Pony Talk > Pony Brag Arena

A Couple Finds During My Work Based Learning Hour Today


Rainlove The Pegasus:
I do a program called "work based learning' for two class periods at the end of my school day. I went to the place I have a job at. I was looking through the plush toys to make sure there was not any wrongly placed items. I found a small noodle hair Big Macintosh plush and later when I was putting shoes on the display I looked through the toys and spotted a pony on the shelf! The staff with my small group said I was allowed to purchase what I found and quickly do it. I made sure I did everything right and was able to take them home today!

PostImages: WBL Finds

ooooh fun!  congrats

Congrats xxx

Rainlove The Pegasus:

--- Quote from: lovesbabysquirmy on December 13, 2024, 06:48:13 AM ---ooooh fun!  congrats

--- End quote ---
Thank you!

Post Merge: December 14, 2024, 07:56:13 PM

--- Quote from: Ponybookworm on December 14, 2024, 03:20:15 AM ---Congrats xxx

--- End quote ---
Thank you!


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