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Topics - Mrs. Prospector

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Pony Corral / Does my Blossom have pindot? Or something stranger?
« on: January 05, 2024, 05:26:28 PM »
So last week, I bought a small lot of G1's off Ebay, and finally got around to cleaning them all up. One of them, Blossom, has something peculiar going on with her body, and I couldn't get them off with soap or a magic eraser.

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As you can see from the pics, she has specks all over. They're mostly on her right side, but there are some everywhere on her body (not on the head, which is also slightly mismatched in color).  At first, I thought it might be pindot, but I haven't been able to find many good pictures of MLP pindot to compare. It looks less like spots of mold, and more like she has enlarged pores. They are very difficult to see unless looking directly up close. I opened her up and her inside is completely normal.  Is this what pindot does, or is something stranger happening, like the plastic disintegrating? And whatever it is, what can I do to fix this?

Pony Corral / Collector’s Guilt?
« on: December 01, 2023, 12:32:53 AM »
So today on Reddit, I saw someone post their massive collection of Bluey related merchandise. While I agree that the amount of things they own and probably will never use is a bit overkill, the comments seemed to have an anti-collecting rhetoric to them. Many people said that this much merchandise was overconsumption and ultimately wasteful.  That it’s selfish for adults to keep toys on a shelf when there are kids that would love to play with them. That it’s just another 60 tons of plastic headed for the landfills. That their obsession of something made for kids is unhealthy, and cannot be compared to collecting merchandise for something “adult” like Star Wars. Any rebuttal of “it makes them happy!” was followed by people criticizing happiness being derived by owning things. For good measure, there were also people making backhanded comments about MLP collecting, insinuating that it’s equally as creepy.  I’ve also seen similar comments on MLP collector’s instagrams.

This made me kind of feel kind of guilty about collecting MLP.  Is collecting things, especially if they’re second hand, inherently wasteful? I haven’t been collecting for long, but I always make sure to get ones I genuinely like, and don’t spend too much at once.  Is it shallow that something that makes us happy is ultimately a mass produced toy? For me, being an MLP fan/collector is much more than buying ponies-it’s connecting with fellow collectors, and using the franchise as an inspiration for art and writing. I’ve loved MLP for almost my whole life, and it’s become part of who I am. Do people really thing it’s creepy or a sign of issues to collect ponies these days? (I swear, the G4 fandom ruined everything when it comes to how the general public perceives MLP and the people who like it). 

The argument that really got to me was the “why are you keeping the toys away from the poor little children? Toys are made to be played with, not looked at!!” one. Is it really looked down upon to find cheap ponies second hand, and take the time to clean them up and lovingly display them when they could have gone to a child instead, even if they have already been loved for 20-40 years?

I know I’m blowing this way out of proportion, and that as MLP collectors, we will all disagree, but these comments made me question whether it’s “moral” to collect ponies or not for a minute (although nothing will make me stop collecting MLP or give away my collection).

Pony Corral / Hasbro's Most Baffling MLP Decisions
« on: October 10, 2023, 05:23:13 PM »
So I was thinking the other day about the G3 Core 7, and how I just don't understand why Hasbro made the decisions they did with this refresh. I somewhat understand that they wanted to have some characters become the face of the brand for merchandising purposes, but I don't know why they chose the ponies they did.

It could be argued that Hasbro wanted to tie the toyline and movies together more, but they could have used characters that had already been established such as Minty, Wysteria, Starcatcher, or Rarity. They instead decided to choose the oddest group of ponies and try and force kids to love them, while erasing the 300+ other ponies from existence. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were obvious shoe-ins, but they decided to change Dash's voice and personality, making her traits less unique and unfamiliar to those who saw her in the earlier movies. The only other character from earlier that went unchanged was Scootaloo, also a strange choice seeing as she never appeared in any cartoons and only had one toy release. Then for some reason, they took Cherry Blossom, but gave her the name of another pre-existing pony, who had a prominent role in previous cartoons, which I don't understand at all. I understand even less the decision to take Toola Roola, a pony whose name is a reference to an Irish song, tying in with her Celtic symbol, and slap the name on a completely different art-themed pony, where the name makes no sense. There was no reason they couldn't have made Toola 2 a completely original character. Starsong and Sweetie Belle are brand new to the Core 7 refresh, so I don't have much to say, except that they didn't even let Starsong be completely unique-her Cutie Mark is the same as Silver Glow!

