pop like my NFT Release Princess Luna, where are just 1550 Pieces if I understand it right.
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #133 on: September 12, 2024, 02:30:48 PM »
Haven't read "Generations" yet, but I heard it wasn't the best due to making the G1s need need the G4s to save them, or something... I dunno... I am trying to avoid that with my project.

And today's kids aren't really like that (only using phones) - they aren't really that different to how we were as kids really, phones are just extra - I still see them playing outside and having fun, and the like, and some still play with toys because everybody is different no offense.

I didn't say kids, I said people, as in the world in general and the direction it is moving towards.
BUT there is acknowledged to be difficulties with young people and early screen time and imagination development, also the social development lost during COVID and other things which has been well documented over here (in fact in my local area, but that's by the by).

I work in an environment where I meet a lot of imaginative kids, so it's not always the kids that are the problem, it's the world being framed around them and the options they are being given that are the issue. At the same time, I work in an environment where kids who are bored and completely unable to work out how to entertain themselves come in to make a nuisance for us and our customers just because that is the extent of their lives. I've worked on and off in libraries since the late 1990s, it's a situation that is getting worse. So yes, it is having an impact on some young people and not on all.

I actually had a lot of access to a computer in the eighties, but that was because back then schools sent their computers home with staff over the holidays so they didn't get stolen, rather than have them on site over the break. So my Dad always had an old BBCB or Compact computer over the break and I used to write stories and play games on it under supervision. I would say that was definitely happening from the late 1980s. BUT I agree this wasn't a normal state of things. We had our first home PC in 1998. My primary school were also ahead of the curve, though - we had a PC in school almost as soon as they came out. Just one, in the whole school, but we were very excited by paint and having screens that weren't green and black!!

I think the imagination thing comes down to the kids with the internal capacity to self-entertain or those which have the support to do so vs those who don't/lack that support. The latter category are the ones who potentially miss out because of today's tech revolution. But I do think there is a problem with the quality of what is being churned out. They keep remaking old things instead of doing much new. And, as someone who works in a library, you don't want my opinion on some of the literature social media raves about xD.

Back on topic again somewhere...

I am maybe an outlier here but I actually prefer them not using G1 ponies in newer gens. BUT I also accept that when they appear in those gens, they're new ponies and not really the old ones. I absolutely despise people talking about the six ponies that Lauren Faust based the M6 on as though they belong together in a group, when they don't, though. And also when people talk about Posey as the original fluttershy, rather than Fluttershy as based (very, very loosely) on a concept of Posey from one person's imagination.

I don't see the M6 as being at all like any of the g1 ponies, but that's also because of another bugbear of mine. I am sick to death of people talking about G1 animation as the only G1 canon, and then comparing it with FIM. G4 has a collective canon but G1 doesn't. It gets talked down because people are only aware of/only care about comparing animations and not the wider franchise. In reality, the animated series is the least canon part of G1, as it erased pony magic outside of unicorns and massively changed characters from how the backcards portrayed them. It is its own canon, of course, but it is not "THE" canon and it irks me when people make that comparison.

(That includes Dazzleglow as an alicorn, by the way. Dazzleglow is a unicorn, and in fact the first animated 'alicorn' is a glitch of Baby Surprise (I think) in Escape from Catrina).
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Re: Did G5 flop?
« Reply #134 on: September 12, 2024, 05:43:26 PM »

I am maybe an outlier here but I actually prefer them not using G1 ponies in newer gens. BUT I also accept that when they appear in those gens, they're new ponies and not really the old ones. I absolutely despise people talking about the six ponies that Lauren Faust based the M6 on as though they belong together in a group, when they don't, though. And also when people talk about Posey as the original fluttershy, rather than Fluttershy as based (very, very loosely) on a concept of Posey from one person's imagination.

I don't see the M6 as being at all like any of the g1 ponies, but that's also because of another bugbear of mine. I am sick to death of people talking about G1 animation as the only G1 canon, and then comparing it with FIM. G4 has a collective canon but G1 doesn't. It gets talked down because people are only aware of/only care about comparing animations and not the wider franchise. In reality, the animated series is the least canon part of G1, as it erased pony magic outside of unicorns and massively changed characters from how the backcards portrayed them. It is its own canon, of course, but it is not "THE" canon and it irks me when people make that comparison.

(That includes Dazzleglow as an alicorn, by the way. Dazzleglow is a unicorn, and in fact the first animated 'alicorn' is a glitch of Baby Surprise (I think) in Escape from Catrina).

You're definitely not alone, there's plenty of mlp fans who don't like the M6 to G1 comparison. I try to just let bygones be bygones if that makes sense. I don't mind them comparing it- but, I know G1's ponies aren't similar to FIM really. I don't enjoy the Posey or Surprise comparisons, really any of them but I also know that it's not for me. I'll let them enjoy it, and hope they won't wonder too much about the differences. (For any FIM fans reading, I like FIM! I just don't compare it. I like Lauren's headcanons and writing :) )

As someone who grew up watching G1 and G3 (Not while it aired, I had Dvds to watch them) I simply didn't have access to the rest of G1 canon. I live in the US, for me, the backcards and animation was my "canon". I'm sure this issue, a lack of resources, applies to other fans and other fandoms.

I wish there was a catalogue or anthology I could reference for the G1 comics, I would love to read it! I have only read a few of them, and enjoyed them very much. I feel the same about G2 and G3 (I love reading the scans that get posted! I know Lavender Lagoon is a great place to read up on G2  ;) I am not sponsored to say that.)

To touch on Pony Magic...Yeah :/ Yeah I wish people would acknowledge this continuity aspect. G1 Backcards (and the comics surely) open up a world of play for kids, with plenty of stories to share. G2's interpretation was great too, although much shorter.

To go back on topic haha...

Will Hasbro go back to G4?  :wonder:
Well. We know they thought about it. (twice now). I'm truly indifferent, if they really feel the need to. I'm not opposed to a reboot. I would much rather them try to make a new story, they're aiming for multimedia with G5 like with the past gens. I suppose that's more important, someone brought up it's all about tech now. I feel G5 has been on "life-support" so to speak since MYM's first hiatus. It really picked up again when Misty became a more important character though, and people other than kids watched TYT (which hey! what happened to my weekly episode? I hope TYT simply got pushed back for studio reasons. I heard 8 animators left Lil Critter Workshop, hopefully the studio isn't working them too hard.).

I feel whatever they chose to do, FIM will just be treated like MLP Retro. It appeals to a specific group, and that's good enough to license out the brand. FIM isn't going anywhere, if I keep seeing it on shelves instead of G5 still.

just to swing back to the actual title  >_< G5 did flop, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Part of me wants a third game- and another album. It'd be nice to get the rest of S2 of TYT :/ I may be disapointed judging from how things are looking.


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