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SMF Trader System - Trader Overview - Psydo
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Trade Count: (+12) View full profile.
Positive Feedback: 100% Send this user a personal message.
Positive Feedback: 12 positive
Neutral Feedback: 0 netural
Negative Feedback: negative
Total Positive Feedback: 12

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Rating Comment From Detail Date Report
positivePsudo bought Italy Yellow Minty Green Hair. Lightspeed payment and fast reply´s trough Pm. I can highly recomend this Arena member.Greetings from SwedenTrade GuestView DetailDecember 12, 2011, 02:18:38 AMReport
positivebought italy glory and italy bluebelle from - GORGEOUS PONIES! thanks a lot! ^^Trade zoraView DetailOctober 20, 2011, 02:20:12 AMReport
positiveI bought some tlc Nirvanas off Psydo, she was friendly and a pleasure to deal with. Postage was super reasonable and the ponies arrived quickly! Would happily do again anytime :)Trade Tiggums6View DetailSeptember 12, 2011, 11:37:19 AMReport
positiveI bought a Spanish CJ & Spanish Tootsie from Psydo. A wonderful seller!! Nice ponies exactly as described & pictured, carefully packed, fast shipping, & excellent friendly communication. I'd be happy to work together again & recommend Psydo to everyone! TTrade kitkatvintageView DetailAugust 30, 2010, 12:56:22 PMReport
positiveWe did a trade for a bait nc confetti = so soft Ribbon. I love my nc confetti and the trade went very well and was very easy and fun! Thank you Psydo I'm excited to buy or trade with you againTrade GuestView DetailJanuary 18, 2011, 05:27:58 PMReport
positivei traded my G1's = tracks, BF rose, some accessories & paid the difference for Psydo's macau jenny and the pony is absolutely PERFECT, thankyou. i'm so happy with the pony & the little pal that accompanied her on the trip is so cute! brigitte is such a lTrade GuestView DetailJanuary 10, 2011, 06:49:20 AMReport
positivePsydo bought some G1 Dollymix ponies from me, and everything was awesome from start to finish :) she paid right away, was lovely and friendly to talk to, and she let me know when the ponies arrived safely. Everything was perfect, and I would be happy to Trade RingletsView DetailDecember 29, 2010, 12:38:20 PMReport
positiveBought a baity Macau Jenny from Psydo :) We had great communication and pony was just as described I highly recommended her to everyoneTrade nightmimicView DetailSeptember 09, 2010, 03:53:41 AMReport
positiveWe did a trade, my custom for some ponies from Psydo to my collection :) She was easy to communicate with and everything went great! 10+ and recommendations!Trade GuestView DetailSeptember 17, 2010, 02:31:34 AMReport
positivePsydo bought a French Blossom from my sales! Perfect communication, friendly PM's and payment was made fast and as planned! I highly recommend this member! Thanks so much again !! :)Trade GuestView DetailOctober 01, 2009, 12:39:37 PMReport
positiveI bought an adorable German Baby Heart Throb from Psydo. Communication was great and she shipped quickly. Thanks so much!Trade WickedWonderlandView DetailSeptember 30, 2009, 07:51:23 AMReport
positiveBrigitte was a pleasure to deal with. She bought Baby Lemon Drop and her stroller from me. She paid quickly and let me know when she received her. Excellent buyer, highly recommended. :)Trade kateView DetailDecember 08, 2008, 04:00:00 PMReport
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