Not to mention, it's just a weird selection of characters from a group standpoint. 3/7 ponies are pink, and all of them have pink somewhere on them. I get that pink sells, but it makes the limited number of characters look even more limited. They needed a green pony in there (hint hint).

Honestly, I don't even know why the Core 7 refresh was made in the first place. I don't think Hasbro understood why kids were so drawn to MLP, especially at a time when it wasn't as character and media driven as G4/5. Apparently around this time MLP sales were getting low, because kids became more interested in LPS instead. As an LPS kid around this time, who recently lost interest in MLP, I was into LPS because of the collectibility and huge number of pets you could get. So how does Hasbro try and boost MLP sales? By limiting the number of ponies you can get!

This era was a harbinger of sorts for what MLP would become for the next decade and a half. I understand having a focus group of characters, especially for a TV show-other toy lines have done this for decades. But just because there are main ponies doesn't mean that no other ponies can exist, or that nobody will buy them. G4 had loads of characters in the show that you'd think would be perfect toy material, but never existed-the reformed changelings, the Kirin, the student six, the Pillars of Equestria-If you didn't know better, you'd think the inclusion of all these characters was to push toys, but Hasbro was too busy selling Pinkie Pie with a new hat instead of Thorax or Autumn Blaze. The popularity of background ponies like Muffins and Lyra was because fans enjoyed being imaginative and giving these incidental characters in the MLP world their own personalities and stories. Fans of all ages have been making their own OC ponies and giving them their own personalities and stories. Not even the most die-hard fans are tied so hard to FIM canon that they will not accept any character that is not one of the Mane Six. Kids are no different than Bronies in that regard. Give them a random character like Dewdrop Dazzle or Snowcatcher, and they can imagine their role in the world of Equestria and their relationships with the Mane 6 and other characters. TV tie-ins and toy variety don't have to be mutually exclusive, and I don't know why this big toy company seemingly doesn't know that.

What are your thoughts on the Core 7 15 years later, and are there any other decisions made about MLP that make you go "Hmmm"?

Pony Corral / I made G1 and G3 tier list templates!
« on: March 01, 2023, 06:27:49 PM »
The tier list trend never seems to end, and I realized there hasn't been any for any of the classic pony generations, so I decided to make one with all the G3 ponies, which you can use over here: 

Feel free to post your (perhaps controversial) G3 rankings!

I also made a G1 one!

Here are my personal rankings:
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With apologies to all BBE babies...



Pony Corral / Poses you wish were used more often?
« on: September 04, 2022, 01:31:32 PM »
Which pony poses with limited use do you wish more ponies were made in?

For G1 poses, I really like the sitting and rearing poses, because they're more dynamic and different than most pony poses. I understand their rare use because it limits play possibilities, but I think they're really cute, and would love a shelf full of different ponies all sitting adorably.

For G3, I really like the Valenshy pose, it's just very elegant and graceful, and would have loved to see more ponies in it. Also any of the unicorn and pegasus poses. The overabundance of earth ponies in comparison to the other species was G3's main flaw in my opinion.

Pony Corral / Pony Themes/Symbols you'd like to see!
« on: July 06, 2022, 02:16:14 PM »
What are some pony themes or symbols that haven't been used yet (or have been underused), that you would like to see on a pony? (of any generation)

I'm surprised that there aren't really any donut ponies, except for G4 Donut Joe who didn't get a toy (and has the typical boring G4 male color scheme)

Likewise, there aren't any true banana ponies. There's Banana Surprise in G1...who's pink and blue with an ice cream symbol. And G4 blind bags Banana Fluff...with a generic diamond symbol, and Banana Bliss...who's blue and pink. I just want a proper yellow pony with a banana symbol.

Lime is also another fruit that hasn't been represented by a pony. A key lime pie themed pony would be cute!

I'd also love a succulent pony!

A boba pony made in the G4 Water Cutie style, with little pearls floating inside, would also be a pretty cool concept.

I'd love to see ponies with more magical themed symbols, like crystal balls or wizard hats.

Outdoorsy/camping ponies, with symbols like a campfire, s'mores, pinecones, etc. would also be really cute. I thought an acorn pony would be cute, but then I learned that acorns are toxic to horses....maybe she could be a villainous character who's like, a poisons expert?

Pony Corral / Reused symbols between generations?
« on: June 02, 2022, 07:51:06 PM »
I just noticed something that connects G2 and G3 recently.

The symbols of G2 Baby Fleur

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And G3 Darling Dahlia 

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are the exact same image, just colored differently!

You can definitely notice that the stenciled look of Dahlia's symbol is somewhat out of place when compared to the more detailed G3 symbols.

Darling Dahlia was released in 2005, long after G2 ended and G3 took its place. But perhaps because DD was a Sam's Club exclusive, Hasbro didn't feel like creating a new symbol for a pony with such a limited release, so they pulled out an obscure one from the G2 vault? All the other store exclusive G3's have original symbols though.

Are there any other cross-generational pony symbols used on two unrelated characters out there?

Pony Corral / Ponies you didn't like until you saw them in person?
« on: August 11, 2021, 07:03:32 PM »
Are there any ponies you saw pictures of online and didn't catch your fancy for whatever reason, but now that you've added them to your collection, you absolutely love?

I remember not really being a fan of Speedy when I first saw her. I didn't like her color scheme, or her symbol, and generally forgot she existed. However, I recently added her to my herd after spotting her at a vintage toy store and I have to say I absolutely love her! She's so vibrant and her hair color combo is so unique and pretty! I'm very happy I was able to get a second look at her.

Same goes for BnG Bouquet. I didn't buy her, because she was $30 and covered in cancer spots, but I was instantly struck by her gorgeous, long bright hair against her slightly off-white body. Before then, I was never particularly struck by any of the first set of Brush n Grows, but I definitely really want a Bouquet if I find one in better condition!

Pony Corral / First So-Soft Obtained-need cleaning advice!
« on: August 04, 2021, 09:46:53 PM »
I recently went to a vintage toy store and picked up a bunch of G1 and G3 ponies. I was able to clean and style most of them, and they turned out great! However, I am having trouble with one of them, Cupcake, who is the first so soft pony in my collection.
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 She's in very nice condition for a white so soft, her flocking is still full and soft and only worn on the tip of one ear. She's a little dirty around the hooves, and she has a stain around on the back of her neck that looks easily removable.
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I'd like to fix her up and get her looking nice and clean, but I'm struggling  with how to best clean her in a way that won't damage her because she's in such good condition and don't want to accidentally ruin her on my first try cleaning a so soft. The trouble is, many people on the internet seem to have differing methods on how to best clean so softs. I've heard some people say to use conditioner to clean them, and others use dish soap. I've heard some people say to scrub them with a toothbrush, but others say to use your hands because the toothbrush would damage their flocking. I've heard that cold water is the best to clean them with because it won't loosen the glue, but I also heard that some people use warm water as well. Overall, I'm seeing a lot of contradicting opinions on how to clean so soft ponies, and want to make sure my first attempt goes smoothly. Any advice would be much appreciated!

Pony Corral / Did you ever rename your ponies?
« on: July 12, 2021, 08:59:17 PM »
Do you have any ponies that you've given new names, either as a child, or part of your current collection?

I gave some, though not all of my G3's new names as a kid.

My namesake, Mrs. Prospector, was my name for Lolligiggle as a kid. She was named after Mr. Prospector, a prominent sire of racehorses whose name I overheard while watching the Kentucky Derby as a child, just because I thought the name was funny and reminded me of Stinky Pete from Toy Story.

Triple Treat was Candy Larry. I named a bunch of my toys Larry as a kid. I don't know why.

Rainbow Dash was Charlie Horse. At the time, I had no idea that a "Charley Horse" was a name for a muscle spasm. I just really liked the name Charlie.

Star Catcher was creatively, Pegasus. When I got Twirlerina, she got upgraded to Queen Pegasus and Twirlerina was King Pegasus.

Flower Flash wasn't labeled on the packaging with Petal Blossom, so I named her Baby Blossom. When I got a duplicate with the Skywishes music box, that one became her twin, Baby Petal.

Most of my babies I renamed, albeit very uncreatively. Butter Drop was Baby Cookie and Sandy Island was Baby Bucket.

Brights Brightly was Sunrise, Royalette was Sparkles, Royal Bouquet was Rose, and Pretty Pop was Gumball.

Crystal Lake was Twinkle Twirl, because I confused her for Twinkle Twirl for all those years.

What new names have you bestowed upon your ponies, past or present?

Pony Corral / Favorite original 8 G3 pony?
« on: June 18, 2021, 07:21:27 PM »
Who's your favorite of the eight original G3 ponies (Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Minty, Wysteria, Sunny Daze, Sparkleworks, Kimono, Sweetberry)?

Wysteria's my personal favorite. Her color scheme is very soft and gentle, and fits her sweet and shy personality and green thumb well. Her cutie mark is also very beautiful and I love her green eyes!

A close second is Kimono. I love her pose and dark purples, they make her look very poised and elegant. Her Japanese theme is very cute and unique, and I love her personality in A Charming Birthday--I wish we got to see more of her in the other movies.

I seem to gravitate toward the purple ponies in these sets! ;)

Pony Corral / Favorite Year for G1?
« on: June 12, 2021, 10:34:21 PM »
Which year of G1 ponies do you think was the best?

In my opinion, I think Year 5 (86-87) was G1's strongest. Lots of iconic lines were introduced, like the Big Brothers, Princesses, Twice As Fancy's, and Newborn Twins, and they also continued the sets from the previous year, like So Softs, Twinkle Eyes, and Flutters, with great new ponies like Mimic, Quackers, and Twilight.

Pony Corral / Favorite Non-US G1 Pony?
« on: June 07, 2021, 09:23:02 PM »

Who's your favorite G1 pony not sold in the US?

Mine is probably Daffodil/Narzisslein. Daffodils are some of my favorite flowers, and her color scheme is simple, but very lovely and gentle. Her pose and symbol really suit it.

I also love Ice Crystal, but he's certainly not as overlooked!

Pony Corral / Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 18, 2021, 08:50:34 AM »
Sometimes, when I'm bored, I like to read the G1's backcard stories. I was looking at Twist's, and I found mention of a pony named Skates, who doesn't exist.

"Can you teach me to ice skate?" Twist eagerly asked Skates. They donned their warmest mittens and headed for the pond. Skates helped Twist lace up her ice skates properly, then showed her the correct way to jump, spin and do a figure eight. "Now you try it," Skates urged. Twist slowly glided to the middle of the pond and carefully jumped once, twice, then spun around. "Perfect!" Skates clapped. Twist took her position to perform a figure eight. She took one step forward, then another and another so that by the time she was finished, the skate marks left on the ice looked like a PRETZEL! The two friends laughed and laughed at the funny design until Skates said, "Tomorrow we'll show the other ponies how to put a little "twist" in their skating."

I'm thinking this was an early name for Speedy, or perhaps an unreleased ice-skating themed pony? I thought this was a little weird and wondered if anyone else noticed this!

Pony Corral / Favorite Pony Color?
« on: February 08, 2021, 02:17:32 PM »
I personally like white ponies, because any hair colors can look great on them. The white unicorns with jewel-toned hair (Glory/Moondancer/Gusty) make up some of my favorite ponies.

What's your favorite color for ponies to come in?

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